
A Second Chance Quotes

A Second Chance by Jodi Taylor

A Second Chance Quotes
"I fail to see the logic of this argument, sir. We both know if I’d been here at the time of the occurrence then I’d be blue, too."
"I requested the pleasure of Dr Peterson’s company."
"‘You can’t blame me for this.’ ‘You underestimate me.’"
"I turn my back for one day. Just one bloody day. And when I get back my department – my entire bloody department – is blue!"
"‘So from whom did this idea originate?’ There was a bit of a silence."
"Ignoring such previous disasters as the Icarus Experiment, Professor Rapson had set up the Monolith Experiment."
"The unwashable-offness of the blue dye had become apparent."
"‘You’re blue!’ ‘Well, so is everyone else. Why are you picking on me?’"
"‘If I’d known that I would meet you…’ ‘Eddie, if I was forty years younger, it wouldn’t matter if you were spoken for or not…’"
"One day, however, I woke up and every box had been ticked. Every eventuality prepared for."
"Whether the Trojan War did or did not happen – or Achilles – or Odysseus – or the Trojan Horse – no one can deny the impact the legend has had on western civilization."
"And then I remembered that this was the beginning of my last mission. That I wouldn’t be doing this for much longer."
"Fear me, for I am Troy. I am mighty and powerful, and you are as dirt beneath my feet."
"In my experience, the only time women get to go first is when walking through a minefield."
"There’s no sex on assignments. That would be stupid and embarrassing."
"We always finish an assignment together. I insist on it."
"I took a deep breath and looked around. Dr Bairstow stood on the gantry, as he always did, looking down at me."
"Everyone has their fantasies. Some of them quite wide-ranging and varied."
"Our arguments over where the trapdoor had been. He always maintained it couldn’t have been in the belly as so often depicted."
"People like their stories – their legends. They don’t give them up easily."
"The gods are big on the worshipping and the ceremonies and the imposing buildings, but when you really need them – they’re never there."
"Sometimes minor details are wrong, but if we jump to Hastings 1066, we know the Normans will win."
"It’s all in the lap of the gods, Max. As it should be."
"They painted their bodies and although the sea had washed off most of them, I could see the remains of dots, squiggles, lines – complex patterns all carefully drawn in a thick, white pigment."
"They were black but a black made up of many colours. I could see olive-green and purple shadows under their eyes and a glistening gold where the sun caught their cheekbones."
"I could imagine the reaction to my paper. I’d rocked enough boats in my time. Leave the world its stories."
"A young race, with its entire future ahead of it. I envied them."
"I usually just lie back and think of the Spartans."
"The easiest way to plan for the coming year's assignments is to push the tables together in a U-shape."
"They’d left us a gift. They hadn’t just walked away after all."
"I took his hands and gently placed them on his chest."
"I'm the person to whom you are about to tell everything."
"I’m never around long enough to be found. I’m usually running for my life in any century you care to name. He’d have to catch me first."
"I will always come for you. No matter how bad things seem, I always come for you. Remember that."
"I think on some level I’d known, right from the moment I opened the pod door and seen him standing there."
"This same, uncaring universe could just bloody lump it."
"Do you ever wonder if there was a Mr Partridge?"
"We stayed together for a very long time. Neither of us spoke. There was too much to say and no chance of it being said."
"For me, he was dead and gone, but I could still save his life."
"I’m an historian. The chances of living long enough to have an old age, mellow or otherwise, are remote."
"We’re strangers with familiar faces. We don’t know each other at all."