
Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder Quotes

Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke

Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder Quotes
"We were both battle-worn—Hannah from weekly confrontations with her mother, and Moishe from his hard life on the streets."
"Nothing smelled better than freshly brewed coffee, and everyone in Lake Eden said that her coffee was the best."
"There's something really wrong with the system when a teacher could make more money flipping burgers at a fast-food chain."
"I can tell. You look positively blue around the gills. Did you find out anything?"
"But baking cookies is a lot more fun than giving a lecture on iambic pentameter or being stuck in a deadly dull faculty meeting."
"Herb was the sole employee of the Lake Eden Parking Authority and he was out watching the front entrance."
"I keep out a jar of instant coffee for Ron. He always liked something to warm him up after he came out of the cooler."
"It’s great. Everybody’s coming over to talk to me and they’re really friendly."
"I don’t have to leave, Hannah. My neighbor said he’d sit with Dad until I got home. Besides, I’m really having fun."
"It’s not like you to be wrong about people, but this time you really blew it."
"Every woman needs a totally fantastic pair of shoes once in a while, even if they just sit in her closet."
"I won’t get anywhere by alienating Danielle before I’ve asked her first question."
"You must have learned that from those detective shows you’re always watching."
"He treats her like a princess, dressing her up in expensive clothes and buying her everything she could possibly want."
"My place isn’t big enough. You’ve seen my apartment. I barely have room to turn around."
"As far as I’m concerned, it’s Herb Beeseman’s fault."
"Of course I want it, but I don’t know if I can afford it."
"That’s a wonderful idea. You’ll need a new purse and a pair of shoes, Hannah."
"I’m glad you asked me to come with you. I’ve never been inside a casino before."
"If Herb recommended them, they must be good. He always had a knack for ferreting out the best item on a menu."
"My parents sent me out to apologize and offer to pay for any damage that he did."
"We think it’s that new girlfriend of his. She’s involved in some kind of antigambling movement and she talked him into driving out here to pass out brochures."
"The only benefit that might come from playing the slots was a possible strengthening of the muscles in my right arm."
"You just won one thousand nine hundred and forty-two dollars!"
"Perhaps it was a very good thing that she lived alone."
"The ability to do an algebraic equation in her head wasn’t considered a personality defect."
"Ron had no known enemies, he didn’t owe any large amounts of money, and there were no deposits to his bank account that couldn’t be explained."
"Everything was mechanized. Didn’t they realize that nothing they could do would change the outcome?"
"I should have taken my cue from you and just curled up and gone to sleep."
"I guess I’m going to have to break a window."
"It’s the best in the state and he sees Dr. Frederick Holland, the head counselor and founder."
"There’s something else, Danielle. If you want to press charges, I’ll help you."
"I suppose it is." Hannah settled for a safe comment.
"He’d told Andrea and Bill that he’d taken the shuttle, but that didn’t necessarily mean it was true."
"It’s very difficult for a strong male like Boyd to be married to a woman who makes a lot more money than he does."
"I’m really glad you called, Mother," Hannah said. And this time she meant it."
"But there weren’t any reinforcements, Hannah reminded herself."
"It was nothing personal and I do feel a great deal of remorse about ending his life. It’s important that you believe that."
"Max was too stupid to realize that only the top five were authentic."
"I don’t know. That’s just the way my mind works."