
Always Mine Quotes

Always Mine by Laura Pavlov

Always Mine Quotes
"On Sunday nights, no matter where we were, if we were in Honey Mountain, we attended family dinner."
"My oldest sister was the most driven person I’d ever known, and I was so proud of her."
"The smell of my dad’s famous mac ‘n’ cheese baking in the oven had my mouth watering."
"Whichever firefighters weren’t working on Sundays always came to dinner."
"I’d been through worse than Jansen Clark cheating on me and inviting me to his wedding. I would be fine."
"I decided to go into the bathroom and take a cold shower, as it was my only chance of getting any sleep."
"There isn’t a man on this planet that wouldn’t be attracted to you."
"Because Callahan Ranch wasn’t the only thing on fire at the moment."
"It’s the reason I turned down my scholarship to go away to school and attended college close to home."
"Fire families always came together when there were fires, and we shared what we’d hear from the guys."
"I’d worked hard to save up the money to open my business after I graduated from college."
"I knew better. When we were young, he’d talked to me about being woken up to a swift kick in the gut or a cigarette being extinguished on his skin."
"I begged him to report his father, but he said it would only make things worse for him."
"Niko doesn’t want Mabel living at the house if Dad’s going to be coming home."
"He’s old news. It wasn’t all that serious. But there’s this hot guy in my class right now. Everyone calls him King, and let me tell you… he can rule over my kingdom anytime he wants."
"You worry too much. You’re young. You need to have some fun."
"It’s water. You’re fine. And I’m not in a mood. This is me. You know me."
"Nothing I wouldn’t do for you, you know that."
"You don’t have to be strong for me, you know."
"My cheeks heated at the thought. The things we’d talked about last night."
"I can only imagine what he could do with those hands."
"I know enough. He clearly relates better to animals than people."
"But I can sure as hell manage to rock your fucking world without sticking my dick in you. And I want to be the first one to taste you."
"One time, Honey Bee. Then we go back to normal."
"This was about you. One time, and back to business as usual."
"I’ve just never felt that before during sex."
"Life is all about choices. She made hers, so she needs to be a grown-up and do right by Mabel. End of story."
"I’m not asking you to marry me or promise me forever. We’re best friends."
"I’m happy for you. I’ve wanted you two to hook up for so long."
"You’re fucking brilliant. You’ll come up with something."
"I don’t want there to be a fallout when it ends. And it will."
"I couldn’t wait to get out of here and go see her."
"Damn straight. You assholes can’t cook for shit. One of us has to step up to the plate."
"Someone’s in a hurry today. Where you running off to, hot stuff?"
"We gave one another shit, and I wouldn’t have it any other way."
"It sure is, Princess. Let’s get you out of the cold."
"I don’t think it could get any better than this."
"I’m not asking you to marry me, Niko. I’m asking you to give us a chance."
"Trauma is the ultimate thief. It may have robbed your past, but only you can let it rob your future."
"I’m not even sure what the fuck we’re talking about?"
"You are correct… trauma is a part of life. Shit does happen."
"But if you don’t try, you lose everything anyway, right?"
"I’d never felt that kind of safety or contentment in my life, as far as I could remember."
"I guess in a way I’d learn to survive at a very young age."
"Happily ever after wasn’t meant for everyone."
"I’m glad you stopped running. Now hopefully you’ll stay awhile."
"You know I have pancake mix, right? You made them from scratch?"
"I don’t think someone as evil as he is, is capable of change."
"Hell, I felt relieved the day they took him away."
"What kind of man asks his son to take the fall for him?"
"A monster, Honey Bee. That’s exactly what he is."
"They taste better when you know how long they took to make."
"You clearly have no loyalty to your family, but I let that shit go."
"I meant no offense. Just pointing out the obvious."
"I’m going to bury my face between your legs, for starters."
"It’s always been you. You just weren’t mine yet."
"I’ve never been scared, nor am I scared now."
"Always mine, Vivi. It just took me a bit to claim you."
"You don’t need to talk to someone about all of this. A therapist, or even Everly. She’s in a similar field. She could do that for you."
"That’s the thing. I don’t exactly know where that is. I called off the wedding. Katie kicked me out and I came home."
"I want you to be happy, Jansen, I really do. But you’re not going to find what you need here."
"You’ve had Vivian. She’s always had your back."
"If you keep it all bottled up, it’s going to destroy you."
"You’re not a fuck-up. There’s an amazing little girl in that room down the hall that proves as much."
"It’s real nice," I said, bending down to study the ornaments.
"I love it. How’d you get this many pink ornaments?"
"It’s my honeybee and my heart. They’re one and the same."
"It’s the key to this." I took her hand and placed it over her heart. "I gave you mine and you gave me yours. It doesn’t get any better than that, does it?"
"It’s because he was always in love with Vivi."
"I’ll keep you well stocked. Get out of here. I’ve got a few more batches to make before I call it a night."
"You aren’t your father. He robbed you of your childhood. Don’t give him your future too."
"Because not everyone gets to have a happily ever after, Vivian. But I’m glad that my kids seem to be chasing it."
"He’s just messing with you. He’s a sick fucker. Nothing’s going to happen to me."
"I think she pulled her head out of the sand and realized that having him around Mabel was a bad idea."
"That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right?"
"You’d be proud of our girls, baby. They’re amazing, just like their mama. We miss you."
"You think that’s funny, do you? You’re lucky we’re in the truck and your dad’s just sitting on the other side of that wall, or I’d have that skirt up over your head and be sliding into you right now."
"I plan to rock your world until you take your last fucking breath."
"I’ve loved you my whole life, Niko. And I plan on doing it until I take my last breath."
"I think that losers always call winners competitive. It’s a coping mechanism. They hate us cause they ain’t us."
"You’ve always been big on making me feel seen. Even when I felt invisible to everyone else."
"Life’s too short to wait for perfect moments. We make our moments perfect by simply living them."
"Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling. And with you, I’m always home."
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make."