
First Frost Quotes

First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen

First Frost Quotes
"Everyone knew that if you got Claire to cater your anniversary party, she would make aioli sauce with nasturtiums and tulip cups filled with orange salad, and everyone would leave the party feeling both jealous and aroused."
"If it came from a Waverley, after all, there had to be something curious about it."
"Sometimes it was an actual, physical ache. 'Is it always like this?'"
"It was a relief, putting their world back in order. They always got restless before first frost, giving their hearts away too easily, wanting things they couldn’t have, getting distracted and clumsy and too easily influenced by the opinions of others."
"The last time he could remember feeling an actual beat to his long-ago heart was when he’d been eight years old and his mother, the Incredible Zelda Zahler, Snake Charmer from the Sands of the Sahara, had left him during the night, never to be seen again."
"No, really," Sydney said, pulling Bay’s long hair out from under the hoodie and smoothing it down around her shoulders. "Ask Phin. I see you two talking at the bus stop all the time."
"No matter how hard you try, you can’t make someone love you. You can’t stop them from making the wrong decision."
"The thought of losing him felt like standing on the edge of an endless black pit, about to fall in."
"When you are abandoned as a child, you are never able to forget that people are capable of leaving, even if they never do."
"You can spend all your life trying to dig that stone out, or you can build around it. Your choice."
"It’s a truth everyone knows but no one acknowledges: There’s nothing more powerful than an eighteen-year-old girl."
"You go have fun. I remember what it was like to be you."
"It’s remarkably easy to fall in love with someone who is already in love with you. It’s a little like falling in love with yourself."
"Sometimes it’s simply a door you assume is locked because you’ve never tried to open it."
"Sometimes in the real world, maybe deep inside, she was just like everyone else."
"It wasn’t changing anything but herself, changing herself into someone miserable and insecure, someone so not her."
"If I weren’t a Waverley, then these candies wouldn’t sell. Because what I’m selling is my name, my heritage. Waverley women are mysterious and magical women with a long and well-known history in the South. These candies are their candies, made from their secrets. Their blood flows through me. That’s what makes the candy special. That’s what makes me special."
"You can’t fix things that aren’t broken yet. You’re only making yourself miserable."
"Nothing will ever be the same because she isn’t in the world anymore."
"Your identity isn’t being questioned. What’s yours is yours. No one can take that away from you. You can only give it away."
"I don’t know what I’ll do without her. It’s like I miss her already."
"I’m just saying it can’t hurt. You’re a little rusty."
"She was a wild one, that Lorelei. Not easy to forget."
"People like us will never really understand."
"Everyone needs to know who they really are, don’t they?"
"But those girls are always trying to prove something, prove that they’re worthy of the happiness their mother and grandmother didn’t have, like being miserable is the only way to be a Waverley."
"It had taken him a long time to realize that the best relationship he’d ever had was with her."
"You can’t be a giver of sometimes unwanted presents and be sensitive about it."
"But if the women who wanted her goods were nasty, or spoke down to Mary, there was always a catch to what she gave them."
"It takes a lot for a Waverley heart to grow back."
"That’s fig and pepper bread, made from staples I already had in the cabinets."
"I have to admit, the DNA test and forged birth certificate were nice touches."
"I talked to my sister. You underestimate the power of family."
"Sometimes I think I’m the only one who can see that."
"Maybe you don’t fall in love. Maybe you jump."
"I can’t make your decisions for you. And I can’t make you or my daughter learn from my mistakes."
"I want to be happy. And I want him to be happy, too. But we can’t do it at the same time, you know?"