
Squire Quotes

Squire by Tamora Pierce

Squire Quotes
"I refuse to put down what might be the last book I see for months."
"I thought if I survived the big examinations, I'd be fine."
"I want to fulfill Queenscove’s duty to the Crown."
"Would paperwork do what other pages’ hostility had not—drive her back to Mindelan?"
"Bought magic still isn’t as good as what you do yourself."
"That’s fine if you’re to be a lone knight—you have to figure out things yourself."
"Putting you with Flyn at Owlshollow accomplishes two goals."
"You need to show that you’ll do what’s needed, not just for me, but for others."
"My son Bernin reminds me of the old game track, b’tween the bluffs an’ the marsh."
"If I’ve learned nothing else in my years of service, it’s that the unexpected always happens."
"I would hate for even a single louse to escape."
"We do what we must. We don’t enjoy it."
"Beware the women of the warrior class, for all they touch is both decorative and deadly."
"We’re all part of a quiet war that’s taking place across the Eastern Lands."
"My body remembers days in the saddle in the rain."
"If a lady thinks she’s in danger, but doesn’t want to complicate things by openly carrying a weapon, she takes a shukusen."
"It’s the only way I can say hello without a hundred people saying I put a good-luck spell on you."
"You could have warned me. Should I have warned you?"
"You frightened me. Don’t worry. Yuki cools off pretty quickly."
"I’m just used to you taking whatever comes without a blink. It never occurred to me you might need a warning."
"At least Myles won’t bite your head off if you venture a comment of your own."
"I don't accept that. Next time, report it. Even if nothing is done because the one reported is too powerful, a record will be made."
"I thought I was getting better. Raoul grinned. The day you can best Wyldon is the day they put up a statue to you in front of the palace."
"If I bring a lady of our rank, Kel, she might think I mean something by it. I don’t want to hurt someone that way."
"The world is imperfect, Kel. But you do more than your share to set things right."
"You take chivalry too seriously. Just like Raoul. It’s sweet, in an impractical way."
"He was to be the greatest of us. My lord Wyldon said, after that first year, he was the most promising lad he’d seen."
"I'm not in service to Sir Myles anymore. Lord Wyldon resigned, and he’s going to fight Scanrans. With me!"
"It’s the shock. My lord, please, Burchard is out of his mind with grief."
"I don’t know what I’ll do if they separate us. There’s too much of me to go into a decline, but..."
"I don’t like it. I don’t like Persopolis. The only city the Bazhir ever constructed."
"I’ll swear I don’t care. I’m not getting on any more horses to whack you people with a stick."
"The only bad thing about animals is that most don't live as long as we do."
"But think how bleak life would be without them."
"If you give up this mad knighthood thing, you’ll do well as a fletcher."
"The glory of knighthood is lovely, isn’t it? The brilliance and fury of battle, the sound of trumpets in the air."
"It's good for the lads to change teachers—gives them a broad training base."
"I’m not ready. I have no dowry, I want my shield—"
"You can’t expect me to do nothing while my people are in danger!"
"All magic has a price. Pay now or later, with your own substance or someone else’s, but you will pay."
"Clean was clean, no matter who did or did not see her wash."
"He already told me he wasn’t in his grave yet and he’d thank me to stop hinting he was decrepit!"
"The moment Kel got those orders, she would be trapped."
"Her dog, Jump, grumbled and crawled out of bed."
"She wasn’t keeping it now. She couldn’t breathe; she couldn’t think."
"I climbed down the outer stair of Balor’s Needle, she told herself grimly."
"The killing devices were magical machines made of iron-coated giants’ bones, chains, pulleys, dagger-fingers and toes, and a long, whiplike tail."