
What Hunts Inside The Shadows Quotes

What Hunts Inside The Shadows by Harper L. Woods

What Hunts Inside The Shadows Quotes
"My soul had split. Half of it consumed by the panic coursing through my veins—the fear that I knew logically did not belong to me, but was hers."
"Terror like she’d never known possessed her, driving her forward with every step."
"I wished I could say it was a distinctly human custom to allow some to suffer in misery while others possessed riches beyond their needs, but that was a problem that united our races in misfortune."
"We were angry. We were ravenous. We wanted what had been kept from us for centuries, and we would cut down any who stood in our way."
"In death you will find peace that no longer exists in this place. In the Void, you will realize there are some fates worse than death itself."
"Making me the villain of her story, when all I wanted was to be her everything."
"She weighed my confessions and everything she hadn’t seen, finding herself lacking for not acknowledging my deception before."
"From the moment I’d been created, from the very instant I’d come into this world and drawn my first breath, she’d been in the Void between life and death."
"You know me as well as you know yourself, my star. The heart that beats inside your chest is mine."
"To take what they once were and burn it is a crime against them."
"You can pretend to hate me all you want, min asteren, because I know the truth."
"I find I am very uninterested in that option."
"You are the mate of a God. I am the one who worships you."
"There’s a fine line between love and hate, Little One, and you are looking at me like you can’t quite decide if you should kiss me or kill me."
"You are everything I have always wanted and more."
"Don’t talk to me as if you know anything about me."
"He could have my rage and my anger, my betrayal. But he couldn’t have my pain."
"I will spend the rest of my life trying to forget you ever existed."
"The world is ugly and it is filled with brutality."
"I just wanted to be free, to be myself, and I just wanted to not love him."
"He will find you and he will drag you back, even if you’re kicking and screaming while he does. It all seems like a pointless waste of energy, if you ask me, but that’s your prerogative."
"Your human sensibilities do not matter, because there will quickly come a day when your mate wants to fuck you for everyone to see."
"I expect you to believe whether or not you try does not matter to me in the slightest."
"There’s a special place in the afterlife for creatures like you."
"Of course I screamed, you ass! There’s a thing staring at me."
"Have all the Fae repressed their… urges if their mate was on the other side of the Veil?"
"You are my mate," he said, reaching out to touch his palm to my face. "Then give me your truth."
"One day soon, we’ll lie in a bed in the palace at Catancia with a fire roaring in the corner of the room. I’ll feed you twilight berries by hand."
"He pretended to be human so I would fall in love with him."
"If you’re hoping for the reward that will come when you’re caught. If you want your mate to fuck you, all you need to do is say the word and I’m sure he will be happy to oblige."
"Your cock doesn’t seem to be in agreement with your vow of abstinence, my love."
"That probably sounds horrible, but the Fae know the score."
"Not everyone can love the person The Fates choose for them, unfortunately."
"It is highly unusual. If you are worried you might be with child, then there is little cause for concern."
"I want you to accept me because you love me and you cannot stand the thought of a life without me."
"The irony of you wishing for me to be human, when we both know that you yourself are not."
"The stone tunnels felt more oppressive than normal as we made our way toward the common area in the main cavern."
"I promise you, I will do everything in my power to make sure you have the best library at your disposal."
"He unclasped my cloak from around my shoulders, guiding the fabric away and tossing it to the side so that it fell in a heap on the ground."
"I was grateful that I will be able to face the masses tomorrow smelling like you."
"The Fae Marked already hated me. They’d made that very clear, and I couldn’t imagine them despising me and my companionship with my mate anymore than they already did."
"Breath rushed out of my lungs as I was stunned silent with the realization of how much had changed in such a short time."
"I wish I could reach over to her, pull her into my embrace and not feel the bitter void that lingered between us."
"You thought you were human until a week ago. Is it any stretch to think they might be showing the same symptoms as you?"
"Even if you are her child, you are not like her."
"There is a gentleness in you that has not existed inside Mab for countless centuries, if it ever did at all."
"Those parts of you do not come from Mab, Little One."
"The thirst for power. The knowledge that you could be so much more than they believe you to be."
"First, you must learn to channel your power before you can worry about controlling it."
"She would be submissive to no man in the end."
"Sometimes, love meant humoring someone, even when they were wrong."
"It wasn’t dark enough to hide the very essence of the trees."
"I don’t, but what I do care about is seeing to the welfare of Mab’s daughter. The Marked have tried to harm one of them already. I will not be responsible for the suffering of the Princess of the Shadow Court after all she has already been forced to endure just being on this side of the Veil for centuries."
"You’ll severely limit your options in bed partners. Why would you do such a thing when true freedom is nearly at your fingertips? As a Princess of Faerie, you could have any male you wanted to keep you company at night, regardless of whatever political marriage your mother arranged."
"My dignity is worth far more than the freedom to fuck anyone I please."
"I make no promises," I said, nodding my head to my mate. Her arms were raised toward the sky, her hands and fingers dancing as if she was playing with the very threads that hung from the constellations above her head.
"Are you hungry?" I asked, reaching out to touch the snake’s nose. It leaned into the touch, almost nuzzling into my skin before it dropped against the ground once more.
"I knew he doesn’t. The guilt wouldn’t be for him; it would be for me. To tell me I’m still human."
"You’re my fucking mate. Nothing matters outside of that, min asteren."
"Take whatever you need, min asteren," he said, soothing the frayed parts of me that were terrified of that thing inside of me.
"Trust me, my star. I know exactly who I’m fucking."
"Yes. We are," I said, offering her the truth I knew she wasn’t ready for.
"Every year, without fail, we’ve used it on the night of Samhain to draw the Fae souls who may have been trapped inside human vessels."
"I did not possess enough of the magic of my ancestors to tear it down myself."
"I touched the Veil, the words coming from the deepest recesses of my mind."
"She’s not a witch, she’s the child of a witch and a human."
"There was nothing left in that house but the pain of memories better left in the past."
"I would go anywhere else with you. Anywhere but Alfheimr."
"Sometimes, it is far braver to love the man the world has tried to convince us is a monster."