
The Right Move Quotes

The Right Move by Liz Tomforde

The Right Move Quotes
"They’ll never be on your level. That’s why you’ll be one of the greats."
"I want to be good for my guys, but I want respect for more than the way I play."
"I’m the man I was before the fame and fortune. Money has never gone to my head."
"Have I told you that you’re my favorite person in the entire world?"
"Life isn’t always black and white, Ryan."
"Diminished Ovarian Reserve—such a formal phrase to say my ovaries are aging more rapidly than the rest of my body."
"I can’t imagine going through life the way he does, never being able to let his guard down with all eyes on him."
"I want the rest of my life more than anything."
"The Ryan Shay wearing a Devils jersey is much like the one I live with. Governing of his space, not letting anyone close enough to affect him."
"One day, someone is going to be very lucky to land you."
"I want to be able to speak to your dad without you having to translate."
"He made me feel like I wasn’t enough yet too much all at the same time."
"You can’t stop being who you are because someone else thinks it’s too much, Ind. He can go find less."
"Indigo Ivers is the type of woman you keep forever."
"Every fiber in my body wants to close the gap between us and kiss her right now."
"You make me feel relaxed. Like I can be myself."
"All I’ve ever wanted is to be a mom, and I don’t care how."
"There’s nothing desperate about going after what you want most in life."
"Money comes and goes. This is your life. Be selfish for once."
"You spent six years catering to that guy’s timeline. It’s about time you do something for yourself."
"This is your life. Be selfish for once, Ind."
"There’s something about his humble confidence, the way he’s focused."
"You’re not broken. You just didn’t have the right distraction."
"I believe in love, but I’m a realist. You could love someone with your entire being, but it doesn’t guarantee they’ll love you in return."
"There is better out there, and if anyone deserves to get everything they want in life, it’s you."
"I was spiraling until a couple of years ago when I leaned into it. I dug myself out of that hole, I got my shit together, and put on a sparkling smile for the cameras."
"Why can’t you be the best and trust that there are people out there that want nothing from you, other than a front-row seat to support you?"
"I’ve never really suffered from mental health stuff before, but I fell into a pretty dark depression for a solid two years afterward."
"You’re the smartest guy on the team. You can still use your brain from the sidelines."
"Last night, you didn’t let me finish what I was trying to say."
"No one has ever come into my life without just looking for what they can gain from me, until you."
"I’ve never once felt taken advantage of by you."
"I want you, Ryan. I’ve always wanted you, but I didn’t know I could be so lucky to have you."
"Maybe it’s acts of service. That could be your love language."
"Like isn’t a strong enough word, Blue. This means everything to me, truly. Thank you."
"This is the time when you find out the kind of leader you are."
"Sometimes the quietest love is the loudest."
"I've gone twenty-seven years without being loved the way Ryan Shay loves me."
"I want your quiet love because those moments are the loudest declarations I've ever heard."
"You brought me back to life, Ind, and I will love you as long as you'll let me."
"I’ve got everything I could ever ask for. I’ve never been happier in my life."
"How else would you get to live a thousand lives in the span of only one?"
"I don’t feel the need to live in someone else’s reality. I enjoy my own far too much these days."
"I see my entire future when I look at you."
"Words of affirmation might be your love language."
"I’ll fight for you forever, but I need you to fight for us too."
"The silence allows for a moment of introspection."
"But son, in the almost five years you’ve lived here, the only time you’ve been able to step outside is to rush into a car or rush into the building across the street to see your sister. You’re not living here. You’re being watched."
"There’s been a constant pressure to not show any weaknesses, to not let you all know how scared I am to fail or to let this city down."
"I love this city, but that’s out of my control. So I’m going to go out there tonight and try my best while I have some fun with my guys."
"You don’t make the kinds of changes you’ve made for any reason other than love."
"This place is bursting with love and attention. I don’t know how else to explain it other than it feels like the textbook definition of a home."
"We live our happiest lives out here. You and me. Even if it’s always just you and me."
"There’s no question of how badly I want you or how much I love you. You know that, right?"
"I love you so much. You make me feel deserving of all the things I want in life."
"You are. You deserve every little thing you manage to dream for yourself."
"It’s everything I never let myself want, and it’s more than I knew I was allowed to dream for."