
Love Marriage Quotes

Love Marriage by Monica Ali

Love Marriage Quotes
"If the television was on and a kissing-with-tongues scene threatened the chaste and cardamom-scented home, it was swiftly terminated by a flick of the black box."
"When Yasmin began her first period, her mother had slipped her a pack of Kotex Maxi pads and murmured instructions not to touch the Qu’ran."
"The human body had long since yielded its mysteries."
"She had slept with three men, and was engaged to be married to the third, Joe, a fellow doctor at St Barnabas hospital."
"When tomorrow night was over she’d laugh at herself."
"The thought of her parents inside that discreetly sumptuous Georgian terrace induced a faint feeling of nausea."
"It was decades ago. You wouldn’t understand. Stick with your porn. Stick with your hairless porn."
"To have a quiet and ordered life is to be fortunate indeed."
"He had an office, the front room as it was always called, which had been kitted out with great ceremony."
"My opinion is that my wife is the one you should ask, since she shoulders the burden of faith for the two of us."
"You’ve talked about how you were brought up Muslim and I know you’re not observant, but you told me you still pray sometimes."
"But Joe hadn’t grown up in the Ghorami household where there was no such thing as sex."
"My father? I don’t know. He’s a drunk and a liar and a cheat."
"Wait, he decided. One thing Sandor had learned this past year was that Brits were more entrenched in the hierarchy of pain than Americans."
"Addiction is not the primary problem. The addiction is always an attempt to solve a problem."
"I’m not going to tell her. Because that’s not what I want at all. I don’t want it to break us up."
Life isn’t black and white," said Rania. "That’s all.
"You know what we were, pumpkin? We were gypsies. Noble gypsies roaming Europe with our teacups and rye bread and Russian pride."
I’m not depressed, I’m bored," said Mrs. Antonova. "I’m surrounded by that!
I’m not busy," said Yasmin. "Tell me about your first husband.
"He was the love of my life," sang Mrs. Antonova.
"You are very busy, pumpkin. Thank you for the visit. It was lovely," Mrs. Antonova said sincerely.
"If you love, everything else you will manage. Love is most important," Ma advised Yasmin.
"If I go, they will try to cheat me, but when they see you, a clever doctor, they will not dare cheating you," said Ma about selling her jewelry.
"I feel sorry for them as well," Arif admitted, overwhelmed by his impending fatherhood.
"I think the point is – I’m not wrong now," Rania confidently asserted during a serious conversation.
"I’m sorry. That’s pathetic," Joe admitted, reflecting on his actions.
"Everything that needed doing had been done."
"If he wants to invite him to the wedding that is entirely up to him."
"Darling, of course you’re angry! He was a shitty father."
"There’s a deep-rooted sexism at work in the whole psychoanalytic industry."
"Joseph will find his own way with his father."
"I’ve paid taxes all my life and so has my uncle, and I’m entitled to ask for a British doctor without getting insulted and abused."
"Through difficulty to greatness. From trial to triumph."
"I want to go outside, but nobody takes me. I have no freedom, not even the freedom to die."
"I am your loving mother, your brother’s loving mother also. Inshallah, I will see you soon."
"Parents do the best they know how for their children. Almost all parents do. And sometimes their best efforts are damaging. We don’t seek to blame, only understand."
"Every beating is an adverse childhood event. But to be beaten for your own good is to be scarred for life."
"The most damaging thing was this twisted conception: the warped understanding that his mother’s excessive ministrations saved him from a fate far worse."
"Thank God it was the last appointment of the day. Sandor was tired. What could one tired old man do to shore up the world?"
"The snow had stopped falling and the world through the window had that special stillness, like silence made visible."
"You feel...? But the boy could not answer."
"How have you been managing? Your impulse control. Have you been coping?"
"It’s not what you are, remember. It’s something you do that you want to change."
"I have had enough. Enough is enough. Wake up. Washing. Dressing. Medications. Breakfast. Nap. Reading. Nap."
"Western culture is no less immersive than any other, but when it’s pervasive it becomes invisible – it’s hegemonic. You don’t know you’re submerged in it any more than a fish knows it’s in water, it’s simply what is."
"Women have desires too. We are not simply receptacles for male desire."
"It’s not a crime to be immersed in one’s culture."
"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us, ‘Universe’, a part limited in time and space."
"Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
"I thought his life would be harder than yours. That business with the police... I was harsh. Unforgiving."
"Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear."
"I’m so stupid, that I’m going public about it. My concerns. Little things like how quiet the dementia ward is when you’ve been in there."
"It’s better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."
"It feels like someone doing the washing up in her belly."
"It was how she felt when he looked at her. As if he’d slit her open and slid his hands inside. It felt like fear. And love."
"I worked it out in the end. It’s because of the thing with my chin?"
"He keeps a box of photos of me in his bedroom. There’s a framed one by his bed."
"This is how it would be, she thought, if we’d been married for fifty years."
"But in his heart, he is ashamed of the arrangement. This business arrangement with my father. He takes the girl, who does not want to marry. He takes her for money."
"I haven’t been completely honest with you."
"We can’t just carry on and pretend everything’s fine, because it’s not."