
On Target Quotes

On Target by Mark Greaney

On Target Quotes
"The body had incredible power to heal, so much greater than that of the mind."
"He tried not to roll his eyes. It had not been a nice journey."
"Court knew he couldn’t trust the forked-tongued Russian as far as he could throw him."
"No one in the crowd had a plan to kill everyone else in the crowd if it came down to it."
"He was a man who absolutely could not afford to soften."
"A man who has the ability to inflict death and misery on his fellow man is more powerful than the rich, the famous, the good."
"Unlucky for you I just happened to remember this shit hole."
"Death solves all problems. No man, no problem."
"I’m just a worker bee. I do my shitty day job with a smile on my face."
"Everything from now on... is a gift from me."
"You don’t scare easy. Never did. But I know what does scare the Gray Man."
"You’d look okay with a bath and some makeup."
"The secret policemen recovered from their surprise and stormed around the table, heading straight for Ellen Walsh."
"You are not ICC! Do not say you are ICC, or they will kill you! Tell them you were lying. Tell them you are nobody."
"Just shut up and do what you’re told. You don’t know anything."
"We’ve known about this flight for a long time. I was sent here to see it for myself."
"There is a place we take unwanted guests. I promise you that within minutes of arriving at the Ghost House, you will regret your espionage against the Republic of Sudan."
"Your fault, Gentry." He said it aloud, softly, as he walked through the night with the flight crew.
"I came here to do a job. An important job. A good job, actually, one you would approve of."
"You aren’t Russian," she said, looking at him through the rearview.
"Just give me a name. Make it up if you want to, but give me something I can call you."
"I don't have time to relax now; I have to call Zack."
"Do you want to die of heatstroke? Drink the fucking water!"
"Saving a life and taking a life are not opposites."
"I'm not so dangerous that you aren't afraid to tell me that you are going to do all you can to have me thrown in prison."
"Your gun is the answer to every question, isn't it?"
"I need three days, Ellen. Three days from now you can do whatever it is you have to do."
"I’m not a trial lawyer. And I’m from Vancouver."
"You can cry for the Janjaweed if that makes you feel self-righteous, but I won't bat an eye after shooting the killers of women and children."
"I am going to make sure you are brought to justice for what happened today."
"You are a dangerous man who must be stopped."
"I’m serious, Six. I have every intention of writing a report on what happened back there."
"That’s exactly what you are! All of you international law people are fools."
"The Hannah is anchored fifteen klicks to the northeast."
"I thought Abboud would only arrive with his regular security detail. Twenty-five men or so."
"A dozen. Zack had initially promised one hundred, then cut that to thirty-five."
"A dozen SLA, already compromised to the local authorities, weren’t going to fool anyone."
"You need to abort Nocturne Sapphire. The rebels are compromised."
"You don’t have to like it—You just have to do it," Court finished the thought.
"It's not the act of killing that bothers you. It's merely the scale of the killing."
"The past four years have been a cakewalk for you."
"There won’t be a rock big enough for you to crawl under."
"I’ll kill Abboud for his crimes, but not until the impending chaos of a post-Abboud Sudan is minimized."
"There are people up here who have a soft spot for Court Gentry."
"It will be coordinated teams of tier-one hunter-killers."
"The international media had covered the attack of the Speranza Internazionale convoy and the murder by the Janjaweed militia of world-famous Mario Bianchi and two of his local staff."
"Even this part of the document was difficult for her to write. So much had happened since her time in Khartoum, skulking around other NGO offices looking for her way into Darfur, that it seemed to be relegated to the portion of her brain reserved for distant memory."
"He had helped her and convinced her he was not evil, but she was concerned that he was an individual teetering on the edge, a man who needed to be stopped before more atrocities were committed."
"Ellen breathed nervously into the phone. She looked out of her office door, then stood up quickly and shut it, nearly pulling the phone off her desk while doing so."
"Court imagined Ellen still more or less in shock over what happened in Darfur."
"Gentry himself had no intention of leaving with the ICC team."
"His GPS also told him he was four miles offshore now, but he could not see the land in the dark."
"Court was sick as a dog, half-dead in a ditch, out-manned, outgunned, and outplayed."
"He’d have to do this all with a raging infection in his back and no antibiotics or pain meds."
"He’d made it just over halfway to the bungalows with no more protest from Abboud."