
Rainbow Valley Quotes

Rainbow Valley by L.M. Montgomery

Rainbow Valley Quotes
"I hope Miss Cornelia can tell me everything that has happened while we've been away—everything—who has got born, or married, or drunk; who has died, or gone away, or come, or fought, or lost a cow, or found a beau."
"I never had a beau, much less two, and I do not mind now, for being an old maid does not hurt when you get used to it."
"The Good Book says that favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but I should not have minded finding that out for myself, if it had been so ordained."
"I think he is not sound in his intellect, for none of that branch of the Millers were."
"That man would spank an angel, Mrs. Dr. dear, that he would."
"I am rather interested in Millicent Drew's case myself. I never had a beau, much less two, and I do not mind now, for being an old maid does not hurt when you get used to it."
"I hope it will not take the form of big black spiders, for I loathe the animals."
"I am not one to blame everything on the men. Mrs. Drew is mean enough herself."
"I've been knocked about all of my life, 'cept for the two years I was at the asylum."
"If you knew some of the words I could say if I liked you wouldn't make such a fuss over darn."
"A day when there is no wind seems to me dead. A windy day wakes me up."
"Life had taught her to be brave, to be patient, to love, to forgive."
"It is never quite safe to think we have done with life."
"There's so few men round here that can talk sense to a body."
"We get 'a' the airts the wind can blow' up here."
"If you mean that he will wantonly precipitate a great war I hardly think so."
"The day never goes by for men and nations to make asses of themselves and take to the fists."
"When two people drank of the same cup, their after-lives would be linked in some fashion, whether for good or ill."
"Something has hurt youit never amuses me to see anybody hurt, no matter what hurts them."
"I don't suppose I can be as good at understanding as Mrs. Blythe, but I promise you that I won't laugh."
"If a minister doesn't behave as a gentleman we are not bound to respect his coat-tails."
"The more we love the richer life is, even if it is only some little furry or feathery pet."
"It's such a help to talk things over. I know."
"Don't fight till you're sure you ought to, and then put every ounce of you into it."
"We miss so much out of life if we don't love."
"The best way to cheer up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
"Sympathy and understanding were very sweet."
"The hills beyond glistened with the chill splendid lustre of moonlight on snow."
"Every little fir tree in the long valley sang its own wild song to the harp of wind and frost."
"Their gay voices and gayer laughter echoed up and down the valley, dying away in elfin cadences among the trees."
"But common sense was not the strong point of John Meredith."
"She was the best of companions. He was happier in her company than he had ever expected to be again."
"That fact had seeped through all his abstraction very early in his ministry in Glen St. Mary."
"He had fled to her for comfort when Mrs. Alec Davis had outraged his mind and soul and had found it."
"Ellen had an almost masculine understanding and a sense of humour which his own shy, hidden appreciation of fun found very agreeable."
"It is to be hoped that he won't be so absent-minded as to propose to Ellen by mistake."
"But she promised, and I'll see that she keeps her promise!"
"We mustn't take the easiest day to fast, but the hardest—and that's Sunday."
"Of course it's hard—but that's the punishment of it."
"I feel an awfully queer all-gone sort of feeling, but I can't say I'm hungry."
"It wouldn't be much punishment to fast from ditto."
"My head is funny. It goes round and round sometimes."
"Let's think of something else. We've just got to rise above our stomachs."
"I could eat a graven image this very minute, but am I complaining?"
"What foolishness are you young rips up to now?"
"I sang Polly Wolly just the same as the rest of you, so I had to be punished, too."