
Ten Trends To Seduce Your Bestfriend Quotes

Ten Trends To Seduce Your Bestfriend by Penny Reid

Ten Trends To Seduce Your Bestfriend Quotes
"If old school isn’t for you, the newer ones are Bluetooth compatible and much smaller."
"The mysteries of the universe are vast and plentiful."
"Knowledge is power, my friends. Be powerful."
"What do you do with a dead chemist? You barium!"
"But I hoped most of my audience was comprised of young women who felt curious about engineering, chemistry and physics and biology, mathematics, technology, and their everyday applications."
"I wasn’t sure he knew any of our names other than Amelia’s and Jeff’s."
"You undervalue yourself when you work without payment."
"Don’t you think that’s part of the barrier women consider as an entry into STEM fields?"
"You can be a person and a woman and a scientist, you can show all sides."
"You apologize when you have nothing to be sorry for."
"I like you, but I don’t particularly want to."
"You shouldn’t feel like you need to thank people for saying something truthful."
"I’m allowed to say thank you if I want to say thank you without you policing my expression."
"It’s impossible not to think you’re amazing."
"I respect you, a lot. I admire you. You’re amazing."
"I do not believe you are a weak-minded child, and it has never been my intention to make you feel that way."
"Don’t you think that would get boring? Being with someone who likes everything you like?"
"People aren’t drugs, they’re so much more addictive and dangerous."
"You can’t control how you feel about someone. If you’re attracted to him, then so be it. But you can control your actions, what you do with those feelings, whether or not you act upon them."
"Give yourself permission to feel what you feel without beating yourself up about it."
"Science always made sense, that was the beauty of it."
"Intense attraction can be blinding. Nice guys don’t say things like, ‘I like you, but I don’t particularly want to.’"
"Liking you is a big deal because you are a big deal."
"Our world can no longer afford people to be ‘bad at science’ or ‘bad at math.’"
"Boundaries are healthy. Boundaries are supposed to help me feel less confused, feel less unsettled, feel less sad. So why the heck did they hurt so much?"
"Because I want something more than just friendship with you."
"It’s just as easy for me to donate money so the kids can have their science fair."
"I wish I’d never given you a reason to dislike me."
"I never tried unless I’d previously arranged things such that success was all but guaranteed. But currently, I did try. For her."
"I’ll take classes, read books, see that coach. I think about it all the time."
"I’ve loved you for years. You are the stars in the sky, the start and the finish."
"You are every beat of my heart and every moment of peace and every hour of pandemonium."
"I don’t know how to try. I don’t even know where to start."
"I would marry you today if you loved me and that’s what you wanted."
"It’s extremely rare for couples to remain friends after a breakup."
"I don’t want our friendship ruined due to my inexperience."
"Better we continue as we have, keep the other part of our lives separate, and always remain friends."
"You measure success of a life in the difference made, not in the amount of money or fame earned."
"If you want me to do something, if you want something from me, please continue that thought. But no more careful check-ins, no more asking me if I’m okay."
"I should sleep on the couch. It’s way too small for you."
"I’m not a child either. I can be trusted to make my own decisions without you worrying about pushing me."
"If we’re in the same bed, I will touch you. So I’m asking, do you want this?"
"But no matter how much they paid you, it would never be enough."
"The mere idea of leaving her now made my lungs cramp in revolt and my bones brittle with exhaustion."
"My throat loosened, breathing came easier, spoken words and internal thoughts were friends again."
"Everyone makes mistakes in high school, but I do now."
"My brain may have been ready to discuss serious issues, but my body was still confused."
"Not all people engage in the feeding frenzy of gossip and pain."
"This seems fast. How can you say that? It doesn’t feel fast to me."