
The Forgotten Sisters Quotes

The Forgotten Sisters by Shannon Hale

The Forgotten Sisters Quotes
"The god of creation broke me from stone, The mountain’s the only ma I’ve known, My pa is the blue sky sheltering me, So stone I am and sky I’ll be."
"Today," said Miri, her voice creaky with sleep."
"It’s kind of like home now," Gerti said.
"You’ll wait for me?" Miri asked Enrik, their wagon driver."
"I think someone was naughty," Sus said, watching Miri with her intense, pale-eyed stare."
"I’m feeling a little … muddled. There was a long walk and so hot and the ground’s still leaning as if it wants to be water—"
"I’m Miri Larendaughter of Mount Eskel. His Majesty King Bjorn sent me here to be your tutor."
"A tutor is a teacher," Miri said quickly."
"Asland is all right for a visit, but I’m a Mount Eskel girl."
"Thank you for working to win Mount Eskel’s land for us. But I am angry that you have to, so angry I just crushed a beetle beneath my boot."
"Reading a book is like going on a great journey. You don’t know what’ll happen, but something is bound to change. And for me, that change has always been good."
"Understanding how city folk like the traders think can only help."
"Remember, if you get caught, proclaim your name loudly."
"The point of education is to learn other ways too. Don’t just assume that all you know is right. Learn more and then choose."
"We’ve got to stay nimble. You never know when you’ll run into a caiman … or a bandit!"
"It’s not safe here. And somehow I have to fix everything and I don’t know what to—"
"I’m not ready to say farewell. This day has been too fine."
"Take your time, sundown. Take your slow, sweet time."
"The dead never rest well in the living house."
"People fall in love in the tales. I didn’t think it happened in real life."
"I thought learning to curtsy properly was a kind of game. Who knew our lives might depend on it?"
"I can't just let you all walk into the enemy camp alone."
"They are dogs without teeth. Believe me, if they did bite, we would slaughter the lot."
"I'm not scared of five girls. I'm a soldier."
"If you tell on us, you'll be a real spoilsport."
"They're real. My sister Astrid is the best caiman hunter in all of Danland, but I'll get better as I get older."
"I wouldn’t tell you even if I did. Aren’t you the enemy?"
"Aren’t you the king of Stora? We don’t have to be the enemy if you say we’re not."
"When you kill [a caiman], you shout to the village, ‘We’ve got meat!’ And everyone comes running to have a caiman roast."
"Sometimes war is necessary for the good of a kingdom."
"That’s what happens in war. If you’d read A History of Peace, you’d know."
"Things written on paper and action in the living world have nothing to do with each other."
"The best way to catch a rat is with a trap."
"A passage to the sea is vital for any country."
"The sky leaps with joyous blue, the sun stews a honeyed brew."
"Other kings before Bjorn have hidden their twin daughters, and no harm done."
I thought you’d died," he said. "My heart felt like you had.
"Mount Eskel is ours. The king signed it over—all of it."
"I wish I could attend, but I am going home."
"They’re a bunch of dishonorable bullies."
"You are no longer welcome here. Leave the palace and do not try to reenter."
You are a troublemaker," said the chief delegate. "Kingdom shaker, crown breaker.
"The warmth cleared her mind, and she whispered to Sus, 'I think you’re right about Kaspar.'"
"My body feels made of the stuff, smoldering on regret till I’m nothing but ash."
"Every day the world was greener, the trees fuller, the flowers brighter."
"The sky leaps with joyous blue, the sun stews a honeyed brew, the wind yelps with pleasure too."
"My lungs fill with warming air, my heart beats a silent prayer, my mind loosens all despair."
"I’ve had enough of your speaking to last a lifetime."
"My girls are home, and I cannot have you here."
"I’ve read books on law—yes, I can read, sir—and the chief delegate’s term of office is meant for no more than eight years."