
Legion Quotes

Legion by William Peter Blatty

Legion Quotes
"Something had gone wrong between man and his creator, and the evidence was here on this boathouse dock."
"Kinderman’s thoughts found a grip on the world."
"The detective watched [the helicopter] growing smaller. It dwindled in the dawn like a fading hope."
"The shrieking of the woman had grown more piercing. It clawed at his heart and the twisted forests silent on the banks of the icy river."
"He believed in wonders but not in the impossible."
"Children came into this world with no baggage except for their innocence."
"Physical evil and moral goodness intertwined like the strands of a double helix embedded in the DNA code of the cosmos."
"God’s love burned with a fierce dark heat but gave no light."
"Kinderman shifted his weight a little. God’s love burned with a fierce dark heat but gave no light."
"Without knowing how he’d gotten there, he found himself parked illegally on Thirty-third Street, close to the river."
"Kinderman studied the lump beneath the canvas. No, it wasn’t this, he thought: not the evil that we choose or inflict. The horror was the evil in the fabric of creation."
"Kinderman’s gaze shifted back to the pathologist. Someone else was talking to him now, Sergeant Atkins, Kinderman’s assistant."
"Kinderman turned his head and fixed Atkins with a penetrating look. 'She’s warm?' he asked. 'Make sure that she’s warm.'"
"I will find your murderer, Thomas Kintry, he thought. Even if it were God."
"Amfortas did not hear it. His mind was in his heart."
"Amfortas heard shouts and the pounding of feet and he looked toward Prospect Street on his right."
"Here was all that could matter, for nothing else did."
"There is a doctrine written in secret that man is a prisoner who has no right to open the door and run away; this is a mystery which I do not quite understand."
"Never trust in the facts. Facts hate us. They stink. They hate men and they hate the truth."
"A man's knowledge is perfect. Because of it, the fire of a man's love is not built up slowly; it has no stages of mere smouldering; rather the man is immediately a holocaust, a roaring conflagration, aflame with a love that will never lessen."
"What you do unto the least of these, my little ones, you do unto Me."
"Science gives us many facts, but only very little knowledge."
"The fundamental tendency of matter was toward a total disorganization, toward a final state of utter randomness from which the universe would never recover."
"If the mass of the brain were the mass of the mind, the bear would be shooting at my behind."
"I could talk about a hundred trivialities and whatnots."
"We must speak some other time of these things."
"I see thousands of people in my stores every year."
"It’s probably some half-assed intern’s joke."
"An Alcoholic Is Someone Who Drinks More Than His Doctor."
"I think of them a lot. I try to figure it out."
"Death will take a holiday. Just once. For one day."
"Good night, moon. Good night, cow—jumping over—the moon."
"I'm tired. My work is never done, it seems. I'm tired."
"Your father wants the line kept clear. If he calls, he’ll give you a signal: two rings."
"Someone answer! Answer!" he thought, in a frenzy.
"The carp is dead already. What on earth do you think you’re doing?"
"I am crazy. That is all. That’s the whole explanation."
"Is it bedtime?" she asked him. "Yes, it’s almost bedtime," he said to her gently.
" ‘Finished,’ " grunted Mary’s mother from the stove.
"Sweetheart, don’t leave the house," the detective said urgently.
"What the hell is going on, Lieutenant?" asked Atkins.
"I’m just tired," whispered Kinderman at last.
"It’s strange. It’s unnatural. Have mercy. Remove the tie."
"I want to hear about the honeymoon, Atkins, and your wardrobe."
"You want continental cookin’, go to Beau Rivage. They got all of that saucy crap over there."
"We are the Bearer of Light! The Fallen Angel!"