
The Butcher Quotes

The Butcher by Jennifer Hillier

The Butcher Quotes
"All good things had to come to an end, and while this was something he understood well, it was also something he dreaded."
"One must always present himself well. First impressions mattered."
"Adobo was a traditional Filipino dish infused with vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic."
"You didn’t become chief of police for writing speeding tickets and catching petty thieves."
"I run a restaurant. A busy fucking restaurant."
"Despite her success, Sam’s publisher hadn’t been too keen on her third proposal."
"You’ve published two books already, so you clearly know what you’re doing. But you gotta have a life, too."
"Nobody would want to eat at a restaurant owned by the grandson of a man who tortured, raped, and murdered little girls."
"They weren’t angels, you know. None of them were what you would call ‘good girls.’"
"Life is life, Matthew. We all play God in whatever way we can."
"I would hate to see you lose everything on account of me."
"I’m going to make the best of it, and then, like all great men, go out with a bang."
"Monsters like that don’t die unless they’re killed."
"I’m not doing a goddamned thing, kid. This is your shit show, dummy. You’re doing it."
"You’re wasting time. The sooner we dispose of the body, the better."
"Hard-asses are hot. Just look at Gordon Ramsay."
"Stress is not healthy. I’ve never been one to stress."
"Good people do bad things every day, and bad people do good things every day."
"You have the blood pressure of a man half your age. Wish mine was as good."
"The way to keep your marriage intact, I recommend sending the mother-in-law someplace that isn’t your house."
"Mind you, she’s pretty good-looking for seventy years old. You interested?"
"Don’t see why not. I assume you’re sexually active?"
"You’re good the way you are. Curvy girls are better."
"What can I say? You come first. You always have. You know that."
"Everything’s good. Tell you what, I’ll surprise you. I’ll even make it myself."
"The food’s pretty good and there’s lots of stuff to do."
"Terrible accident. A reminder for all of us to be careful."
"You can’t just kill someone and get away with it anymore."
"That’s what happens when you fuck with crazy."
"Who knows, if this goes well, maybe we can make this a regular thing."
"I was heartbroken. But then I met Marisol, and the world was right again."
"I got whiskey on my shelf that’s older than you."
"I don’t care where we go. I just have to be back before it gets light out, at the latest."
"Oh shit. That’s awesome. And horrible. What the hell were you thinking?"
"And to think he’d actually considered turning himself in, and throwing it all away."
"People killed other people for lots of reasons. It was just that psychopath was such a trendy word, something folks liked to bandy around as a way to explain why people did bad things."
"Besides, everybody had hobbies. Some people golfed. Some people fished. Some people hunted deer. Edward killed. Because he liked it, goddammit. It was really that fucking simple."
"He knew it would take Donald at least five minutes to decide whether to sacrifice his rook (and in the end he wouldn’t, which would win Edward the game)."
"The recreation room at Sweetbay Village was loud as always, filled with the usual bunch of residents engaged in various activities."
"Edward normally never worried about covering up, as half the fun of killing was the discovery of the body and the flurry of investigation that ensued."
"Gloria, in particular, was a perky little thing with a face full of makeup that seeped into her wrinkles."
"Getting old sucked donkey’s balls, and he couldn’t blame her for fighting it as best she could. But age was winning the battle, as it always did."
"Edward knew they wouldn’t be able to save him. One hundred milligrams of Viagra combined with all the medications for his heart and blood pressure that Don was already taking... the old guy didn’t stand a chance."
"Edward soaked up every moment of the exhilaration. He watched as the ambulance carted Don away, his face appropriately somber, but his insides brimming with pleasure."
"You cut me up. You chopped me into little pieces and now I can’t have an open casket. Do you know what that’s doing to my mom?"
"Why was it always so hard with Matt, and so easy with Jason?"
"You must miss her," she said. "Lola, I mean."
"What’s the point of the food trucks, of the restaurant, of the TV show, of this house, if I have nobody to share it with?"
"Are you?" He paused. "I should be, but . . . no."
"All the time. I’d be a different person, that’s for sure."
"I should make it for you sometime," Matt said.
"I have this thing in me, always wanting to be better, always wanting more."