
Dark Water Quotes

Dark Water by Robert Bryndza

Dark Water Quotes
"It was a cold night in late autumn when they dumped the body in the disused quarry."
"What they didn’t know is that they were being watched."
"The darkness was thick and clammy, and the only light came over the tops of the trees."
"He wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful life."
"The soft splashes of the oars carried across the water."
"He held his breath, as he heard a low rhythmic murmur come from the two figures, almost like a prayer being recited."
"She would lie still and undisturbed for many years, almost at peace."
"The water depth is twenty-three point seven meters."
"With four million on the line, yes, I think he was going to come back for it."
"I take it, the container was dropped in deliberately?"
"The worst is when you find a bag of puppies."
"It’s a hard plastic shell casing, around four feet square."
"A skeleton was found on a beach in the Isle of Wight."
"He’s out of action, we get to his associates, cut off supply to the dealers."
"The Jessica Collins case shares much with the Madeline McGann case in its notoriety and complexity."
"How did she go mad?" "Well, she’d been signed off sick before she even took the case."
"If Jessica vanished, the person who did it would have to have vanished into thin air too."
"Don’t say kiddy fiddler. It makes a joke of something horrific. Sex offender, paedophile. Okay?"
"I always think that if something is so bloody obvious then it has to be true..."
"I can’t begin to imagine what this has been like for your family."
"I’m not here to trash the reputation of one of our colleagues, but she decided to take justice into her own hands."
"It’s good to have you both here thank you. Although, I don’t think we’ll be laughing much more today. This case is going to be tough."
"I’ve found Jesus Christ. I have asked him and he has forgiven me. Do you believe in forgiveness, DI Peterson?"
"You have to get it out with all the head intact."
"Dead girl at the bottom of the quarry… Bad business… Very bad."
"My brother was a lost soul. One of those people who slipped through the cracks of society."
"How dare you! My brother was many things, but a child killer? No. Never."
"Why do we all have to act in society like we’re at a bloody confessional?"
"I always eat dessert. That's the only thing I'm sure of right now."
"There's something quite Jason Statham-ish about him…"
"I’ve only made the link to Robert Jennings now we know Jessica was dumped in the quarry."
"We need to find those tapes, and see if Bob Jennings is in any of them."
"It’s been effectively off the grid for years."
"This is once again a bullying tactic by the Metropolitan Police."
"You took my daughter and you killed her with your disgusting friends, and now you’re laughing at us!"
"He didn’t kill Jessica Collins. I promise you."
"It’s not enough to believe. You need to back it up with hard evidence."
"Children go missing all the time, every day in every country."
"You don’t get to boss me around… not yours… mine…"
"She was mine! She was mine and you took her!"
"I wanted to ask who tipped you off about Trevor Marskman being in town?"
"Did she say who the person was on the end of telephone?"
"Do you think they’ll commit her to a mental hospital? Or should I commit her?"
"We need to draw a line under all this pain and suffering, and we need to put Jessica to rest."