
The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd Quotes

The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd Quotes
"But my instinct told me that there were stirring times ahead."
"Caroline can do any amount of finding out by sitting placidly at home."
"She usually finds out just the same, but I have the moral satisfaction of knowing that I am in no way to blame."
"‘You’ve only got to look at her,’ I have heard her say."
"I suspect that the servants and the tradesmen constitute her Intelligence Corps."
"‘Nonsense,’ said Caroline immediately. ‘She took it on purpose. Don’t tell me!’"
"It is odd, when you have a secret belief of your own which you do not wish to acknowledge, the voicing of it by someone else will rouse you to a fury of denial."
"I told her firmly that her whole idea was nonsense."
"‘The essence of a detective story,’ I said, ‘is to have a rare poison - if possible something from South America, that nobody has ever heard of.’"
"I demand of you a thousand pardons, monsieur. I am without defence."
"The chains of habit. We work to attain an object, and the object gained, we find that what we miss is the daily toil."
"‘That must be Captain Ralph Paton,’ I said slowly."
"I suppose you never read such old out-of-date stuff. Miss Flora?"
"‘I love The Mill on the Floss,’ I was rather pleased to hear it."
"It was a foolish question that I put to you there, for, you see, my friend of whom I spoke was a young man."
"I don’t want him to go altering his will. You leave it to me, and don’t worry."
"It is true that I have retired from the world. I have a horror of publicity."
"I have had much experience. Most of my successes have been obtained by the aid of the police."
"We’re naturally anxious not to have to call in Scotland Yard."
"The electric light was on, of course, when you discovered the body?"
"I can’t help thinking you’re mistaken, Inspector."
"Everyone concerned in them has something to hide."
"You could tell me the details of the patient’s appearance - nothing there would escape you."
"But what reason could it be? When we know that, we shall know everything."
"I don’t like to speak ill of the dead - but there it is."
"I thought, doctor, that you might put it to M. Poirot explain it, you know - because it’s so difficult for a foreigner to see our point of view."
"The first question that’s always asked is ‘Who last saw the deceased alive?’"
"It was on Friday afternoon ‘ She came to a stop and swallowed uncertainly."
"A woman has at heart a great desire to speak the truth."
"Major Blunt, I should say, is not good at concealments."
"It’s God’s own truth what I told the police."
"I didn’t want the servants to see me, so I slipped out through the drawing-room window."
"No one has ever known. It was long ago - long ago - down in Kent. I was not married..."
"He wrote asking me for money. Finally, I heard from him back in this country again."
"I have always been considered so - so very respectable."
"Major Blunt was walking up and down the terrace smoking, so I made a detour to get round to the side door."
"But let us not be in a hurry. Let us proceed slowly, with due order and method."
"It’s a great relief to people to be able to tell all their troubles to someone."
"Whether they enjoy having confidences screwed out of them by force is another matter."