
The Pioneers: The Heroic Story Of The Settlers Who Brought The American Ideal West Quotes

The Pioneers: The Heroic Story Of The Settlers Who Brought The American Ideal West by David McCullough

The Pioneers: The Heroic Story Of The Settlers Who Brought The American Ideal West Quotes
"I consider therefore the settlement of the country watered by this great river as one of the greatest enterprises ever presented to man." - J. Hector St. John De Crèvecoeur, 1782
"May God grant me his blessing and assistance in so important an undertaking, and make me serviceable to the cause of religion, and the souls of my fellow men."
"Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas" - "Fortunate is he who understands the cause of things."
"Rather than relinquish our claim to the western territory, I will go home and urge my countrymen to take up arms again and fight till they secure their rights, or shed the last drop of blood." - John Adams
"Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."
"There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory."
"To suffer a wide-extended country to be overrun with land-jobbers, speculators, and monopolizers, or even scattered settlers, is, in my opinion, inconsistent with that wisdom and policy which our true interest dictates." - George Washington
"After I was nine years old, I went to school in all only three weeks." - Rufus Putnam
"This country, for fertility of soil and pleasantness of situation, not only exceeds my expectations, but exceeds any part of America, or Europe, I ever was in."
"No colony in America was ever settled under such favorable auspices."
"Every prospect as to the goodness of our lands and the facility of producing the means of living, equal my most sanguine hopes."
"I dare say not a market in the world can produce a greater plenty than we shall have this fall."
"If a parent to invite his children to gather plumbs under a hornet's nest, then beat the nest without giving them notice to get out of the way or covering them, has something so cruel in its nature that the mind revolts at the idea."
"A spirit of immigration to the western country is very predominant."
"Beware of surprise! You know how the Indians fight us."
"A considerable number of industrious farmers had purchased shares in the OhioOhioOhio company, and more or less arrive every week."
"Religion and learning, the useful and ornamental branches of science, will meet with encouragement."
"Not terrible, as has been represented, but more resembling an infinitude of horse bells suddenly opening to you than any other sound I could compare it to." - Winthrop Sargent
"The artillery and musketry made a tremendous noise, but did little execution." - Ebenezer Denny
"The Indians seemed to brave everything, and when fairly fixed around us they made no noise other than their fire, which they kept up very constant and which seldom failed to tell."
"Ohio, with its promise of the Garden of Eden, had suddenly become Hell on Earth."
"I wish I could describe that battle, but I have not the power... It seems like a wild horrid dream in which whites and savages... were all mixed together in mad confusion... melting away in smoke, fire, and blood amid groans, shouts, yells, shrieks."
"They were united in bonds of friendship like one great family, bound and held together in a common brotherhood by the perils which surrounded them."
"It’s all over. St. Clair’s defeated—routed; the officers nearly all killed... The blood of the slain is upon him, the curse of widows and orphans, the curse of Heaven!" - George Washington
"The sad and dreadful havoc of our army at the westward cast a gloom over us all." - Abigail Adams
"Your talents and acquirements seemed to have destined you for something more than vegetable life... it would seem there has been, without explanation, a sort of consent between our minds." - Aaron Burr to Harman Blennerhassett
"I hope, sir, you will not regard it indelicate in me to observe to you how highly I should be honored in being associated with you, in any contemplated enterprise you would permit me to participate in."
"I immediately made a contract with Colonel Barker to build the boats."
"Under the auspice of Colonel Burr, a separation of the Union was contemplated."
"He was twenty-three years old. In time to come he was to distinguish himself as one of the outstanding physicians in all the Northwest Territory."
"The pioneers of the frontier west of the Appalachians were being unfairly disregarded, overtaxed, and commercially exploited by the mercantile Atlantic states and the federal government."
"That he [Burr] has formed, and that he is now employed in executing, a scheme highly injurious to the interest, the tranquility, and the well-fare of the U.S. we have the strongest ground to believe."
"If ignorance could be banished from our land, a real millennium would commence."
"I knew them well. They were the bravest of the brave."
"It was mentioned among the people in the country, that he had every kind of sense but common sense."
"He who does not work, neither shall he eat." - John Smith
"Give me liberty, or give me death!" - Patrick Henry
"I have not yet begun to fight!" - John Paul Jones
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." - Nathan Hale
"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" - Unknown
"These are the times that try men's souls." - Thomas Paine
"Remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors." - Abigail Adams
"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." - Thomas Paine
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Thomas Jefferson