
Sweet Evil Quotes

Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins

Sweet Evil Quotes
"I didn't like him like that, and there was no question he didn't like me in that way either. I knew his feelings."
"The colors mesmerized me, the way they shifted and changed, sometimes slow, and sometimes in rapid succession."
"Running had become my new pastime five weeks ago, after I’d read how my body is the 'temple of my soul.' Healthy temple: check."
"Nobody knew what I could do, not even Jay or my adoptive mother, Patti."
"I examined the drummer, determined to find a flaw."
"Never before had I felt such instant physical attraction. The power of it was jarring."
"Seeing emotions as colors was an extension of my ability to sense others’ feelings, their auras."
"I wasn’t one of those people who blushed pink in the cheeks; I blushed crimson in the whole face, and my neck became splotchy."
"I’d noticed when guys had nice features, sure, but I was usually distracted by their emotions."
"I sighed, imagining how he would react if I told him that I had the nose of an überhound and eyes like binoculars."
"It’s uncanny. You’re actually concerned for her?"
"I always wanted to say that. I love Americans."
"You know the little voice in your head? The one humans like to call their ‘conscience’?"
"I’ve never been terribly attached to any place. I guess it would have to be... here."
"I’ve not talked like this with anyone, not since I started working, not even to the only four people in the world who I call friends."
"So this has been a relief of sorts. Kind of... nice."
"You have Patti, and even that boyfriend of yours. So this has been a relief of sorts. Kind of... nice."
"No girl has ever loved me. You have to know someone to love them. They’ve all been infatuations. They wanted to own me. That’s the nature of lust."
"I feel nothing for them. I ignore their pain. I don’t let it into my thoughts."
"Once I get a girl to be with me, it’s a onetime thing. It’s purely physical. I make no promises to call."
"You’re probably right about that. I hoped you would learn from that nun when the time was right."
"We angels are genderless. So our relationships in heaven weren’t clouded by the physical. It was a community of friends."
"Every time a choice is made, a new path forms."
"I know it sounds trite. I would never suggest saying this to someone who’s in the middle of a tragedy, but even the worst earthly pain and heartache doesn’t last into the heavenly realm. And it all serves a bigger purpose."
"I’ve always believed the Nephilim are the strongest souls on earth. If anyone could overthrow the demons, it’s their own children."
"The purpose of life is to find your way back to a spiritual way of thinking and living—to be able to get past the physical stuff. That’s pretty much the whole test."
"Nothing good comes from anger. Trust me. It’ll keep you from thinking clearly."
"Remember, hell is only a holding place. You’ll get your shot at judgment."
"I’ve heard the saying that you can’t miss what you never had. Only I did."
"When you’re hurting and afraid is when you need to dig the deepest."
"Because all I could think about was you, Anna, and how good you are, and what you’d think."
"The beauty of poetry is that it can mean different things to different people at different times."
"We can’t all be performers. If there were no behind-the-scenes, there would be no music industry."
"You can't give up. You have to continue putting effort into everything, especially school."
"You are young. Someday you may agree that there are dangers worth facing."
"I can't keep living like this, Kai. I need to know how you feel. I need to know one way or another so I can have some sort of closure."
"Don’t worry about that. Just one of us will do the trick."
"For goodness' sake, Anna! If I thought medication would work for you, I'd have taken you to the doctor already. You can't just lie in bed for the next however many years!"
"You need to deal with that self-hatred, and stop taking it out on innocent people."
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me."
"Sin is a beautiful thing, but even we must not allow our sins to control us."
"Your life is not your own. You were bred to serve us."
"It's too bad for you that honesty is not our strong point."
"She’s still a virgin because I’ve damn well told her to stay one."
"It was better this way, I told myself. Safer."
"If life was a game, like everyone said, then I wanted to win. Deal me in."