
Wanted Quotes

Wanted by Sara Shepard

Wanted Quotes
"They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. But what the picture can’t tell you is the story behind the image."
"If they take a deep breath and look again, they might be astonished—even terrified—by what they discover."
"Sometimes they felt like lifeless dolls, with Ali coordinating their every move."
"Deep down, they wondered if they’d be friends with Ali after tonight."
"Our family has been hiding a secret for a long time, mostly for safety reasons. We think it’s time to tell the truth."
"This is Courtney," she declared. "Alison’s twin sister."
"I’m sorry I ran away from you the night of the fire. That was probably really… confusing."
"I got a note—from Billy I guess—saying there was something in the woods I needed to see."
"I'd rather talk to the press. They’re more fun."
"Whatever. She didn’t want to be on TV anyway."
"Nothing good can come from that. Nothing good."
"The past is the past. We have each other now—right?"
"I swear they only stayed together because Ali went missing."
"Everyone is wondering how I coped, living so far away from my family for so long. They want to know how I can forgive my family for keeping me out of the loop all those years."
"What’s worse is that my parents are basically living this lie, pretending their issues don’t exist."
"We ditch the bitches. And then we take them down."
"We spent every day together for two years. How come you never told us about your sister?"
"I wanted to tell you guys, I swear! I didn’t contact you at first because I couldn’t."
"I’m not cool. I’ve never been cool. I can’t change that."
"That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said."
"You can ride with me and Topher. We’re renting a limo." - Carolyn
"The most important thing is that we’re friends again." - Ali
"It's just a stupid nickname. It will blow over." - Aria
"Maybe Melissa’s decided to check herself in." - Ali
"I hate that you look better than me tonight. Bitch." - Ali
"I wouldn’t complain if it broke down and stranded us here for a couple of hours." - Andrew
"You haven't gotten any calls from a hospital?" Spencer said into the phone.
"Everything's fine," she murmured, her heart beating faster and faster.
"You are such a loser, Emily," Ali let out a perverse giggle.
"Someone tried to kill us," she said. And then she burst into tears.
"All this time, Hanna had thought Ali had chosen her because she’d seen some special spark in Hanna that simply needed to be nurtured and encouraged. But she’d befriended her for the exact opposite reasons. Hanna had been _un_special. A joke. A ploy for revenge."
"Cheesy as it was, Hanna had begun to wonder if it wasn’t popularity that made her truly beautiful but something much deeper."
"Most things don’t work out the way you want them to."
"But now it’s… ruined. There are so many terrible memories here."
"We’ll have to make good memories to override the bad ones."
"Maybe she really was fabulous Hanna Marin, after all."
"Practically the only thing she’d learned from the Ali experience was that some things were too good to be true."
"This was probably what most families did at dinner every day."
"Maybe all they had to do was give each other a chance."