
Prudence Quotes

Prudence by Gail Carriger

Prudence Quotes
"Dread had such an agreeable effect on society’s upper crust."
"You are too easily amused, Rue. Do try for a tone of disinterested refinement."
"If I must be a baked good, at least make me a hot cross bun."
"I'm not entirely convinced he wants the box."
"Sometimes it was awfully challenging to be the daughter of an Alpha werewolf."
"All the most eligible men in London seem to be related to you in some way or other."
"I am always right. Sometimes, it simply takes him a little time, flat on his back, to realize this."
"I should encourage you to tread the boards, Puggle dearest. As it stands, we'll have to make shift in less public venues."
"Given that Rue had the same mass in wolf form as she did in human, Primrose riding her was an awkward undertaking."
"I should have guessed. I should have known from the kettles."
"It’s a good thing you started out bossy before you were given command."
"If two young ladies of high society showed up on one’s tower claiming a pleasure tour, it was more believable if their dirigible looked like an enormous, friendly beetle."
"I’m certain this nice gentlemen will help us, won’t you, kind Mr Stukely? My sister, you understand, is delicate. Très, très easily overcome by nerves. Poor dear sister."
"I think we could do it in two and a half if we kicked in the propeller more frequently."
"My books are quite fine where they are, thank you very much."
"It’s fine, only somewhat lacking in gravitas."
"I don’t think I could stand it, not a small bare room. No trim at all."
"Goodness, that sounds like a disease of the unmentionables."
"It’s a large scientific mystery that the aetherosphere was invisible, except when one was inside it."
"I think this will temper her. Travel is very broadening for the mind, don’t you find?"
"A pack is no small thing, my love. Even balanced against a daughter."
"It is not, certainly not, that I am unaware of the compliment."
"What an exhilarating place the Maltese Tower is."
"Mon petit chou, you are a strange creature. Lovely, of course, but strange."
"Rue, she has upset many perfectly decent pots of tea. I call that a serious offence, if nothing else."
"Come back here, you mangy beast! That’s my mother’s parasol."
"I beg your pardon!" Rue was genuinely shocked at a reprimand from an underling.
"Next time, think about your actions before you take them, all right? You don’t have werewolf or vampire skin to fall back on."
"You’re captain of a ship now, Rue. You can’t go tearing off willy-nilly like you did when I was in short pants."
"Footnote appeared, stretched at them in his version of a bow and sniffed their shoes."
"What does that make me in the after-dinner beauty metaphor?"
"Ah, I see you are much as family lore described."
"The amber sun sinks slowly into the tourmaline sea, a blooming peony of beauty surmounting the waving undulations of the silken sapphire depths."
"Of course, I have never been more so," came Quesnel’s reply.
"You shouldn’t scare him like that, miss," remonstrated the mechanic.
"How do you do? I am only the redundancy agent. Newly minted, I am not privy…"
"But I am remiss. Please allow me to introduce my travelling companions."
"We are all of us, not exactly meant to exist."
"Let us be candid, auntie. Are you here to order us back to London?"
"Everyone seems so eager to keep you out of London."
"It’s Prudence Akeldama. And this is just a pleasure jaunt."
"Double-talk, nothing but double-talk. It’s like being back in finishing school."
"I only wanted to say, Miss Rue, that the pack and I are at your disposal."
"Prim, did anyone try to negotiate anything with you? As if you were me? Anything to do with tea perhaps?"
"Why ever not? Different kind of vampires, ergo different kind of werewolves."
"If my translation is correct, of which I am certain, of course, for I am never wrong in the matter of foreign tongues, then the best wording would be, well... weremonkeys."
"Goodness, it hardly seems worth the effort. There is not so much difference, is there?"
"Now if you will excuse me, I must find someone to take a message to Uncle Lyall."
"And now we are at an impasse. For I am no longer speaking for them and you have yet to ask me the right question."
"I am assuming, as our first meeting took place in the Maltese Tower, that you are not afflicted, like werewolves, with an inability to float?"
"Our caller has obviously gone to great lengths to keep her condition out of the public arena. You should respect her wishes!"
"I’m trying to act debonair. I’m surprised to have fooled you."
"Werewolf like you was earlier, Lady Captain?"
"I suppose monkeys are stronger, faster, and can climb with greater dexterity."
"I’d be delighted to offer you use of my quarters and a dressing robe. It is Miss Sekhmet, is it not?"
"Child, you don’t have to explain to me a love of independence."
"Are monkeys too small? We must ask ourselves this."
"No, but you are, as your father put it, a national treasure."
"There are manuscripts to dust and catalogue."
"Scientific truth or not, some definitions are a matter of cultural tradition. It all comes down to categorisation in the end."
"Progressive is not only what England is. It is what we do unto others."
"Officially, I can kill any of them with impunity, but I do not know what is right. That, in and of itself, is mark against the empire’s foreign policy."
"My first priority must be to save Percy. He is my responsibility."
"And do I even have the authority to make bargains?"
"I exist because of Her Majesty’s progressive politics."
"It’s too late now. Industry is in place—sky trains and rails criss-cross this land. There is only the engine of empire, advancing. We are civilisation and order."
"What in the aether do they think they are doing?"
"We are sorry to have stumbled unwittingly into their war."
"Best to get out at this point. Everyone’s finished conversing."
"I rather overstayed my visit, Jammykins. It was no one’s fault."
"This is important, professor. Please don’t say it either way if you can’t remember exactly."
"The Vanaras are good-natured civilised creatures, much like werewolves."