
Flawless Quotes

Flawless by Elsie Silver

Flawless Quotes
"I worked my ass off for years to get this country bumpkin sponsorships like he’s never dreamed of, and then as his career is winding down, he goes and blows it all up like this."
"I want to hide. I want silence. Birds. A hot shower. Some Tylenol. And a date with my hand to ease some tension."
"The older I get, the longer the season seems, and somehow, at only thirty-two years old, I feel old as balls."
"Rhett Eaton is not the wholesome country boy next door. He’s a cocky cowboy that parties too hard."
"That’s what you do for family. Whatever it takes."
"I hate these fucking cowboys. They’re impossible to keep in line."
"I’m just trying to have enough sex for the both of us."
"I guess we all see things the way we want to."
"But it’s also worse somehow. She’s prissy, smart, accomplished, and assigned to babysit me."
"I don’t throw Laura any bones, but I don’t push her away either. Even if I’m not remotely interested, I don’t want to be rude."
"It’s one thing I love about coming home. The silence. You just don’t get that in hotels or in the city. Out here, it is truly quiet. Truly peaceful."
"Because without a bull to get on every weekend, I have no idea who I’ll be. Or what I’ll do."
"You think this is ideal for me? Trial by fire? Having to follow around someone who clearly can’t stand me as I try to do a brand-new job while also trying not to make him hate me more?"
"I’m accustomed to getting dressed down. Getting in trouble isn’t new, and I’m not about to roll over and take this from her."
"I sleep like shit. All the witty comebacks I wish I’d said to Rhett last night run through my head like the ticker on the bottom of a news channel."
"The truth is, I don’t think I can lift my arms high enough to put a shirt on."
"I’m more myself on the back of a bull than I am any other time. I’ve only ever been a bull rider."
"She looks nervous. And not because she thinks I’ll get hurt. She looks like you do when your favorite hockey team is in a shootout for the win."
"Pretty sure the throbbing between my legs means I’m a buckle bunny now."
"Watching Rhett ride a bull is a thrill I’ve never experienced. It’s like the ultimate show of masculinity."
"I missed out on this whole facet of life. I’ll never get to experience having a mom."
"My dad has spent his entire life proving to me he loves me."
"That kind of love, well, it’s scarce. Someone who doesn’t leave your side, no matter what."
"Fixable with surgery, except surgery went wrong, and there were complications."
"Not at all. And it’s nice to hear someone else notice that too."
"I want to take care of her, even though she doesn’t need taking care of."
"I didn’t know," is all he says, and somehow, that simple sentence and the feel of his warm hand brings me comfort."
"I’ll eat this pretty pussy all day, every day."
"I hope that was as satisfying for you as it was for me."
"Her hand shoots up, palm held flat to stop me talking, and her eyes blaze with icy fury."
"I feel bad for you, Marina," I say evenly, brushing my clothes flat."
"But you have it. And you have my forgiveness for how utterly awful you’ve been to me for my entire life."
"You’ve spent a lifetime hurting my dad, and I hate that."
"Secrets like that will weigh you down, Princess."
"I don’t need your pity," she spits quietly, picking up my dad’s chart.
"I’m not okay. I’m pregnant. And the father of my child has been lying to me for years."