
Behind Closed Doors Quotes

Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris

Behind Closed Doors Quotes
"With so much at stake tonight, I need to concentrate on the here and now."
"He insisted on choosing the house himself, telling me it was to be my wedding present."
"As I spoon the mixture into individual dishes, I glance nervously at the clock."
"I remind myself that fear is my enemy I try to remain calm."
"I’m reminded of why I fell in love with Jack."
"In my line of work, it’s easy to become demoralized with the human race."
"I had never seen that sort of devotion in anybody before and I was determined to get to know her."
"I loved her dearly, but the thought of the two of us growing old together on our own filled me with dread."
"I knew from the minute I saw you sitting on the grass over there with Millie that you were the woman I’d been waiting for all my life."
"Something has to give and as I hope we’ll be having children sooner rather than later."
"Millie is going to be fine apart from a broken leg."
"People managed perfectly well before without mobiles."
"I can’t believe how perfectly they match the dress."
"I’m sure she’d be able to find a few little imperfections."
"I can’t wait to see the house and I can’t wait to be married to you!"
"I tried to imagine why Jack hadn’t answered his phone, why he hadn’t been able to take my call."
"Too agitated to wait for the lift, I took the stairs down to the lobby."
"He’s probably in the bar, drowning his sorrows that he’s now a married man."
"The fact the car was missing went someway to explaining why he hadn’t answered his phone."
"He had never spoken to me in such a way before."
"I couldn’t believe that Jack would have written something so cruel."
"I shook my head miserably. ‘I don’t understand. Is there some problem at work?'"
"The thought of spending the next two weeks with someone who had become a virtual stranger was terrifying."
"I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was making the biggest mistake of my life."
"Desperate to understand where we had gone wrong."
"I was so busy working out how I would adjust to being married to a man I hadn’t known existed."
"For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. Till death do us part."
"You can’t go to England without it, you know. In fact, you can’t go anywhere without it."
"It’s important, you see, that you realize just how much harder it would be if it was Millie lying there rather than Molly."
"Fear, he whispered. ‘There is nothing quite like it."
"I taught myself to meditate not long after Jack moved me into this room for fear I would go mad with nothing to do all day."
"I’m not a monster," he said with a frown, noticing.
"It’s almost as if I believe the lies I have told them."
"The sooner you accept that the wheels are already in motion and that there is nothing you can do to stop them the better it will be for you."
"I can’t go on like this," I sob to Jack, not caring that everyone is listening.
"I’m tired of waiting for Millie to move in with us."
"I promise I’ll find a solution before you come to live with me."
"It simple, Grace. We kill Jorj Koony."
"It’s just that I can’t think of any other reason he would suddenly disappear without trace."
"It’s about time she saw where she’s going to be living, don’t you think so, darling?"
"I thought it would save time. Thank you for coming to fetch me at such short notice."
"I’m sure everything is all right. I’m sure he’ll be on that flight tonight."
"You don’t know how glad I am that we’re going to Thailand."
"I wish I would. What would you do then, Jack? What will you do if I go mad?"
"Because that kind of role doesn’t come easily to me any more."
"It’s lovely,’ I say, admiring the banner and balloons he has strung around the terrace."
"Not at all. I mean, why would I deprive my beautiful wife of a holiday just because I can’t go?"
"Once I’d realised that I could get away with murder, I spent the rest of the night working out the details."
"Nobody makes a fool out of me. Antony Tomasin is going to suffer for this too."
"Sitting opposite all those battered women and imagining it was me who had beaten them up."
"‘It’s all right,’ she murmurs, sitting down next to me and putting her arm around me. ‘It’s all right.’"
"‘Poor Jack,’ I say quietly. ‘Poor, poor, Jack. I can’t bear to think about how he must have suffered.’"
"He said he found it useful to spend time there before he went to court, going through the files, looking at the photographic evidence."
"Remember, Jack told them you were mentally fragile so they know they have to be careful."