
The Restaurant Quotes

The Restaurant by Pamela M. Kelley

The Restaurant Quotes
"Names and numbers of people she needed to call ASAP."
"Jill could almost always tell just by reading the recipe what a dish would taste like."
"Certain dishes, such as their wafer-thin eggplant parmesan, were so amazing that Jill finally gave up ordering them anywhere else."
"The doctors called it a massive coronary, Grams said it was simply a broken heart."
"She was mesmerized by a food blog, which was one of her guilty pleasures."
"Thank God for Jenna. She was the best assistant Jill had ever had."
"Billy turned as the printer whirred and groaned."
"I knew you weren’t on the phone," Billy said as he barged into the office."
"I know that I’m dying," Grams said and her tone was matter of fact, serene even.
"I’ve had a wonderful life and a long one and it’s my time. I’m tired, but I have a few things to say."
"The restaurant is yours to do with what you will, but before you can sell Mimi’s Place, if that is what you choose to do, all three of you must first work there in any capacity you choose for exactly one year."
"My girls, I know this will come as somewhat of a shock, but I am the sole owner of Mimi’s Place and have been for forty-three years, since I won the restaurant in a bet."
"He is who he is and I know he never meant for this to happen, but I just can’t be around him anymore. It’s too hard."
"How could that be? How come she never told us?"
"It's just a year. It'll go by in the blink of an eye."
"You have to work together at the restaurant for a year or else it would all go to him."
"I found an hour a day, either before or after work, and that added up to a finished book four months later."
"If that's what you really want to do, then you need to find a way to make it happen."
"Maybe I'll look into an evening culinary school program."
"I need to feel useful, to get out there and do something challenging."
"I was planning to finish up here this week. But, I’ve only been here part-time for many years now."
"You’d think I’d learn by osmosis, but I think cooking is like singing. You either have the talent or you don’t."
"The only way you'll really learn is by doing. You'll learn on the job, and that's how it sinks in."
"No, just putting out fires, as usual. What’s going on?"
"It’s weird without you here. The energy level is down."
"This morning was just a glitch, and it was my first time dialing in. Once I’m regularly part of the meetings even from a distance, it will be better."
"It will be. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Go bill up a storm, would you please?"
"I’m counting on it. Not next weekend, but maybe the weekend after, if that works for you?"
"Okay, let’s make a plan then to connect at least once a day, to debrief and say hello."
"The restaurant business is fickle. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it."
"I loved the energy and the overall atmosphere and of course, the food."
"Almost fifteen years. And I thought we were happy. Well, happy enough."
"I think someone has had her limit. Let’s get you in a cab and home."
"There were so many moving parts to any placement, some more so than others, that you really couldn’t consider your work done until the person had actually started and stayed in the role for several months."
"His boss took him to lunch and presented a ridiculous counteroffer. Told him he’s important to the success of the company and they can’t do it without him."
"Covering everything ahead of time was essential in smoothing over rough patches that developed."
"If he’s smart, he’ll realize what’s going on."
"Sit tight, then, and wait for his call. If you don’t hear from him by noon, call him."
"The day will go quickly. Before you know it we’ll be ready for after-work drinks."
"Nothing like a greasy burger to soak up any lingering alcohol effects, eh?"
"Funny how what she didn’t think was possible at eight-thirty in the morning, seemed like a good idea at the end of the day."
"I hadn’t realized that I was almost out when I went shopping earlier in the week."
"Sometimes people are happier apart than together."
"Sometimes it was the littlest thing, like once when she was folding laundry and a picture fell off her dresser."
"If you both finish your dinner, we'll have some ice cream and maybe watch a movie. Sound good?"
"Mint chocolate chip. I picked some up yesterday."
"Dear Diary, Jay asked me to marry him! Of course I said yes."
"Dear Diary, It looks like this blasted war is never going to end."
"Dear Diary, I know I have ignored you for the longest time."
"Dear Diary, I never thought I would get over Jay."
"Dear Diary, the most wonderful, shocking thing has happened. Jay didn’t die."
"Dear Diary, Jay wrote to let me know that he’s married and he and his wife are moving to Nantucket!"
"I want to respect both Charlie and Jay by keeping my ownership private."
"It's a lovely piece of him, and I want to take care of it as best I can."
"The menu has been a hit. Turns out just about everyone loves luxurious comfort food."
"You only go around once, might as well do what makes you happy."
"My biggest struggle is with feelings of guilt about whether to try again."
"It was an impressive looking dish, ice cream on cake, smothered in meringue."
"We only go around once, might as well do what makes you happy."
"It matters more. I feel like we have more impact now."
"Believe it. You're it for me, Jill. I can't believe it took us so long to figure this out."