
The Bone Code Quotes

The Bone Code by Kathy Reichs

The Bone Code Quotes
"The kid was dead. That wasn’t the question."
"Within the gray backdrop of flesh, the bones burned white as Arctic snow."
"The wind was blowing angrier by the second."
"Suddenly, I sat forward, the gusts and thickening darkness forgotten."
"Beyond my window, the sky was a chaos of gunmetal, smoke, and green."
"I was poking at it, twisting the idea this way and that."
"I’ll talk to her." Feeling a flicker of guilt for disregarding Mrs. Flowers’s calls."
"The woman’s eyes were pale—not the usual blue or green but a shade closer to that of honey in a jar."
"Birdie studied me, wary. Perhaps irritated. Hard to tell with cats."
"Every now and then, I got up to peer out a window."
"We hunkered there the rest of the night, Birdie shivering, me wondering what devastation I would face in the morning."
"It’s not very well that I’ll see what the experts are saying."
"Stay tuned. I’ll be back in thirty with an update."
"Feeling the cat tense and resume shaking, I started to stroke him, slowly and gently."
"Unaware that the storm damage would be nothing compared to that triggered by an upcoming call."
"The beach was almost empty. Pounding along, I passed a few dog walkers playing fetch with their poodles or boxers."
"At the southern tip of IOP, beneath the bridge to Sullivan’s Island, a pod of dolphins executed slow, lazy loops in Breach Inlet."
"The quick two-mile jog helped to clear my mind."
"Mornings are not prime time for Anne. Even midmornings."
"You look lovely," I said. "Mm," Anne said."
"What is that?" "Vegemite. Super nutritious."
"Only if you’re Australian and stranded in the Outback."
"Laying aside my mobile, I felt relieved. And a bit unloved."
"After calling American Airlines, I gathered my belongings and assorted feline paraphernalia, then went in search of the cat."
"You’re really rocking the new look." Ryan’s hair was spiking in clumps around the bandage taped to his head.
"Below this dressing is manly bare bone." Pointing with the spoon to his right parietal.
"You seem extraordinarily chipper," I said.
"Could be some pharmaceuticals involved." Now the spoon indicated the drip line running into his arm.
"Better living through chemistry," I said.
"Winter is back and appears to be planning an extended stay."
"Tell me you found her." Not bothering to hide my drowsiness.
"In Quebec, social workers are overwhelmed and underpaid."
"Birdie seems a little under the weather."
"Don’t they have security to prevent outsiders doing that?"
"I’m sorry? Rolling on the floor laughing."
"The usual. A young woman, too many distractions—"
"The school science project was obviously a cover story."
"Monger said a family connection was never mentioned."
"The canal has two lift bridges—Pont Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague and Pont Laroque."
"The technique also holds promise for the treatment and prevention of more complex ailments such as cancer, heart disease, mental illness, and human immunodeficiency virus, HIV."
"Changes in somatic cells affect only certain tissues in an individual and are not passed from one generation to the next."
"Based on ethical as well as safety concerns, cell and embryo genome editing are currently illegal in many countries."
"After killing the light and the TV, I lay back and closed my eyes."
"The ocean boomed its relentless rhythm, muted by the glass."
"I’m making this tape in French in case he gets his hands on it."
"The gentleman was vague on those points."
"The only one with wanderlust seems to be Huger."
"According to customs and border patrol, Huger arrived Wednesday, left yesterday."
"The man confirmed that around 2000, Dr. Aubrey Sullivan Huger arranged for the hiring of Dr. Arlo Murray and Mademoiselle Mélanie Chalamet."
"The virus delivered the CRISPR/Cas9, which snipped the DNA and replaced the gene that would normally prevent infection from capno."
"Don’t quit on the murders of the women."
"We marveled at how a shared sequencing of base pairs had given Polly and Harriet and their great-aunt and grandmother identical features."
"Genetic genealogy had linked Aubrey Sullivan Huger to his youngest victim, Harmony Boatwright."
"The man’s own DNA had brought him down."