
Prisoner Of My Desire Quotes

Prisoner Of My Desire by Johanna Lindsey

Prisoner Of My Desire Quotes
"I am trying to see it in my mind—I have never ridden a man, you understand. ’Tis not natural."
"You can fight me, sirrah, but I have it on good authority ’twill do you no good."
"I must have a child, and it must be conceived immediately."
"I did not know that this soft flesh of yours would change and grow to a hardness like the rest of you."
"It does you no good to threaten me, sirrah. I do my lady’s bidding, not yours."
"Why else? To secure this place. She wed Kirkburough’s old lord, but he died the same day, the day you were taken. The child will be claimed as his."
"All he had wanted was a bed and a bath, which any inn could supply."
"Warrick carefully lowered his arms, his muscles screaming after three days at that unnatural angle."
"But he did not wait for the pain in his shoulders to lessen before he reached for the clothes she had brought."
"You try to hurt her, I will sound the alarm."
"She bade me help you escape because she does not want your death on her conscience, but she never wants to see you again."
"Kirkburough could be taken in a day, and Warrick would be back in less than a sennight to prove it."
"’Twas wrong, so wrong! And I can no longer commit a wrong to stop another from being committed."
"He will leave then, off to fight that damn warmonger Fulkhurst—may they both kill each other."
"He will take this keep whether I am here or not."
"He was a very tall man. And those wide shoulders reminded her of…"
"Think you aught could excuse what she did to me? Her reasons matter not."
"He carried her to the bed and laid her out on it."
"He did not want to hear her entreaties any more than she had wanted to hear his."
"He was a living nightmare, her nightmare, a man who defined cruelty with every line of his face."
"She could endure anything else that he intended for her—as long as that was over."
"You will be no more than a vessel to succor it till it is born."
"But he would never settle for anything as quick and final as her death when he was so cruel and merciless."
"’Tis pleasant indeed, teaching you your place."
"You see now how little it matters, your unwillingness?"
"I have no intention of starving myself to escape your vengeance."
"You are a slow learner. But then, little better can be expected of one so stupid as you."
"Your ladylike airs do not become you, Mistress."
"You are having the same difficulty as I, or you would not be still awake."
"You are a perverse woman, not to be grateful for his generosity."
"He is good and benevolent to those who serve him."
"You are fond of telling me you had no choice. Think you that you have a choice in this?"
"’Tis not something you can take from her merely because you—" She blushed, amending, "I am sorry, my lord. Was no one to guess? We have wondered why you treat her so, but ’tis your affair."
"You wear your emotions most eloquently as usual."
"I should be furious with the lady, and with her father for forcing her into deceit when he knew her heart was well set on another."
"You are clever in all your demands, vengeful in all your motives, yet when you touch me, you are naught but gentle."
"You are to slip through whilst I distract him."
"The woods were not a welcoming haven for a woman alone, not when every little sound was an imagined thief or murderer about to pounce on her."
"But ’twas a slim possibility considering what he knew about her—naught much good, thanks to Gilbert—and she was not willing to risk a whipping or worse just so his daughter could have her revenge against him."
"If Rowena should die ere she reached an end to this misadventure, mayhap she could come back and haunt Beatrix…aye, now that would be a just reward, eternal revenge."
"She knew what happened when men chased women through field or woods. They ended wanting a reward for their effort."
"So I told him naught other than what he assumed, that I was Lady of Kirkburough."
"God’s mercy, did they even know? Or were they following Gilbert blindly, under the mistaken belief that he had some claim to Kirkburough through Rowena simply because Lyons had ordered them to fight for Gilbert’s cause ere he died?"
"I am not a serf! I do have properties in my own right."
"I would hate to have to go out to hunt you down in that rain."
"You cannot imagine how often I saw you just so in my mind."
"Nay, my lady. The word has spread fast that you were brought here again. I came as soon as I heard."
"No hope came to her from the change in prisons."
"I have not found him yet, though not for lack of hunting him these weeks past."
"I did not want to face your anger again—or this."
"Your circumstance cannot be any more wretched."
"I could not leave you free to communicate with that devil’s spawn."
"I am here to see my daughter, and do not think to deny me, sirrah."
"He was going to marry you before he knew he had aught to be guilty about."
"He did not come. She was to give birth to his daughter any day, nay, any moment now, but he did not come."
"I give you your life do you trouble me no more."