
The Nature Of Jade Quotes

The Nature Of Jade by Deb Caletti

The Nature Of Jade Quotes
"Humans may watch animals, but animals also watch humans."
"When you live one and a half blocks away from a zoo like I do, you can hear the baboons screeching after it gets dark."
"Elephants have one-night stands and then kick the guy out."
"Everyone has their own story going on right then, with its cast of characters; they’ve got their own frustrations and their happiness and the things they’re looking forward to and dreading."
"We all have to get up every morning and go outside and pretend we aren’t going to die."
"My illness is like instinct gone awry, and there’s not too much sense you can make of that."
"I hate when every negative act is blamed on your period."
"My inside voice too often screams unreliable things at me, misinformation—that I am in danger, that someone I love is in danger, that now is the time to panic, to flee."
"Your sibling is the only other person in the world who understands how fucked up your parents made you."
"We concentrate on having little thoughts so we don’t have BIG THOUGHTS."
"If you don’t feel secure, safe, you’ll never feel free. If you’re not free, you can’t be secure."
"An elephant is a very cautious animal. She needs to take time to see if something is safe."
"People don’t see the humanity that lies in the animals, same as people don’t see the animal that is within humans."
"Every elephant you see in captivity who was not born there, each is a witness to violence, abused, abandoned."
"You’ve got to remember, for many elephants, their life is that of a human in a war-torn country."
"Elephants don’t just wail their pain—people think their eyes get watery with tears, too, just like us."
"Elephants are just like people, only more so."
"It isn’t just the strongest and biggest and best-looking baboon that’ll be the leader, but the cockiest and most self-assured, the one who assumes he’ll win any fight."
"They feel great about themselves. They can be stupid, irresponsible, a smart-ass, with failing grades or a sex-will-save-me pout, and will still walk around with the self-esteem a Nobel Prize winner should have but probably doesn’t."
"I give her this power, and it’s kind of like voting some idiot into office."
"I guess I halfway expected him to just not show, to disappear, taking this new joy with him."
"You are progressing more than I even realized."
"You’re like the only other one I’ve even noticed."
"I wish I had more to say. Mostly, I’m all about Bo right now."
"Fear causes the greatest changes, when you think about it."
"I lay open my heart to you in hope, as I am at your feet."
"The fact that you've been lying—that's the thing that really made me mad. It hurt. Hurts."
"I've been realizing as I get older that I know less and less, not more and more."
"You’re not in your little bathing suit in the blow-up pool anymore."
"You’re not making me plates of Play-Doh food. You have this life I don’t know about."
"The older I get, the more I just see how we've all got the same struggles, and then all I can feel is compassion."
"He tells me it's okay, that everyone has something to struggle with. Okay—that’s all that really matters."
"All you can do is make the best decision you can at the time after looking around from where you stand."
"You're not going to like what I have to say."
"Above all, she wonders if we feel more regret for the things we do or for the things we don't do."
"You know, even if you go to him sometime, there’s the chance you won’t stay together. Maybe a good chance. This is your first important relationship. The beginning of the story, not the final answer."
"If we take Williams literally, we may think he means that life itself is a process for discovering meaning."
"Stereotypes are fast and easy, but they are lies, and the truth takes its time."
"We are all tied together, even if we don’t want to be. Animals and people. People and people. The trick is to face our necessary connections and disconnections."
"Nature is never static, I understand. Change is ever-constant, clouds zipping across a sky. It is dynamic, complicated, tangled, mostly beautiful."
"Life and our love for others is a balancing act, I understand then; a dance between our instinct to be safe and hold fast, and our drive to flee, to run—from danger, toward new places to feed ourselves."