
Rebel Quotes

Rebel by Marie Lu

Rebel Quotes
"If you asked me to tell you about myself, I’d say first that I like to understand things."
"I like figuring things out, the how and the why."
"But most people don’t know me like this. Instead, they’ll say: This is Eden Bataar Wing, Daniel’s younger brother."
"Sometimes things don’t happen for a reason."
"Everything you do here earns you points that go to your Level. The more good things you do... the more points you earn toward your Level."
"I like to show my bright side because it puts people at ease."
"You can work your Level up, of course. That’s the whole point of this system."
"I wonder what it was like when I was small."
"Because, sometimes, it’s impossible to understand something."
"I’m not the best liar, so instead I just give Mr. Yu as toothy a smile as I can manage."
"When he’s happy, I can believe that I am too."
"I don’t fit in up here, in the Sky Floors where everything’s perfect until it isn’t."
"Maybe our definitions of danger are different."
"I’m going to cover the ten thousand corras for this young racer."
"I make a point to know about everyone participating in the drone races."
"It’s okay if you’re distracted today, you know."
"Where did you learn to make an engine like that?"
"I’ve never seen an engine like yours before."
"Do you know the real reason why Anden came here to see your President?"
"Do your memories still haunt you like they used to?"
"You don’t feel like you’re comfortable here."
"It’s not like I haven’t been here before."
"Has that been circulating on the news here, or are you just asking around about me?"
"What the hell is Eden doing down here again?"
"I don’t do well with personal threats, Director."
"I watch her go, feeling a sense of helplessness that I haven’t felt since the Republic was at war."
"At least all the right choices were obvious there."
"He’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life."
"You look like you could use someone to hear you out."
"Sometimes it’s noble. Sometimes it’s just stupid. It’s a fine line."
"The work never really ends, does it? It just shifts to something else."
"And you did survive. So I kept that promise."
"But there are constants to anchor ourselves to."
"You do what you believe is right. Always."
"The next time, that money will come with street police at our door. It’s never worth it."
"But instead, I hear one of the guards say, 'Let him go.'"
"Daniel’s free now. He’s going to come back for me, that I know with a dead certainty and a wild hope."
"All I know is that when I wake up next, I’m in my own bed, my window overlooking a blanket of clouds shrouding the glittering city."
"She lets out a long breath. 'Hey,' she whispers, getting to her feet."
"He’s playing a game with you, he finally says. 'It’s what he’s known for.'"
"I’ve never seen Ross City without its layers of augmented-reality before."
"Your job is to keep Eden safe. And right now, the only path to safety is to get out of this country."
"He couldn’t have moved as fast as he did otherwise."
"Hann would’ve gotten it somehow, with or without you."
"It’s time for someone else to run this place."
"I think of the way June pulls herself away from our intimate moments. It’s the exact same thing I do."
"I’m perched on a ledge overlooking our place when Eden heads into the entrance."
"This shop is something that Dad has built all his life."
"You think I’m stupid? This is everything we have, Eden! Everything!"
"I’ve always known, to some extent, why he’s never told me his stories."
"You always have an antidote for every concoction you make."
"The chaos in the city won’t last forever. But while it does, this is the best place for us to be."
"Sometimes it isn’t the idea that’s corrupt, but the one operating it."
"If you hand them back control over their lives, they will fall to their knees before you and shower you with gratitude."
"I’m sick to death of watching both you and the Antarctican government play your games with the Undercity, while the people there are the ones who suffer from your antics."
"You think this is the solution to everything that’s gone wrong for you?"
"The sooner this is all over, the sooner things can return to normal."
"You rarely regret the things you do, but always the things you don’t."
"I can do this. I’ve been at it my whole life."
"This isn’t about fixing the past!" I shout back. "It’s about repairing the future!"
"If you have to sell your soul in your quest to make things better," I say through gritted teeth, "then you’ll never succeed."
"This isn’t what they would’ve wanted," I say to him.
"I see all this because I’ve seen it before."
"Our lives have always been a war. Maybe that war won’t ever be over. But at the end of it all, we still have each other."
"Nothing can fix the past, Eden. Don’t you know that by now?"
"Good behavior and success. Now it’s just a system that holds half of the city’s population back."
"Sometimes, being patriotic means calling out the problems rotting away your country."
"Just in case you had something specific in mind."
"The world shifts, tilts, sometimes collapses. But sometimes, it bends toward you, and everything feels right."