
Tomorrow, When The War Began Quotes

Tomorrow, When The War Began by John Marsden

Tomorrow, When The War Began Quotes
"I know why they chose me, because I’m meant to be the best writer, but there’s a bit more to it than just being able to write. There’s a few little things can get in the way. Little things like feelings, emotions."
"Recording what we’ve done, in words, on paper, it’s got to be our way of telling ourselves that we mean something, that we matter."
"No place was Hell, no place could be Hell. It’s the people calling it Hell, that’s the only thing that made it so."
"We’ve all had to rewrite the scripts of our lives the last few weeks. We’ve learnt a lot and we’ve had to figure out what’s important, what matters – what really matters."
"There aren’t many wild places left on Earth, yet we’d fluked it into the middle of this little wild kingdom."
"It’s amazing how quickly your attitudes can change."
"No legitimate aircraft, no aircraft on a legitimate mission, would have been flying without lights."
"All we can do is to keep calculating the odds."
"It's not as though Wirrawee's going to be a major target for anyone."
"We believed we were safe. That was the big fantasy."
"We’ve got to start thinking of ourselves as guerillas."
"We've made a lot of mistakes today, and we've paid a hell of a price."
"I hope Mum and Dad don’t mind us doing these things."
"I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies."
"Deliver me, O Lord, from evil men; preserve me from violent men, who plan evil things in their heart, and stir up wars continually."
"We have to do what’s right for us. We have to find meanings for our own lives."
"The stupidest thing for us to do would be to charge in like Rambos with our little .22’s popping away."
"If I could answer that I’d probably know everything."
"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
"I reckon it’s like those stories of mothers lifting cars to get trapped babies out from underneath."
"We ought to talk to anyone we can find in town, like Mr Clement, and even try to link up with the Army, or whoever’s still fighting in other districts."
"The only certainty was the rosebush, its flowers catching enough sunlight through the brambles to glow like pieces of soft jewellery."
"I didn’t know if I was making myself feel bad by trying to make myself feel good, thinking about my parents, but it was my way of keeping them alive and in my thoughts."
"Humans had created these opposites: Nature recognized no opposites."
"All I could think of to do was to trust to instinct."
"Human laws, moral laws, religious laws, they seemed artificial and basic, almost childlike."
"I was a virgin and I know Lee was; matter of fact I think we all were."
"True courage is when you’re really scared but you still do it."
"I wanted to be able to make calm, logical decisions."
"Perhaps my lack of confidence, my tortuous habit of questioning and doubting everything I said or did, was a gift."
"The moon was shining brighter than ever but I couldn’t stay."
"If life is a struggle against emotion, then I was losing."
"It's no good," I said at last. "We'll just have to take the first one and risk it with no brakes. I'll use the gears as much as I can."
"Air brakes," I said to Fi, annoyed with myself for not having thought of it earlier.
"It’s really quite frightening to crash a vehicle directly and deliberately into something."
"With my typical arrogance I’d been worried about Fi’s nerves, but I should have been more worried about my own."
"‘Ellie!’ she said. ‘It’s petrol in the back, not water!’"
"I tried to give her a confident grin. ‘I don’t know, Fi I think maybe we can. I hope we can.’"
"‘The human eye doesn’t look above its own height’."
"If I knowingly did things like blowing up bridges, then the fact that by sheer good luck no one was hurt didn’t let me off the hook."