
The Closers Quotes

The Closers by Michael Connelly

The Closers Quotes
"A city that forgets its murder victims is a city lost."
"Don't ever break the law to enforce the law. At all times you do your job constitutionally and compassionately."
"Closure is a media term, something they put in newspaper articles about cold cases. Closure is a joke. It's a fucking lie. All we do here is provide answers. Answers have to be enough."
"Working fresh kills is a completely different animal. You have the body, you have the autopsy, you carry the news to the family. Here you are dealing with victims long dead."
"It didn’t matter how long ago the blood had fallen. There was a killer in the wind and Bosch was coming."
"The chorus of forgotten voices. The chief seemed to know the song they were singing. And Bosch certainly did, too."
"How can we call ourselves a city when there are so many ripples, when so many voices have been forgotten by this department?"
"If you didn’t get there by noon you ordered takeout and you had to sit and eat on the bus benches out front in the sun."
"You are my ticket. You will fuck up—if you will excuse my language. It is in your history. It is in your nature. It is guaranteed."
"A city that forgets its murder victims is a city lost. This is where we don’t forget. We’re like the guys they bring in in the bottom of the ninth inning to win or lose the game."
"Harry, don’t take him lightly," she said. "Be very careful."
"I am always careful, Kiz, and I have never taken that man lightly."
"All I’m saying is, he’s been passed over twice for the top spot. He may be getting desperate."
"He couldn’t push him. Irving’s got forty-plus years on the job. He has a lot of connections that go outside the department and into City Hall. And he knows where a lot of the bodies are buried."
"You know, I don’t know if I ever told you this, but after I quit I really sort of liked it at first. You know, being out of the squad and just sort of doing what I wanted. Then I started to miss it and then I started working cases again. On my own."
"I carried a gun for so long that when I no longer had it on me it threw off my balance. I was uneven."
"That’s old news. Time I took that thing down. A lot of years and a lot of pounds ago."
"I remember I went to see her before I left. This was a year or so after the murder. She had me look at Becky’s bedroom. It was untouched. It was exactly the way it was on the night she was taken."
"It’s not a name," he said. "It’s code. Means ‘racial holy war.’ First two letters of each word."
"She was a sweet kid," Stoddard said. "Always involved. Her family, too. What a tragedy."
"Fuck it," he said as he straightened up and opened it.
"Put down your antenna," Pratt said. "All I’m saying is that I worked in South for ten years and I never had to worry about my weight. You’re always on the run down there. Then I got to RHD and gained fifteen pounds in two years. It’s sad."
"I could blame you people but I must blame myself. I abandoned my daughter in death, Detective."
"The bottle opens up the black hole. Do you understand?"
"I chose myself over her and in the end I lost myself anyway."
"I read one day in the newspaper that my daughter had been killed with a gun that came from a burglary."
"It was like an empty bottle tossed out the window. The car keeps going but you are on the side of the road, broken."
"I was pushing it. Finally I went to a customer I had at the restaurant who was a member of the police commission."
"We thought everything was fine. We sent her to the best school we could find."
"You are like an empty bottle tossed out the window."
"You expect me to talk to you about what you people did?"
"What happened to me is that I tripped and fell into a black hole."
"He cooks a hundred or so breakfasts a day over there. I had a plate and it was pretty good stuff."
"You read me, I read you. I know he told you something that’s got you going."
"Maybe they knew what was coming, that the city was going to burn. Rodney King wasn’t the gasoline. He was only the match."
"The road to that sign on the hill had a locked gate across it."
"It was a city full of haves and have-nots, movie stars and extras, drivers and the driven, predators and prey."
"Vision to See, Faith to Believe, Courage to Do."
"Whether it is or isn’t, it’s not very funny."
"I think I have what I need for right now."
"Anything’s possible, but it doesn’t make much sense."
"What goes around comes around, I guess."
"The Ron Green I knew would go wherever it led. There were no can’t-go-theres with him. Not until that case."
"I’m talking about her. A girl should be close to her father."
"In life and nature, Bosch thought, darkness always waits."
"You mix the races like that and what are you going to get?"
"It’s all right. It doesn’t matter who you are. Everybody’s dodging the needle. But nobody gets away."
"Remember, you’ll be marked forever with this."
"It’s Hollywood magic. It comes off with a couple of good scrubs, okay?"
"The dusk was smoother, the moon more graceful."
"You take care, man. And do yourself a favor and stay out of South-Central."
"It’s my way of remaining close to her. I will never change this room and I will never leave this house."
"We don’t have it, Harry. We shouldn’t kid ourselves. I say we kick him."
"The full depression of their case situation was descending on him like a lead blanket."
"Bosch knew sleeping for a couple hours wasn’t really an option, not with everything that weighed on him."
"There was no forced entry to that house. And the father had gone around and checked all the doors and locks after he got home at ten that night."
"The killer had been inside by the time Robert Verloren came home from work."
"The feeling that he was missing something right in front of him was grinding on him."
"He knew that when all else went wrong there was always the murder book."
"It was possible, he knew, that the ruffle had been pushed inward at the bottom of the bed by someone crawling underneath it."