
Revival Quotes

Revival by Stephen King

Revival Quotes
"In one way, at least, our lives really are like movies. The main cast consists of your family and friends. The supporting cast is made up of neighbors, co-workers, teachers, and daily acquaintances."
"This is the joker who pops out of the deck at odd intervals over the years, often during a moment of crisis."
"If that is so, then there is no such thing as light, and our belief in it is a foolish illusion."
"I want to believe it’s the latter. I want that with all my heart and soul."
"He was blocking the afternoon sun, a silhouette surrounded by golden light—a human eclipse."
"People have many ways to be lousy to one another, as you’ll find out when you’re older, but I think that all bad behavior stems from plain old selfishness."
"False enthusiasm does not come easily to six-year-olds...although, sad to say, it’s a skill most of us learn fairly rapidly."
"We have an idea about how it works, but knowing how something works and knowing what it is are two very different things."
"He’s been working like a demon, I’d guess from the look of his hands. They were all red, and there were blisters on two of his fingers."
"When you ask Him for forgiveness, here’s what happens."
"Don't you get her pregnant in the backseat of that car."
"Religion is the theological equivalent of a quick-buck insurance scam, where you pay in your premium year after year, and then, when you need the benefits you paid for so—pardon the pun—so religiously, you discover the company that took your money does not, in fact, exist."
"Paths cross all the time in this world of ours, sometimes in the strangest places."
"It's as if rockers feel they have to save all their strength for work."
"It's not bars, or anything, Mom. Just the Grange."
"You have no idea how long I've come in my studies. Sometimes that means taking small risks. Acceptable ones only."
"He could have killed me, and sometimes—many times, actually—I wish he had."
"You don’t just wave a magic wand over that shit and make it gone."
"Death, where is thy sting? Every-fucking-where."
"My problems started when I stopped showing up."
"I have a long way to go, but I’ve still got a long way to go."
"I always awoke with the same panic-stricken thought: Something happened."
"There’s a lot you don’t know," I said, "because we never talk about him. But I knew Charlie Jacobs long before Tulsa."
"Music matters," he told me once. "Pop fiction goes away, TV shows go away, and I defy you to tell me what you saw at the movies two years ago. But music lasts, even pop music. Especially pop music."
"What every working ranch needs is a foreman."
"You can’t read notes is what you mean," he said. "You can read tablature just fine, and that’s all these kids want."
"If we’re going to see the Rev’s fine and holy shit-show, I want to hear what you know about him first."
"I thought this might happen, I knew he had it in him, but I never expected anything quite this grand."
"He was a good board guy, but forty years of smoking rope had made him forgetful."
"Don’t let him keep the log, whatever you do."
"I think the idea of putting people in jail for smoking the rope is ludicrous, but there’s no doubt in my mind that long-term daily use is a recipe for CRS, also known as Can’t Remember Shit."
"His mouth was a pale line. His blue eyes blazed, but they were caught in nets of wrinkles and looked smaller. Shielded, somehow."
"Then, a week or two from now, I’d come in and find the board on again in 1, 2, or both."
"Every pretty girl carries her own positive charge, but somewhere along the way, Cathy’s charge had turned negative."
"I was thinking I could be one of them, and Bree surely knew that, too."
"The obituary of Catherine Anne Morse was the last piece of evidence I needed, the one that made the decision final."
"Time changes everything, and maybe that’s okay."
"We’re not done, Jamie. I promise you that. Not even close to done."
"You may be retired, you may be sick, you may even be dead (although I pray not, for your sake as well as my own)."
"Man is born to illness and sorrow, as you know."
"I can’t cure her. Those eight diseases I mentioned were picked because none are amenable to cure by the secret electricity."
"Everyone wonders at one time or other what lies beyond the wall of death. Today, Jamie, we’ll see for ourselves."
"What would you call a door that’s closed against all of humankind?"
"What I’m trying to do is set your mind at rest. I’d rather have a willing assistant than a reluctant one."
"The ability of the human body to recover from trauma is extraordinary. With the proper application of this new electricity to the cortex and the nerve tree, that ability is effectively unlimited."
"I want to know what the universe has in store for all of us once this life is over, and I intend to find out."
"My theory is that Franklin had a beer or glass of wine too many, forgot he was in Ireland, and reverted to his old habit of driving on the right."
"We’ll have answers shortly. Mary Fay will give them to us."
"You should go away. I don’t want you to see me like this. I don’t want anyone to see me like this."
"Curiosity is a terrible thing, but it’s human. So human."
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons, even death may die."
"I’ve come to my senses. I just hoped it wasn’t too late."
"You should have stopped, Charlie. You should have stopped a long time ago."
"It’s the Null beyond that door. I walk on, and think of the couplet in Bree’s last email: That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons, even death may die."
"Sometimes I look up in spite of myself and see that the hospital wall, painted soothing pastel yellow, has been replaced with gray stones held together by ancient mortar and covered with ivy."
"Jamie, an old woman’s voice whispers from the keyhole of a door only I can see. Come. Come to me and live forever."
"No, I tell her, just as I told her in my vision. No."
"This horror was the afterlife, and it was waiting not just for the evil ones among us but for us all."