
Career Of Evil Quotes

Career Of Evil by Robert Galbraith

Career Of Evil Quotes
"Colors seemed brighter this morning, the world a lovelier place."
"They belonged to you once you had killed them: it was a possession way beyond sex."
"A rock through a window never comes with a kiss."
"Is it any wonder that my mind’s on fire?"
"I seem to see a rose, I reach out, then it goes."
"While he had lived with Leda and her son, Whittaker’s teenage history of delinquency and violence had been known only to social services in the north of England."
"He had been born into a moneyed upper-middle-class family headed by a knighted diplomat whom Whittaker had believed, until the age of twelve, was his father."
"Whittaker had had an almost pathological need for attention."
"However, Leda’s fame was not all that attracted Whittaker."
"Leda had fallen pregnant in Strike’s eighteenth year, while he was applying for university."
"Strike suddenly realized that he had walked all the way to Aldgate East station without meaning to."
"Feeling easy on the outside, But not so funny on the inside."
"... you ain’t seen the last of me yet, I’ll find you, baby, on that you can bet."
"So grab your rose and ringside seat, We’re back home at Conry’s bar."
"Where’s the man with the golden tattoo?"
"Demented, he translated for the Englishman."
"You’re the detective that put her son away."
"You’ve done very well for yourself, haven’t you?"
"Someone called the police. Jamie got a caution. He didn’t care."
"We knew he would. She’d moved to Glasgow, got a job in a travel agent’s."
"He turned up at her flat at night, he’d tracked her down, but thanks be to God, her fiancé was staying over."
"They’re married now. No kids, because—well, you know why."
"Donnie—he telephoned her out of the jail and told her he knew she’d killed the baby."
"She and Ben have lovely holidays. They breed German Shepherds."
"She sank down beside Strike on the sofa, continuing to observe him with mingled awe and nerves."
"Her eyes were suddenly brimful of tears."
"I’m glad I was able to—able to help her."
"But they kicked him out. No discipline."
"He took up boxing instead. He had the gift of the gab, though."
"But you just ask Walter Gilchrist whether he was charming."
"But she and Ben have lovely holidays. And they breed—they breed German Shepherds."
"It’s not worth being murdered to escape your home life!"
"I love this job. I woke up this morning feeling sick about what I told you last night."
"This hasn’t got anything to do with what you told me last night and nothing to do with being tough."
"It can’t have been a first murder, can it?"
"That was done for the pleasure of doing it. He had a one-man orgy in that bathroom."
"A sadistic maniac who’s got a grudge against me and has decided to unite his hobbies."
"For fuck’s sake, it can’t be Digger," said Strike in frustration.
"If I’m not allowed to fish, you aren’t."
"You’re visiting someone, are you, Mr. Strike?"
"Well, am I driving you, or what?" she asked curtly.
"Moments of pleasure, in a world of pain."
"You could find beauty nearly anywhere if you stopped to look for it."
"He had not intended to wound Elin; he did not enjoy seeing her cry."
"The lady changed her name to Anastassia and died her hair and nobody ever found out were she went, she vanished."
"It’s just a story!" Brittany had insisted.
"I don’t trust horses," said Strike, smoking.
"Psychology’s loss," said Strike, "is private detection’s gain."
"It took them four hours to reach Market Harborough, a town which, as they established en route, neither Strike nor Robin had ever visited."
"Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."
"He was faking in the hospital. I know he was."
"Keen to smoke and to stretch his knee, Strike got out, lit up and went to examine a plaque that informed him the stilted edifice was a grammar school that had been built in 1614."
"This was the first time he’d been able to kill in private, to take his time, to organize things as he’d wanted."
"The thought of that dickhead serving his time still made him laugh sometimes…"
"He was inured to the shifts between frenetic activity and enforced passivity demanded by investigations."
"She was sobbing as she walked, wiping her eyes on her sleeve."
"He drove away, every particle of him elated and sated, his pockets seeping."
"He had given up on trying to pick up a girl in the usual way. It would have to be force."
"Strike had not yet called the number that Ingrid had given him for Brockbank."
"Fond as he was of his younger sister, he had come to accept that their relationship rested almost entirely on shared and largely traumatic memories."
"Strike remembered the stark, blank wall, barbed wire and looming submarine factory that had formed the view from Noel Brockbank’s childhood home."
"He didn’t look as good as he once had, he knew that, but he didn’t want to establish a pattern of doing prostitutes."
"She had the body of a glamour model and Robin was reminded of Platinum."
"She envied them. Whatever their private preoccupations, they were unlikely to include mutilation and murder."
"You want hand relief with oil? Twenty extra."
"If the press knew about you, they’d already be outside your house."
"You’re only making lists and phone calls."
"I had been looking forward to telling Strike about it, but there had been no time with Linda’s train due, and she had felt no inclination after he told her to stay at home."
"I’ve survived far worse than being sent a toe."
"I’m not a little girl. I’ve survived far worse than being sent a toe."
"Just because you wanted to get back to work, doesn’t mean it was in your best interests to do so."
"Everyone liked Robin. He liked Robin. How could he fail to like her, after everything they had been through together?"
"She had entered his life on the very day that he had split from Charlotte for good, after sixteen years of an on-off relationship."
"The sapphire on Robin’s third finger had been a bonus, then: a safeguard and a full stop."
"Robin was one of only three people (he suspected) who knew about that putative baby that Charlotte claimed to have lost."
"She was nowhere near as beautiful as Charlotte."
"Yet he liked her face. He liked her voice. He liked being around her."
"He fell to wondering how long Robin would continue working for him after she became Mrs. Cunliffe."
"It’s like I’m den mother—or Mother Superior, ha ha… anyway, I’m the one everyone confides in and comes to for advice."
"He had thought they were shit when he’d first heard them, but as his obsession with bringing down Strike had grown, so had his liking for their music."
"He hadn’t realized how much you’ll have made from solving those cases."
"The reality was that both Jason and Tempest had concealed information from the police."
"Being sworn at by random people was the price you paid for living in London, of course; she could not ever remember a stranger swearing at her in Masham, not even once."
"I’m definitely being paranoid, she thought, dropping the unfinished energy bar into a bin."
"Something had changed. The curtains had been pulled back."
"No!" Robin squealed as her right foot skidded out from under her."
"The heatwave that had descended on London was his enemy."
"It’s the time in the season for a maniac at night."
"I’m out of my place, I’m out of my mind…"
"Don’t turn your back, don’t show your profile."
"And if it’s true it can’t be you, It might as well be me."
"You see me now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars…"
"Do not envy the man with the x-ray eyes."
"A minuscule hall opened onto the sitting room. A TV and a single sofa constituted the only furnishings."
"YOU’RE LIVING WITH A PEDOPHILE!" Robin roared over the racket.
"Leave my mum—leave my mum alone!" shouted Angel.
"Ask your daughters!" shouted Robin as fists and elbows flew.
"Fucking liar!" shouted Alyssa, making to get up from the sofa again.
"He said he’d kill Zahara if I told you," said Angel into her mother’s neck.
"Listen," said Alyssa. "Thanks, all right?" she said, almost aggressively.