
Lucky In Love Quotes

Lucky In Love by Kasie West

Lucky In Love Quotes
"Playing the lottery is like throwing away money."
"I think I’ll put my effort into something that has much higher odds of success—like hard work."
"I love nearly everything about school: the structure, the classes, the assignments, even the way the bell sounded."
"Dreaming about how life could be 'if only' was a waste of time."
"Study session. On a Friday night? What a life."
"Just because you have popular envy, Elise, doesn’t mean Trina isn’t sinister."
"I’m in a committed relationship with school."
"Walking regularly improves mood, balance, and coordination."
"I don’t think you can call something a party when only three people are invited."
"I hope you had a horrible sugar crash last night, Beau."
"I didn’t need childish birthday traditions, anyway."
"Sometimes no talking was better for our family."
"If we can’t be honest about the little things, then where are we?"
"Was this really happening? Had I just won fifty million dollars? This felt like some sort of joke."
"I won the lottery. I just won fifty million dollars."
"This was what true happiness felt like, I was sure of it."
"We’d started a game called What Would You Buy with Fifty Million Dollars? The rules were self-explanatory."
"Who said that money couldn’t buy happiness? I needed to buy that person a thing or two so they’d understand."
"Like something that had been resting on my shoulders for years had been lifted."
"You need to find some hobbies, live a little."
"It's more about being able to instantly communicate with someone. There's power in that, don't you think?"
"I believe in making our own luck, but a talisman now and again can help motivate us."
"I don't know. Why does anyone love anything? I guess it's just a feeling. Something that makes me want to act, to learn, to do more, to be better."
"We've gotten used to instant validation for sure."
"That's the thing. I have some money tied up in other properties right now."
"I'm just reviewing every stupid thing I've ever said to you or anyone in the past."
"I laughed and shot off another text: Oh, right, that’s what we were talking about … Congrats! But sorry, I’m already through my texts-from-Seth withdrawal. I don’t want to have a relapse."
"The guy can break a skateboard in half with his head! Why have you not secured him straight into friend spot number one?"
"My phone buzzed with Seth’s response. It’s like riding a bike, Maddie. A social media bike."
"One of these days, we’re going to be at a party together and it will be epic."
"There’s a reason Pretty Woman shopped here. It’s about quality."
"Don’t look at the price tags. Find what you like, what looks good on your body, and don’t worry about cost."
"Places like this have an amazing way of helping you discover who you are."
"I could write a book about all the crazy ways people had advised me to spend my money."
"Catching up was a lot harder than just maintaining."
"Facts make you happy. And numbers. You like numbers."
"It’s amazing. I hired a guy to bust out a wall and redo the outdated kitchen. I’m making it into more of a loft feel."
"It’s the overthinking that gets me every time."
"Sometimes regardless of what we want, reality takes over."
"I will teach you how to be fixated on a goal if you teach me how to let things go more often."
"You’re the girl who helps kids feed goats for two hours straight and mucks spots and helps a really difficult guy with his hard math problems. I’d say patience is definitely one of your virtues."
"You need to be more cautious. Less trusting."
"I wasn’t going to let my money change things."
"I just wanted to be around someone who I felt like myself with."
"You’re more likely to be hit by lightning than win the lottery."
"I’m here if you need to talk. About anything."
"It's the thought that matters. That's what she'll appreciate."
"I love both of you and hate to see you fight."
"Everyone has problems. There is no judgment here."
"I think it would be a better place if you controlled the world, Maddie."
"Sometimes life has a way of changing perfect plans. Of presenting new plans."
"Your life can be anything you want it to be."
"Magic cannot be explained. It can only be experienced."
"You don't need to buy people's affection. You have to stop thinking like that."
"Blaire was right—I had to trust my heart. It was the only way to live. And my heart wanted Seth."
"My parents had issues that money couldn’t fix."
"We make our own luck. We chose our own fate. We controlled our own future."
"I raised my hand and said loudly, 'I bought that.'"
"We need counseling or I don’t think this can work."
"I can’t control every aspect of my life either."
"I’m actually a pretty fun guy when not at home."
"I wasn’t sure I could trust your taste in music before, but you have now proven yourself."