
The Fire Rose Quotes

The Fire Rose by Mercedes Lackey

The Fire Rose Quotes
"How long must I bear this? How long can I bear this?"
"I'm sorry, but if you have a claim, you will have to apply to Mr. Grumwelt of Grumwelt, Jenkins and—"
"I haven't had much appetite," she prevaricated.
"Then that is the second order of business; the first is to get you away from here."
"They're taking the pearls?" Cathcart was aghast. "Surely not—"
"Took, the pearls," she corrected, pushing her glasses up on her nose with a cold finger.
"I find myself in the position so many philosophers like Mr. Emerson profess to admire—unburdened by possessions."
"I will not have you staying here! The next thing you know, they'll probably cut off the gas."
"One born to slavery finds nothing amiss with chains ...."
"I only wanted to give you what you should have had, Rose," he had said plaintively...
"He has been bothering me, he would not leave me alone, and now he has stolen my book!"
"No man has blinded me!" he cried to them. "If no man has blinded you," they replied, "Then it must be the punishment of the gods."
"You must forgive your old friend and teacher his bluntness, but how did you come to such a pass?"
"This is Mister Cameron's private vehicle," the man said proudly.
"I am pleased to meet you, Miss Hawkins, but I fear I am not Jason Cameron."
"I have read the unexpurgated Ovid, the love-poems of Sappho, the Decameron in the original, and a great many texts in Greek and Latin histories that were not thought fit for proper gentlemen to read, much less proper ladies."
"You may ask, but I will not guarantee to answer, if it is that impertinent."
"Miss Hawkins—are you sentimentally attached to those garments you brought with you?"
"Exercise is valuable for sharpening the mind."
"I suggest that you might stretch your limbs in exploring the house a bit."
"It appears to be approximately nine o'clock."
"I cannot imagine that anyone in this area has anything to rival it."
"It was a treatise on alchemy, full of maunderings about 'Red Lions' and 'White Eagles.'"
"What harm was there in his seeking some redress for an intolerable situation?"
"She is too clever for him, and she does not like him."
"She had thrown all caution to the wind; she had taken a position no prudent woman would have accepted."
"It was only an earthquake, and there are earthquakes here all the time."
"If there were ever a place for a picnic more picturesque than this, I have never seen it."
"Perhaps now he thinks that I am even more foolish than I seem!"
"She is a challenge; it would be a challenge to educate her."
"I suspect she is going to want to look at the grounds tomorrow."
"She woke up from the happy-juice, next thing, she be prayin' and cryin'."
"It is up to them to make what they can of the situation, to make it mutually beneficial."
"I never claimed to be a gentleman, Miss Hawkins."
"You are still my employer, and these are deep waters. I may have the rudder, but you are both the navigator and the captain."
"I frankly can't imagine anyone daring to give you one."
"I am not so frail that I am in need of a bottle of smelling salts after all this."
"I am quite accustomed to reading medieval script, Mr. Cameron."
"I shall accelerate your Magickal education, and I shall not trouble to hide the activities of my servants from you."
"For a Firemaster, of course, the work of augmenting the doctor to ensure a cure was fairly simple."
"People are sheep, boy. But it's in our interest to protect the flock."
"What does the shepherd do? He protects the sheep, so he can take their wool, take their milk, and butcher lamb and ewe alike."
"She has just found out where her meals come from. She seems to find it very amusing."
"I wonder if it would be possible to convince Jason to send du Mond into the city more frequently."
"I would have been a severe disappointment to him if I'd been a dolt."
"As long as I behaved like a responsible adult, I had nothing to complain about."
"But as for Jason's education—there Ridgeway had an interest."
"We aren't the wolves. We're the shepherds, and the sheep can be of great benefit to us."
"No use complaining now, I suppose. I volunteered for this."
"Master Jason has collected some powerful enemies, as all who traffic in Magick eventually must."
"No wise Magician exposes his powers too much before the multitudes."
"If you have any such abilities slumbering within you, they may well awake at the touch of these medicines, and you may not like the result."
"I doubt that I will have any such difficulties, Master Pao."
"He needs these medicines—I know what he is doing to himself, in part, at least, and he is as a wolf who is so intent on the hunt that he will run until he collapses."
"I am not the kind of man to force myself upon you in any way."
"He caters to the rapacious and the pathetic—and he uses both to his own ends, bringing satisfaction to none but himself."
"The only reason one could wish to come here would be to enjoy the illusion of summer and the quiet."
"I had more entertainment out of re-enacting the beheading of Mary Queen of Scots with my dolls than of playing at 'house.'"
"My Master says that the Great Fire of London was because of angry Salamanders breaking free from an unkind Master."
"The true Magician, the one who is born to it, comes to his work with pleasure, and not as if it is work."
"The only other time I have ever felt that perfection was when I was riding Sunset."
"I suppose it is because I expect you to be uncomfortable."
"I have hope now, which is something I have done without since the accident."
"She was just a trifle distracted by this at first, but got used to it sooner than he would have expected."
"The presence of Rose Hawkins, who made no effort to conceal the fact that she did not like him, was probably salt in the wounds of his 'deprivation.'"
"How can I ever thank you? You've given me back something I thought I would never have again."
"Gifts aren't given with the intent that the giver expects a gift in return, Jason."
"How did it feel? It felt—I'm not certain. I think I must have felt the way an opera singer feels, when everything comes together in a perfect performance."
"The Dragons cannot be ruled, but they are capable of being soothed."
"More importantly, she was not the kind of woman a man like Jason Cameron would marry."
"Her interests could be in genteel charitable work, fine embroidery, or even gardening, but they could not be scholastic."
"I expect he's well acquainted with paying for broken hearts."
"This was not a fairy tale and even in the originals of the fairy tales, the ending was not guaranteed to be 'and they lived happily ever after.'"
"I shall be the Little Mermaid, and walk upon legs that stab me with a thousand pains, and in the end, fling myself into the ocean with a smile so that he can have his life again."
"I will be mysterious and enigmatic, respected, if not loved, perhaps a little eccentric, and I will continue to have Magick."
"The brave heroines of quite a few fairy tales sacrificed everything for the happiness of the one they loved."
"I can always send Smith and Cook to them if they have nothing more to offer than excuses."
"She is not some pretty fool to be swept off her feet as I impersonate a prince in a fairy tale."
"She does not need me or any man to give purpose to her life, for she already had it, earned by her own effort and no one else's."
"If only he could find an adolescent—or better yet, an adult!"
"I don't suppose you've heard anything more about the virgin child your suppliers were supposed to get you?"
"Eventually, it will free your spirit-eyes so that you can see beyond what fools call the real world into the many worlds beyond this one."
"It is impossible for one Firemaster to keep many secrets from another."
"You either help me, or I'll beat you to death with my own two hands, right here in the—"