
Scandal In Spring Quotes

Scandal In Spring by Lisa Kleypas

Scandal In Spring Quotes
"Most lives are not distinguished by great achievements. They are measured by an infinite number of small ones."
"My love, what are you doing? - Checking your eyesight. I think your vision is failing."
"Books are expensive. So are nice houses with gardens. Has it occurred to you that someone has to pay for your peaceful life?"
"It's not feathers I'm worried about. - What then? - Getting beaten black and blue for my pains."
"You'll owe me for this. - Naturally. I would never expect you to do something for nothing."
"It would be so easy for him to roll her beneath him, his weight pressing her into the damp earth."
"I'm not going to let that blasted bird ruin my coat."
"The old can't afford scruples? - Some scruples have a way of becoming overpriced. You'll discover that someday."
"My opinion is more accurate. I’ve known him longer. - You knew him years ago. People change, Lillian."
"I don’t care if it makes me a hypocrite. I would rather not eat a goose I’m acquainted with."
"It's obvious. You've seen the way they look at each other. It's just…in the air."
"I’ve always thought all women should be treated with respect no matter what their station."
"In mathematics, unlike life, there was always a solution, a definite answer."
"Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be."
"I’m going to tell your father…at the first opportunity…I can’t marry you under any circumstances."
"You have nice teeth, but you know, your eyes are even nicer…"
"Bloody hell, how he wanted to bed her. Matthew was amazed Llandrindon or any other man there had been able to function rationally in her presence."
"If you’re not out to win, the game is pointless."
"The only harm I see," Westcliff said quietly, "is in discouraging people who want to better themselves, out of fear that we will lose our perceived superiority."
"Over the years I’ve collected a thousand memories of you, every glimpse, every word you’ve ever said to me. All those visits to your family’s home, those dinners and holidays—I could hardly wait to walk through the front door and see you."
"You dear little thing," he exclaimed. "You’re everything he said you were. Magic. Thunderstorms wrapped up with rainbows. Clever and lovely and desirable—"
"I’m not short. I’m…vertically disadvantaged."
"You tempt me just by being in the same room with me."
"I don’t know if I can be gentle," he said raggedly. "I’ve wanted you for too long."
"She wanted to know everything about him—she had never known such devouring curiosity about another person."
"She had never suspected how nice it would be to lie quietly in a man’s arms, breathing his scent, his strength surrounding her."
"Daisy tried to remember if there had ever been a time in her life when she had felt so safe and content. No, she decided. Nothing could compare to this."
"You make the sweetest sounds," he murmured. "When I touch you like this…and this…and the way you cry out when you come for me…"
"It’s what I’ve wanted most in my entire life. And the one thing I knew I could never have. I’m surprised. Shocked, even. But never sorry."
"I could walk blindfolded into a room filled with a hundred men and I would find you right away."
"That’s only one of many reasons you find me exasperating."
"I would have so loved to learn about the Vikings."
"You don’t have to be concerned on that account, you know. I reconciled myself to the way he was a long time ago."
"Whatever you need," he whispered, "Whatever you want, I’ll get it for you. Just tell me."
"That does not mean I will surrender this man to you."
"By God, my patience has seldom been tested to its limit as it is now!"
"You all know the man sitting before you as Matthew Swift. He has deceived and betrayed everyone he has ever chanced to meet."
"Pardon, sir, but I for one would prefer to receive the unembellished version."
"Hired, then. Who are you, brazen miss, that you dare to interrupt your elders?"
"She is my daughter, and she may speak as she wishes!"
"Justice may be blind, but it loves the sound of money."
"I won't be denied. You've seen the papers, Westcliff. Even you are not above the law."
"No, I'm here. Don't cry so hard, there's no—oh, Daisy, love—"