
Ride Steady Quotes

Ride Steady by Kristen Ashley

Ride Steady Quotes
"I’m good, Carissa," he stated, and it came out firm but it also came out rough.
"Joker’s in the Compound, babe. Building over there." He swung his clipboard in that direction and then smiled a highly appealing but definitely meaningful smile.
"Go right on in. He’s not out front, someone in there will get him for you."
"Yeah, good to see you. Take care," he returned.
"We’ll need your keys," he stated when his eyes again met mine.
"We all fall on hard times. It’s just lucky for you that you fell in the right direction."
"If you get blotto, I’ll put you on the back of my bike, take you home."
"Best high of your life, bein’ on a bike. I’ll take you out."
"Beware, wind in your hair, moon on your skin, you’ll fall in love."
"I'm here. It's dinnertime. You need to eat. I need to eat."
"If they can pick herself up, she learns, and that girl turns into a woman who’ll fight, scratch, and die before she’s brought low again."
"I already have paralegals working on the motion we’ll be filing."
"You’re not the only thing you have to do with this bike is when I put your ass on the back of it."
"I’m fabulous, he’s scared and he thinks he can play me. But I’m done with his games."
"We’re new, but if we wanna do this right, this is how we start."
"You’re honest about that and don’t play games, that’s even better."
"I don’t have the same problem as your former counsel. They know that, and that should work in our favor."
"You’re dealing with a mother. That’s an entirely different breed."
"You need to write that shit that just happened down, baby. We’ll go over it together to make sure you didn’t miss anything."
"Never stepped foot in that store. Thought they were up their own asses. They got éclairs like this, I’m goin’ every day."
"He now looked like a boy I once knew. A boy grown up."
"Every girl in school could read the tortured brooding of the mysterious outsider who was Carson Steele right from his eyes."
"Hope that had died but I’d felt it, knowing that he’d taken his time to get to my locker and give that to me."
"You’re sharp, Carson. You knew when I first saw you I recognized you!"
"Surprised the homecoming queen had it in her ever to remember I existed."
"Last person I saw before I left my fucked-up life, meant everything that it was you."
"Now, I got somethin’ more. Somethin’ he’d never get. Somethin’ he couldn’t hold on to. Somethin’ he doesn’t have it in him to earn."
"You got two choices. You can worry about this or you can let it be done."
"Everyone knew you were cool. Everyone also knew he was not."
"I won’t stop, Carrie. Give you what you need. Take it, Butterfly."
"We got what we gave and then we gave what we got."
"I can see that play. That gets in there, he can build on that."
"You are a seriously hot fuck. It takes almost no effort at all to read that and roll with it."
"He wants in. He’s starting that by trying to make you think he’s sorry."
"Everyone likes doing better, especially when that comes with getting more."
"It’s the measure of you if you could endure the shit that came with life and still find it in you to focus on the good and put that out there."
"It’s always been you. No matter what we’ve been through, you know it’s always been you. It’ll always be you."
"You do know he belongs to a motorcycle gang."
"You’re worried about your dad paying for that unit, we’ll shift crap around at the Compound or the stockroom at the store. We put it there."
"You made a date with Elvira to return eight thousand dollars’ worth of clothes and shoes and two of the outfits in that mix would look spectacular on you and cost nowhere near eight thousand dollars."
"No marker from Chaos. I do this for a woman I didn’t know named Heidi."
"We should talk to Mrs. Heely. See if she wants to move. Get her out of that place."
"Chaos has been a clean club for over a decade."
"If you think that's love, the way you've treated me, you need to rethink it. I have love now, so I know by the way you treated me that you don’t understand the right way to do it."
"You like it nasty, baby? You like it rough? You like to get fucked?"
"What I want is not to wander every aisle so we’re here for an hour rather than bein’ here for twenty minutes gettin’ shit from a list."
"You want Carson to have his family," Mrs. Heely replied quietly.
"This is the best thing for our son. For us. For you."
"She’s got peace. Leave her be and give her that."
"You love a man, Millie, you believe in him, you take him as he is. You go on his journey with him no matter what happens, even if that means you have to walk through fire."
"Your girl is totally shitfaced, so you go nowhere with her and you let her go nowhere. Hear?"
"If she wants to quit and go to school, he could shove his money up his ass. Joker would take care of that for her."
"Millie, all that hair that doesn’t know whether it wants to be red or blonde. Those big brown eyes."
"I would be very careful of any public disparagement of the Chaos Motorcycle Club, Judge Neiland."