
The Soulmate Quotes

The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth

The Soulmate Quotes
"I did see something. I saw Gabe, cliffside, talking to the woman. I saw her throw up her arms, and I saw him take a step towards her. Then I saw Gabe alone, his arms extended, palms forward."
"You know how you feel for someone you know who is hurt or sick or sad? Imagine feeling that for everyone. Not just everyone you know, but everyone. Every person in the world. All the time."
"It feels as if we’ve always known each other."
"I’m the kind of person who lies to the police. I am the epitome of a good citizen."
"So, what is it that you do when you’re not waitressing, Amanda? I’m a photographer."
"I suppose the woman’s family have been informed by now. They’re probably trying to process the fact that their mother/wife/daughter/sister is gone forever."
"Seeing a healthy person take their own life... that’s something else entirely."
"I know it’s not your fault, mate. Frankly, it’s amazing that you’ve saved as many as you have. So don’t blame yourself, okay?"
"He asks if he can help them with anything. Or, he might ask if they like the view. Anything to force them out of their thoughts and back into the world."
"She’s the one, she whispered, as he carried the plates into the kitchen. She’s your happy ending."
"If you decide to accept my proposal, and I sincerely hope you do, we will have a good life. Travel, art, music, food. I will support you in anything you want to do."
"Something about his face. The determination of it."
"The moments that, even after everything, still pierce your heart."
"I’m not sure I’m ready to hear what is coming next."
"But as he pressed the card into my hand, it felt like a strangely intimate moment – and I felt an unmistakable frisson of electricity."
"I was desperately lonely. The kind of loneliness that claws at your insides."
"I didn’t know nausea could come on this quickly until I married Gabe."
"It's the visit from the police that’s got him rattled."
"The first time he pushed me onto a wave, I floated a couple of metres and then stopped."
"‘What is wrong with me?’ I say out loud."
"This is what I wanted to avoid, Pip. This is why I didn’t tell you it was Amanda on the cliff."
"She discovered an incriminating video of me and her husband."
"I’ve been following it, Pip. I read in the paper that she’d died unexpectedly."
"I thought that ADHD only affected children."
"He looks startled when he sees me in the doorway and immediately his expression changed to one of impatience."
"‘I think you should see a doctor,’ I said eventually."
"Sometimes, the road to our destination leads us in a direction we don't want to take. But does it matter, in the end, if it gets us where we want to go?"
"In desperate times, sometimes we do desperate things."
"I'd like to say that I drew the line at spying, but shamefully that wasn't the case."
"I heard Nana and Papa saying she jumped. And you and Daddy did too."
"It was impossible not to forgive this man. Even though I knew that, eventually, this would probably be my downfall."
"I forgave him for all of it, loved him for all of it."
"Sometimes, when you look back on it, the worst moments are in fact the best."
"I've just been for a six-kilometre walk!"
"If I could have turned back the clock and undone things from our past, I might have – but never at the cost of Asha's existence."
"Before Baz, I hadn't known that you could feel both safe and petrified at the same time."
"I’m sorry, I need to go. We have vaccinations. I wish I could help..."
"I thought you knew who you were dealing with."
"Max isn’t the nice guy everyone thinks he is."
"We’ll get out of it. It’s just a little more complicated now."
"It’s just the events of the past week, I tell myself. It would put anyone on edge."
"The only thing I ever asked of him was fidelity."
"I was about close the computer when I came across a message from Max to Stef."
"It’s the first time I’ve felt like that."
"All I want is to know what happened to Amanda."
"The important thing is that Max thinks we have it."
"I need to tell you something. But first, there’s something I want to show you."
"I’d want to, but she would never let me."
"You’ve done an extraordinary job managing this, Pippa."
"There’s only so many times you can be hit before you decide to hit back."
"I’m not sure I’d be able to survive emotionally without him."
"I feel like I might die from the shame."
"The beauty of the moment was not diminished by the fact that he didn’t say the words I love you."
"All eyes were on him, and not just because he was giving the speech."
"He was speaking fast. Almost too fast for me to understand what he was saying."
"I was at this very spot when I saw him jump."
"I wasn’t offended; why would he? We’d only met a couple of times."
"What’s stopping him from going to the police the moment he leaves here?"
"I’ve never told anyone about this, Amanda."
"He said, 'Can you believe that? He’d only just discovered I existed, and instead of asking to see my face, he asked to see my DNA.'"
"I wasn’t prepared to lie down, helpless, as my world collapsed around me."
"I watched Max’s final interaction with Gabe."
"I was stunned that, after everything, Max was still helping Gabe."
"He said, 'It’s time for a life change. I think we should move overseas.'"
"Suddenly I felt powerful – like I had control in a situation where I’d previously had none."
"I’ll never forget the look on his face when he told me how his father’s wealthy parents had turned his pregnant teenage mother away."
"He was so authoritative. I believed it."
"I’m not sure I trust my instincts anymore."
"It was like watching Harry if he’d lived."