
Crescendo Quotes

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick

Crescendo Quotes
"I’m going to grab a cheeseburger," I told Patch. "Want anything?"
"Doesn’t your dad mind that you’re hanging out at Delphic Beach?"
"Last time I paid, she chased me down and shoved the money in my pocket. I’m trying to avoid another groping."
"If you want to talk, tell me what you were doing at Marcie’s last night."
"Maybe I wouldn’t be jealous if you didn’t give me a reason to be,"
"No," he said, his voice dangerously low. "I trust you."
"Just get through today, I told myself, swallowing the pebble in my throat."
"Nothing was going to get resolved if I hid out in bed all day."
"The good news: I convinced Lynn not to send Scott over this morning to pick you up."
"Let’s just get this day over with, okay?"
"I wasn’t going to end things like this. It was absurd."
"You should have been here last night. Dinner was bizarre."
"Sounds like he’s trying to keep his life private."
"It’s hard to blame Scott or any Nephilim, for that matter."
"Let’s get out of here. I feel like a creep standing in the girls’ room."
"I wasn’t going to just swallow my decision to break up."
"I’m not leaving until I know the truth."
"Screw you, I thought across the room, even though I knew Patch couldn’t hear me."
"I thought maybe we could look in her bedroom. See if we find anything that proves they're together."
"Tell Vee I walked home. I need to be alone."
"I want you. I can't keep doing what I'm doing now, living halfway."
"How was I going to explain snooping in Marcie’s bedroom?"
"Sometimes bad things have to happen before good things can."
"How come they were allowed to have a relationship? Where were the archangels when it came to keeping tabs on Patch and Marcie?"
"I racked up a lot of gambling debt in Portland."
"When I’m wasted, I can almost forget who I am."
"What do I care? Now you know the truth. How does it feel knowing your mom is screwing other people’s husbands?"
"You’re asking me like you think I might know."
"I got you home from the Z, got you off Marcie’s roof, and now I let you use my Jeep. I don’t give out favors for free."
"You don’t have a key to the Jeep. How’d you get in?"
"Heck yeah, babe. Car salesmen don’t know where to draw the line."
"Right now, Vee was the only person I could count on. She could be obnoxious, annoying, and lazy, but she never lied to me."
"It wasn’t a cold night, but the air was humid, and the moisture seemed to slip beneath my skin, chilling me to the bone."
"I couldn’t eat, thinking about the big lie my family had turned out to be."
"I felt lost in the house, restless to leave, but with nowhere to run."
"Lying in bed with the covers pulled up to my chin, I shut my eyes and watched a reel of pictures slide across my mind."
"All color drained from the reel, until there was nothing but fuzzy black and white. It was then that I knew I’d slipped into the other realm."
"I squeezed the bridge of my nose, feeling like my head might crack from chasing the same questions over and over."
"If anything bad happens, just take a bite. Ten seconds later, you’ll feel all warm and happy inside."
"I stared at the sock, feeling my heart drop with disappointment. Then I frowned."
"The only thought running through my mind was of getting out."
"I was pressed against the back wall of the bathroom, and that was when I saw the paring knife on the counter."
"I knew I couldn’t go forever without sleep, but I was determined to put it off as long as possible."
"And then, very slowly, he turned to face my dad."
"I didn’t want to go. I wanted to keep my feet under me, get to the tunnels, and get out of Delphic."
"You’re a psychopath." "I prefer creative."
"To lull you into a false sense of security? Yes."
"Except the part about sacrificing you. I was dead serious about that."
"I don’t believe you’re going to use the ring to recruit new members," I said quietly. "You aren’t going to force other people into the society."
"It’s in the past," I whispered, trying not to let this information cause me to blame Scott.
"You’re going to have to go through me before you get to her," Scott said, laying his left arm across me and shifting his weight to shield my body.
"Don’t cry, love. He’s not dead. Make no mistake—he’ll be in tremendous pain when he comes around, but that’s the price you pay for a body."
"You killed my dad," I repeated, meeting Rixon’s eyes, feeling anger so sharp and slicing, it seemed to eat its way out of me.
"I’m so sorry," I whispered. "Everything’s going to be okay." But it felt like the worst lie yet.
"You’re safe with me," Patch murmured, caressing my arms.