
Legends Of The Fall Quotes

Legends Of The Fall by Jim Harrison

Legends Of The Fall Quotes
"Carrion was shared not by the sharer's design but by a pattern set before anyone knew there were patterns."
"He watched, then dozed, even in sleep owning an alertness unknown to us."
"The sight of someone so gravely injured had quickened his heartbeat but he coolly rehearsed his story of finding the body."
"He savored the pork loin that was prepared for him every Thursday night as the sole remnant of his life in the States."
"He loved this valley that seemed somber and umbrous even in the brightest sunlight."
"It bored him to sit around for thirty days in North Dakota and pray for the heathen throughout the world."
"She carried a bible. She helped in the kitchen of the Mennonite mission where her father had long been the custodian."
"The doctor sang 'La Paloma' as he wrapped the ribs with Mauro filling in on the difficult trilling bars of the wonderful song."
"He was a man of certain tastes. And he was mindful that his tastes were killing him slowly."
"The peculiar blurred brownness of scree always reminded him of the flank of a deer."
"He had been so empty of thought that the world had begun, in an odd way, to delight him again."
"Everyone wishes a measure of mystery in their life that they have done nothing in particular to deserve."
"He slept well that night for the first time in months. It was as if his soul had gotten over some prolonged and terrible wisdom toothache."
"His imagination was too great for that. He went out to walk the horse thinking morosely that the Texan was tottering precariously on the edge of death."
"The morning before Mauro and his daughter had found him by the roadside, excepting the following morning when he was nothing but a dying piece of meat rotting through the day into evening, he had awakened in an uncommon state of what he thought was love."
"You see it happening from grade schools to retirement communities: the certainly accidental cohesion of two souls and bodies, often resulting in terror and unhappiness because so much previously unknown energy is released."
"Language was a convenience of the heart, not something to bludgeon people with."
"Nineteen is the age of the perfect foot soldier who will die without a murmur, his heart aflame with patriotism."
"Nineteen is the age at which the brain of a nascent poet in his rented room soars the highest, suffering gladly the assault of what he thinks is the god in him."
"The truth is she stabbed a man while he made love to her."
"You'll be shot like a dog unless you are careful."
"I am sorry to say that the woman you are looking for was kept in a whorehouse for a month, shot up with smack."
"My friend, I don't want us to get our asses shot off."
"I must tell you that you'll be shot like a dog unless you are careful and probably shot like a dog anyway."
"I could kill you... But I won't kill you."
"One learns little from a telephone book. It's winter in Boston, our St. Petersburg, and the man dances on, a bit clumsily to be sure, and with a witless tenacity."
"Nordstrom means 'north-storm' but it's not much more helpful than 'crow'."
"The world does not suffer fools gladly, thought Nordstrom at four in the morning in a corner suite seven stories up in the Carlyle Hotel in New York City."
"If one sat on the stool, he thought, that made one the king of a dubious country about six-by-eight feet, but only if you could lock the door and in this case you couldn't."
"Nordstrom finally emerged from the woods just before dark near a small Indian reservation community outside of town."
"Surprised I refused Laura, the first time ever, but then life is a matter of fine, hard lines."
"I have been threatened by death. I saw this basically as an insult and will have to deal with it on those terms."
"The world is haphazard. You can see the strain of resisting this principle if you study faces at all."
"I can imagine Sonia strolling around the Uffizi with a notebook, so intense and lovely."
"But there was the slight aftertaste of asking the Sephard about Sarah the summer before, the increased curiosity after the warning."
"The world indeed was a good place, that the war would be quickly over, and that he and Decker would have a good hunt the next day."
"A man who shoots a buffalo and not eat the entire body and make a tent or bed of the skin should himself be shot."
"The wings reflecting the light make them appear like tufts of cotton floating lazily in the wind."
"What doomed him again was a trip to Great Falls with Two and the ranch hands to drive a group of fall steers to the railhead."
"Perhaps Tristan in a genetic lapse had become his own father and would like Cain never take an order from anyone."
"He would have gladly given his ranch to have even one son back."
"Nothing is quite so grotesque as the meeting of a child and a bullet."
"There is little to tell of happiness—happiness is only itself, placid, emotionally dormant, a state adopted with a light heart but nagging brain."
"Life was so awkward and complex that one day they might be together again."