
The Juror Quotes

The Juror by George Dawes Green

The Juror Quotes
"My son told me that popping was, when you pop somebody, that’s the same as killing them."
"Please don’t make me repeat everything."
"I mean I should handle this better. I’m a businesswoman, I have my own travel agency. I’m a responsible—I mean I should—"
"But if he’s seeing somebody else what difference would it make? You know? If I’ve lost him? Then what difference would it make if I’m sane or not?"
"Because you’ve made up your mind that what’s really killing you is the not knowing."
"The truth is, there’s nothing a detective’s ever going to find out for anybody that anybody really wants to know."
"What did I say was on the tape? I don’t know. I think they said Louie Boffano told a guy he should dig, a tunnel, and, and kill him."
"I can’t. I can’t talk to you. I have to get rid of him before he says something that will let Zach Lyde know who he is, where he’s living."
"I mean how does it do her any good to be parking across the street from where her kid is sleeping?"
"In the meantime, at least you know she’s not sleeping around."
"What were you going to do with this, Sure-Knack? You hold up your clients, is that how you operate?"
"But that’s what they call you, isn’t it? A private dick?"
"Oh bite my crank. Look at this. Sari Knowles."
"I could if I wanted. Come on, let's ride."
"Don’t ever ever ever try to come back to me, Eben, I’ll spit in your face."
"I’d love to but I’ve been so darn busy. Busy as a beaver, you know what I’m saying?"
"You don’t want to fight him. He’ll kill you."
"I won’t unless I need to. What’s wrong?"
"Jesus, she only wishes Annie were here to enjoy this with her."
"Why not, why the hell not? It’s like kissing a man really."
"The place is coming apart at the seams."
"The poem explodes into a shrieking orgasm."
"Then Juliet looks up and the next poet is the devastating man in the black cop’s jacket."
"The rough wind of his voice is so compelling it quiets even these drunks and dregs and scene-clingers."
"The judges hold their scores aloft, and they’re all perfect tens."
"He flashes his crooked grin. Already she’s hooked on his green eyes."
"She writes her name and number on a napkin."
"She wasn’t sure she wanted to make love to him. But that night she did."
"She kept building those huge shaggy animals, and she was so lonely and sad that winter she thought she was going to die."
"Eat shit, Eben Rackland. Die from doing it, Eben Rackland."
"She says firmly, 'Eben, we need to go.'"
"He’s learned to play the sort of flute they call a chirimía."
"I’m stamping in frustration at my own stupidity."
"They think he’s a doctor and they come to him night and day."
"Annie, you can start scrubbing us out of your head now?"
"She had a pretty good time. So she slept with him twice more."
"But there was something lacking in him; what did he lack?"
"He pulls her lips to him. Kisses her gently, then draws away."
"He says softly, 'Whenever I can, as soon as I can, you know that.'"
"The notion of suffering disturbed him powerfully."
"I’m sure she’ll be along. She’ll be expensive, too, I bet."
"He’s got all night. Don’t hurry on my account. Go ahead and fuck her again."
"It’s all over now, Annie Laird. You did it."
"You’re willing to try different ways of looking at things."
"You have to know how powerful he is! Can’t you see that?"
"He had a brilliant wit, though, and he had eyes and a jawline that Annie could not cure herself of."
"Lao Tsu would tell you to give up your sainthood, Slavko."
No, I’m not," says the Teacher. "Not yet. But soon.
"I never should have let him out of those cuffs."
"He opens one eye. Slavko focuses on the carpet and plows past him."
"You said it, buddy. You said a mouthful. What walls?"
"He’s not planning an intrusion. No scenes, no fireworks."
"She wasn’t sure that’s what she wanted."
"They’ve got that deal with the Ndrangheta."
"No, they won’t. If you help us they won’t."
"I’m certain you’re in danger without us. If you play by their rules you’ll lose—I’m certain of that. Let us protect you."
"Look, I’m not saying no, but I’ll need to think about it."
"This cave here on the Manhattan side where the crazy Caveman once lived."
"I have a friend Annie, I love her. I love her child—God do I love him."
"He tells her about the orchids of Easter Island."
"Get him outta here. Let’s get this over with."
"Struggle as hard as you like and I won’t love you any less for it…"
"But how could I ask you to trust me when mistrust, and betrayal, and faithlessness are rooted in who you are?"
"Ssshhh. Relax. Cut the universe a little slack, OK Annie?"
"Change your character? I could have as easily asked you to change the pattern of the stars."
"I know that I can’t change what’s going to happen. I can only witness."
"He thinks what a long strange ride it will be, just the two of them, sitting together like this."
"Fear and sorrow and rapture at the same moment."
"Murderer! He’s got a gun! He’s a murderer!"
"Gun! The man in the blue suit! Doesn’t anyone speak English? Please, stop him!"
"The Teacher smiles. He doesn’t look back. He takes a breath."
"I could never get down there, and if I could? You could never hit him."
"He wishes she were here with him. He hopes she found some transportation."
"He buys himself a nice wool coat with the pattern of a bat on its back."
"Oliver turns and goes inside. The Teacher is sweating but he can’t take off his woolen coat without exposing the HK."
"You’ll need to overcome that hesitation of yours, Oliver. The dreaminess is fine but you’ll also need to learn how to act. Before it’s too late, before opportunity slips away."
"He tries to lift it to level. But then this church fills up with gunfire."
"I want to listen to the howling dogs of T’ui Cuch. I want to run my fingers along my child’s eyelashes."
"More of that silent weighted sunlight, blood-red on my eyelids."