
Sleeping Arrangements Quotes

Sleeping Arrangements by Madeleine Wickham

Sleeping Arrangements Quotes
"It was only for a week—but a week would be enough. A week had to be enough, didn't it?"
"Away from it all. She wanted it so much it almost scared her."
"We have to choose. We have to exercise self-control. We have to make sacrifices in life."
"But for how long would all things remain equal?"
"This isn't what we wanted. We wanted time alone together. A chance to sort things out."
"She felt cramped by Philip's presence, by his apathy. By his very acceptance of their circumstances."
"Why couldn't he be angry, like her? Why couldn't he share her indignation?"
"He wasn't even trying to relax, she thought with resentment."
"Sometimes he would read the same message ten times over."
"The more complicated, the more distracting, the better."
"A father who spent so much time at the office, he often went a whole week without clapping an eye on either daughter."
"Her friends would sit, drinking coffee in her immaculate kitchen, and swap sympathetic comments."
"Time teaches you what was actually important—and what wasn't."
"Whatever happens, people find a way forward."
"She was never hurried, never impatient; was always full of a grounded, measured sense."
"I'm a mediocre banker who's about to be made redundant."
"You're the equivalent of a single mother, they would say indignantly."
"Talking about it won't make any bloody difference!"
"We only get one life, Chloe. We only get a handful of chances to change our lives around."
"You have to earn love, Hugh. You have to earn love. With time, with effort..."
"Everyone's a gambler. How certain are you that you'll still be with Philip in ten years' time?"
"This isn't a chance. We're not a couple of students any more. I have a family, you have a family."
"She would have sat, people-watching with him; nudging his foot to point out that man over there with the paunch and the toupee and the diamond-encrusted Rolex."
"It's difficult to talk. With the music, and the...I could ask them if there's anywhere... more private."
"You want to know about my family life? You want to know about my marriage to Amanda?"
"I want to earn your love. I've always loved you."
"We can play safe, or we can take the biggest risk of our lives and end up with the most perfect, wonderful happiness."
"Just because I can't stand working for her doesn't mean I can't feel sorry for her."
"You think? I've seen a lot of mothers. And some of them have a funny way of showing it."
"The basic emotion at the core of the nanny-mother relationship is hatred."
"People always have more interesting lives than you'd think."
"We're not talking about work, remember? None of us."
"It's because if I didn't have a bit of structure in my life... I'd go mad!"
"We're a team. We'll always survive, you and I."
"How many people get the opportunity to change their lives completely?"
"I've had enough of this place. To be honest, I've had enough of this holiday."
"It hasn't been the best of holidays, has it?"
"I'm not staying in a house with no air conditioning."
"We make so many decisions over a lifetime. Some turn out to be unimportant... and some turn out to be the key to everything."