
Shut Out Quotes

Shut Out by Kody Keplinger

Shut Out Quotes
"There is nothing more humiliating than being topless in the backseat of your boyfriend’s car when someone decides to throw an egg at the windshield."
"I should have known when he told me what kind of shampoo would help with my frizz."
"You’ll never get over Randy if you don’t put yourself out there. A few meaningless hookups are exactly what you need right now."
"So how Chloe and I had started hanging out, actually. She heard me talking about needing a ride at the lunch table last year and volunteered to drive me."
"I sighed and grabbed a few of the adult fiction books that had accidentally been placed on the children’s cart (Ha! Jenna could make mistakes, too!) and put them on the correct shelves before walking back to the front desk to grab the cart, which I needed to lug up the stairs."
I’m fine, really," he said, putting a hand to the thin cut running along his left cheekbone. "Kyle threw a rock at me in the parking lot after practice.
"I forced myself to be still, not to shrug away like I did sometimes. There was no reason to be so uptight around him."
He looked a little pissed for a minute, but he got over it fast. "Okay, you’re probably right," he said with a shrug and a tiny little smile. He leaned down and kissed me again.
"I’ll turn on the headlights so you can see to get in," he said."
"And not a soccer player in sight to ruin the evening."
"I expected to cry or be locked in my room or something… I expected to miss him more, I guess."
"Why wasn’t I good enough to wait for? What’s so wrong with me that he could just throw everything away for one night?"
"She’d probably say something like, ‘Melissa Anne, stop questioning yourself. You’re smart and beautiful, and that boy is a fool.'"
"I miss the way he could make me laugh and his stupid grin and how sweet he could be. I just don’t know if that’s enough to forgive him."
"I’m joining a convent after high school. No more boys."
"I’m not suggesting anything extreme—just wearing shirts that are a little lower-cut than normal, or showing a little leg. That’s all it will take."
"It’s like there are so many rules, but none of them make sense."
"Then maybe we should make up our own rules?"
"This whole strike has turned into a way to fuck with people, Lissa."
Part of me wanted him to say, "Fine," and stomp back inside, out of my hair and my life. But the other part of me—the louder, more emotional part—was thrilled that he cared enough to stay.
"I shouldn’t have been; I knew that. If there was one thing this strike had taught me it was that there was no right answer—it was okay to want or not want sex."
"But I guess sometimes knowing doesn’t fix everything. I’d played by the rules of secrecy and shame my entire life. Learning to break them would take time."
I felt Mary come up behind me so she could peer over my shoulder out the window. "I miss you," he said again. "I—"
"Cash’s eyes locked suddenly with mine as the second verse ended, and my heart thrummed in my chest."
""Yes," I said. "I’m not the same girl who let you make me feel guilty for not doing the things you wanted me to do. I’m done with that, and I’m done with you."
I just nodded, and he smiled. "Excuse us," Cash said, bumping past a shocked-looking Randy and holding my hand as he led me down the hill toward the back road where his car was located.
""Don’t tell me," I said. "Yes, it’ll drive me crazy, but… I’m learning, too."