
The Final Girl Support Group Quotes

The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

The Final Girl Support Group Quotes
"I’m awake for five full minutes before remembering I might die today."
"The bathroom door gets padlocked from the inside while I shower."
"Out there in the world it’s a nonstop murder party, and if I make the slightest mistake I’ll wind up dead."
"I have to punish myself for forgetting exactly what the stakes are, especially today."
"Ever wonder what happens to those final girls?"
"We’re an endangered species, for which I’m grateful."
"We only let you into group because we all felt sorry for you."
"Once we start something, it’s hard for us to stop."
"I’m not the crazy one. Why won’t anyone listen to me?"
"You can only hope that by the time you come to your senses they haven’t done too much damage."
"We’re the women who kept fighting back no matter how much it hurt."
"We’ve heard every single one of her monologues before."
"Someone comes along saying they’ll save you and you throw yourself into their arms."
"We’re the only consistent, dependable thing in Heather’s life."
"I didn’t have time to worry about her. I only had time to save myself."
"I just didn’t think Julia would be the first one to call in her chips."
"The line between being too careful and not being careful enough is a line you only get to cross once."
"I’m sorry," he says. "When Mom told me who you were I googled you and Pax saw."
"You cannot tell any of your friends that she is here," Dr. Carol says.
"Lynnette, I don’t want you to do this," Dr. Carol says.
"It hurt," I say. "And it was humiliating. But after the first five hours, the pain started to seem normal."
"Whether or not these events are connected," Dr. Carol says, "I won’t have a weapon in my home."
"Don’t you send her fucking Christmas cards every year?" she asks.
"The important thing is to figure out who's doing this. That book's just a distraction. Someone stole it off my hard drive."
"We're final girls. We understand each other. If you want to survive the next three days, come with me right now."
"That's how your life is now. That's who you are. It didn't happen for a reason, you haven’t earned it, you don’t deserve it, but you need to handle it or you’re going to die."
"No one talks to me. No one tells me what’s happening. Instead, they tape my letters to the observation wall."
"In the end, there were too many of them. In the end, I let down everyone I cared about."
"I was a virgin when Ricky Walker came to our house on Christmas Eve. I never slept with him."
"I focused so hard on the house I forgot to check my immediate environment."
"I am Dr. Newbury. I am Dr. Newbury. I am Dr. Newbury."
"You need to trust me. That woman out there wants you dead. I want to keep you safe."
"I'm not going to kill you. I'm trying to save your life."
"You just saw me do two," I say. "Learn by doing."
"Leave me alone!" Marilyn screams so loud I have to hold the phone away from my ear.
"Don’t tell me what to do," she says. "You, of all people, don’t get to tell me what to do."
"Don’t trust anyone," I say. "Not even Dr. Carol."
"I don’t even know what’s going on," she says, and her voice hitches.
"You’re not going to die," I tell Stephanie, and I’m saying it to myself, too.
"Every time he hurt someone I knew it was like they were just water balloons to him," she says.
"I don’t know where anyone is. I don’t know if they’re with Julia, or Dr. Carol, or at Sagefire, or with Skye. I don’t know anything, Stephanie."
"Everyone needs to stop clinging to the past."
"No one is too far gone to be brought back. No one is too lost to be found. No one."
"It doesn’t matter how hard we try, we can’t stop life."
"I’m not leaving anyone behind. It’s what Adrienne said to me once when I told her I thought I didn’t deserve to survive."
"You think it’s about you and Skye? This is about him and his mommy. You’re the sad daughter-in-law to his psycho obsession, a footnote in his case file."
"It’s important to remember their names but let the world forget Skye Elliott. Let them forget Stephanie Fugate."