
Marriage For One Quotes

Marriage For One by Ella Maise

Marriage For One Quotes
"Note to my past self: Do NOT, I repeat, do not say yes to marrying the handsome stranger you happen to know absolutely nothing about."
"Not every marriage is about love. What had love offered me anyway other than heartbreak and late-night emotional eating?"
"I wasn’t getting married in a lush green garden... I was standing next to the wrong man, one who did nothing but frown and glower."
"Holding a stranger’s hand while you’re getting married? Not fun."
"It didn’t matter how many times I repeated it to myself, I still couldn’t believe I’d agreed to this."
"God, to think I had been planning my wedding to a different guy only a few months earlier."
"What an encouraging start to a new marriage—a fake one, yes, but still."
"You don’t have to explain anything to him," I said, glancing at her. "Yes, I do, Jack. Of course, I do."
"I don’t know how to do this with you. I don’t know how to be married."
"Despite what you saw tonight, I’m pretty easy to get along with," I continued as he focused on dipping the brush into more paint. "You won’t even know I’m in your home."
"I’m not sad it’s over. Sometimes all you need is a little time away to look at things with a new perspective."
"Just because you can take care of yourself, you’re not supposed to let anyone else help you?"
"It’s not about not finding you interesting to talk to, Rose. You are probably the most interesting person I’ve ever met."
"If you don’t want them to think you’re crazy, I’d suggest stop shouting at them."
"I try not to do anything I’ll end up having to apologize for."
"Let’s not be like them. Let’s find better examples and try to imitate them."
"Let’s stick with doing whatever needs to be done at the moment."
"Being ourselves individually isn’t the problem. How to be ourselves as a couple—that’s the hard thing."
"Don’t take it off, okay? I like seeing it on your finger."
"Was that the right amount of PDA for our fake marriage?"
"Don't stay on your feet for too long—you're still limping."
"I’m not gonna keep talking about money with you."
"Your husband pays for his coffee because he wants his wife to succeed."
"See, we’re doing just fine as a fake married couple."
"I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t know what to say to you sometimes."
"I mean, there is nothing wrong with it, I guess."
"It was lunch time. You’re not paying me for a cup of coffee."
"You’re eating lunch in your office by yourself?"
"I’ve been wearing it all the time. You know this."
"So you can buy a dress for an event you’re going to attend because of me."
"I told you: the day you made this ridiculous deal, I told you not to do it."
"This was the stupidest idea you’ve ever had."
"You didn’t stalk her, Jack. You were trying to help her."
"If you ever say another word on this subject, I will fire you on the spot and not even think twice about it."
"I was so incredibly aware that what I had just seen wasn’t real, but it had felt real—real enough that I felt a vast emptiness inside me."
"My feelings hadn’t just disappeared suddenly like the dream, though. They hadn’t changed. I could still remember what I’d felt. I still wanted him."
"Feeling so good about something, feeling so happy and then having that feeling just be a lie?"
"We’re not gonna start worrying before we know what’s going on."
"I might not be what you wanted or needed, but you got me anyway."