
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods Quotes

Percy Jackson's Greek Gods by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson's Greek Gods Quotes
"At first, there was pretty much nothing. A lot of nothing."
"Chaos literally means the Gap, and we’re not talking about the clothing store."
"You’d figure twelve kids would be enough for anybody, right? I mean, with a family that big, you’ve basically got your own reality TV show."
"Sometimes you’ll see pictures of him holding a zodiac wheel, representing all the constellations that pass through the sky over and over for eternity."
"But I’ve got a different plan. We’ll soften them up by attacking from the next mountain over."
"As if she needed more proof that her marriage to Ouranos was dead…"
"That was the best non-grain-related idea Demeter had ever had, so Hades led his siblings back to the upper world, along with their six large new friends."
"Zeus tried to restrain himself, but finally he couldn’t stand it any longer."
"In other words," Hades said, "you want us to commit suicide."
"I have nothing against these gods. But I don’t want to marry anyone! I want to be single forever."
"Nobody else knows how to toast marshmallows just right—not too soft, not too crispy."
"Whatever I can do to help out the family. Only, promise me I’ll never have to get married!"
"You could go there for a time-out, a cup of nectar, or a talk with Hestia."
"Hestia wasn’t used to partying so much. About three in the morning, she got light-headed from the dancing and the nectar."
"Fire was the single most important thing that made the palace a home."
"Humans? You mean those dirty little guys that make funny shrieks when you step on them? Why would they need fire?"
"He thought she was much handsomer than Zeus. She’s going to make me immortal just so she can be with me forever."
"I’m going to have a kid without you, without any man! I’ll have a baby all by myself!"
"Her plan had serious flaws. First, Poseidon could also turn into a horse, and he did—a strong white stallion."
"This is the father of your child. You should be sure."
"Not if he truly loves you! Are you not as good as Hera?"
"I swear on the River Styx. Ask me any favor, and it's yours."
"I want proof that you're really a god. I'm just as good as Hera!"
"Sometimes he would show up at mortals' homes disguised as a wanderer to see whether folks would let him in and offer him food."
"That would be like making me the god of homework and good grades."
"You can’t beat having fifty beautiful women thinking you’re awesome."
"Yeah, well, every ancient culture seems to have a flood story. I guess it was a pretty massive disaster."
"Different people remembered it different ways."
"Finally the waters sank back into the sea, and the land started to dry out."
"First, we make a sacrifice to Zeus and ask him never to do this again."
"Thank you, Lord Zeus! We beg you, tell us how to repopulate the earth!"
"I just pronounce the prophecies. I don’t explain them. Now, shoo!"
"What if the prophecy doesn’t literally mean the bones of our mother?"
"You can’t swing a cat in Ancient Greece without hitting at least one of Zeus’s ex-girlfriends."
"She’s always telling you what to do! You should stay at home."
"The spirit of the pit—the primordial god Tartarus—was his dad."
"I’m going upstairs to destroy the gods and take over the universe."
"Poor little Zeus, all alone! You’d better flee too, tiny god, before I smash you like an ant!"
"Zeus saved the universe, with a little assist from Hermes and Aegipan."
"I don’t mean by having kids, because we’re too old for that nonsense!"
"I may not look very good. But I promise to be a loving husband."
"When you’re dating Aphrodite, everybody else is going to hate you."
"A little while later, Aphrodite came flying by in her dove-powered chariot."
"Was Aphrodite mad at him? Nope. That’s just the way Ares was."
"If bullies, gangsters, and thugs prayed to a god, they’d pray to Ares."
"He roared for blood. Early on, he learned to chuck rocks at birds and knock them out of the sky."
"The Greeks didn’t worship Ares much. They felt the same way about him as Zeus did."
"Ares didn’t have a sacred flower. Go figure."
"Ares’s sacred animal was the wild boar, which will charge anything, is almost impossible to kill, and has major attitude."
"She laid his body in a big patch of lettuce, which is why lettuce became her sacred plant."
"Aphrodite was sad about his death for almost a whole day. Then she went back to her godly boyfriend Ares."
"But she had lots of clever ways to catch animals without hurting them."
"From now on, she will have my blessing. I forbid any hunter to harm her."
"The goddess spent her time roaming the mountains, hunting monsters, punishing anyone who was needlessly cruel to animals."
"Her brother Apollo liked to make music. Artemis preferred the sounds of the crickets at night."
"If you forgot to make sacrifices, Artemis might kill you."
"She became the god of anybody who felt confused about his or her own gender, because Dionysus could relate."
"By spreading the knowledge of wine, he figured he was doing something good for the world."
"He wiped away his tears. He had to make his friend’s death mean something."