
Don't You Forget About Me Quotes

Don't You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane

Don't You Forget About Me Quotes
"I am not merely a waitress, I’m a spy from the world of words, gathering material."
"What I recommend is the Turkish place, about five minutes away."
"I’m not sure how you’d expect me to know otherwise."
"I feel my throat tighten. However late this ends and thinly it spins my wages out, I won’t complain."
"I realise, as per the Lou conversation, he was always subtly reinforcing the idea I was two steps behind."
"I feel a peculiar mix of gratitude and shame that I don’t feel sad, or any urge to defend him."
"I don’t want your job anyway, so the joke’s on you."
"I didn’t know what loss meant until I lost Dad and I didn’t know what regret meant until I regretted Lucas McCarthy."
"You are not an omnipotent deity, you’re a human just going along, learning, making a mess sometimes in the process, as we all are."
"Admitting hurt helps you dispel its power and lets you get past it."
"To be honest, a lot of counselling appears to be accepting you’re up to your tits in shit and finding you’re zen about it."
"There are always those worse off than you. Your problems are not invalid as a result."
"If cities have a spirit, then its spirit is mine."
"Participating in my own ridicule: it’s what I do best."
"Being on fire isn’t a good idea. It’s destructive."
"Never trust anyone who’s rude to the waiter."
"It’s a sibling thing. Dev’s the impetuous one who acts on instinct and I’m the one who generally gets invited to clear up afterwards."
"But Dev’s done the 'whoops would you mind' dropping a custard pie on my feet a few too many times to me lately."
"Something to do with diffusion of responsibility, Rav reckons."
"It’s a rule of restaurants that your spunkiest spenders are the most trouble."
"It’s not a democracy, it’s my benign dictatorship."
"I am a custard pie. I even have custard-coloured hair."
"If you haven’t given us any warning there’s a limit to what we can do."
"You don’t get treated in standard fashion when you look like Lucas McCarthy."
"No one wants to be miserable in order to leave a funny-poignant memoir, like Kenneth Williams."
"I bet he thinks it’s possible I’ll end up turning tricks."
"Wow. I swallow hard. I don’t want a fight but Geoffrey’s not leaving me much choice."
"How do I say: your husband is a malicious liar?"
"You could’ve handled this with a little more grace, Georgina, than to simply start stonewalling me."
"Oh for goodness’ sake, your indispensability to some grotty boozer!"
"Georgina, you’re still working in bars at thirty. You have no savings, no pension, no home. No relationship. What am I supposed to emotionally support, exactly?"
"I don’t wish to be melancholy, but at thirty-one, I wonder how many more years I have left until the pursuit becomes undignified."
"I’m not speaking to you because you’re being incredibly presumptuous and unpleasant and acting like you have the right to tell me my life is a disaster."
"Don’t you dare walk out on me, or I promise you, you’ll regret it."
"You really worry your mother, you know. It’s selfish."
"If we’re going to play the intentions-were-good game to let him off the hook, so were mine. I intended a choux bun, instead I got told that I’m a clueless tart who’s ruined her life."
"I detect from the movement of eyes around us that every table in proximity has been listening in."
"I was about to say – never let me date anyone rich but lol, hardly likely."
"Sometimes it takes the right woman to make a man grow up and settle down."
"That’s a mystery to myself and Geoff why you are so unwilling to let us help you."
"I agreed, and we beamed at each other in the certainty and simplicity of this conviction."
"But in the runaway train that was falling in love, I was increasingly confident of his admiration of how I looked, and I wanted him to know everything about me."
"My blood was warm, and now it’s hot. How fucking dare he."
"I am not speaking to you because you’re being incredibly presumptuous and unpleasant and acting like you have the right to tell me my life is a disaster."
"I put that pressure on myself because I thought it was a test, where I had to be who she wanted. But I had what she wanted, completely wrong."
"The damage was done. And I didn’t want to be a victim. That’s not how I saw myself, it wasn’t part of my identity."
"I had no right to judge you. And if I couldn’t manage that at eighteen, I fucking well should’ve been man enough by thirty."
"That generosity of caring what someone else thinks, it’s a great quality, it’s not weakness."