
The Fairy-Tale Detectives Quotes

The Fairy-Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley

The Fairy-Tale Detectives Quotes
"Of course they have bagels. They have bagels everywhere."
"It means someone who is pretending to be someone she’s not."
"Imagine how embarrassed I was when I heard what you said to the Keatons!"
"That’s why crazy people are so dangerous."
"We’re investigating a crime, naturally."
"Your father never told a lie in his life."
"We’re not sticking around to find out what it is."
"Lady, it’s you who’s going to have the regrets."
"We’re getting close, lieblings. When they send the goons, the bad guys are getting nervous."
"Ah, liebling, that is indeed the mystery we are trying to solve."
"I’ve got a question for you," Sabrina said. "These stories were written hundreds of years ago. How could all these people still be alive?"
"Easy child, it’s magic," Mrs. Grimm explained.
"You don’t care if we ever find them," Daphne sniffled. "Now you can run off like you planned with no one to stop you."
"We’re not going anywhere with you," Sabrina cried as she got to her feet.
"You cannot hide from me, Englishman!" the giant shouted as he lifted his enormous leg and stomped down hard on the little mountain cabin, flattening it like a pancake.
"You know what to do," Puck called to the pixies.
"We need your help with a giant," Sabrina said.
"Jack, I hate to interrupt, but we’ve really got to hurry. Is there anything you can tell us that will help?" Sabrina said.
"Now go, or I will change my mind!" Sabrina said.
"Get me out of this," the little girl cried.
"You were very convincing." Sabrina laughed as she helped her sister to her feet.
"Crane ran like he’d seen the devil himself," Sabrina said proudly.
"Listen, Crane, just let us pass and no one will get hurt," Jack said.
"I’ve seen the devil, and you’re not him," a voice said from down the hallway.
"Nothing personal, Ichy, but destiny awaits," he said.
"We must be too heavy!" Jack groaned. "Can we lose the hound?"
"Finally, this is getting interesting." He laughed.
"We’re going to get ourselves killed," she shouted.
"Don’t cry, big boy," Jack shouted to the giant as he disappeared behind them on the horizon.
"Poor thing is all worn out," she said, cooing.
"Family tradition," Sabrina said in hopes of throwing him off.
"You weren’t supposed to bring him back."
"I’ve learned one thing in this life of mine. Look out for yourself. Everyone else will just end up disappointing you."
"She knew I wasn’t a good little boy when we met."
"There’s no need to leave," Charming said. "We’ll have the mansion back to its old self in just a matter of moments."
"Whatever," the little girl said, grabbing Sabrina’s hand tightly.
"What’s happened to our lives?" Sabrina wondered.
"I didn’t mean for that to happen," Sabrina said.
"We’re going to have a parade in my honor for this," the young man said with a sick smile.
"Granny Relda and Mr. Canis?" Daphne whispered as tears filled her eyes.
"I’m going to be famous again, but for another reason."
"I’ve been killing giants since I was a lad. I suspect I won’t have too much trouble with an old mutt like you."
"I’ve heard what this town thinks of my family and what my death might mean for your freedom."
"I have power here. I have wealth and respect."
"Tonight, I am your ally, and I will help you save your grandmother and Canis."
"It’s about this, old woman. It’s about capturing my rightful place in the spotlight," Jack said.
"That was a warning shot, ladies," the young man shouted.
"You have to step through it," said Sabrina.
"We’re not going anywhere without our grandmother and Mr. Canis," Sabrina said.
"Try again and see if it was luck," the prince said.
"Blimey! Charming and the Grimms on the same side? I never thought I’d live to see the day," he said.
"I’m not playing any more games with you people," Charming said.
"I suspect I won’t have too much trouble with an old mutt like you."
"ENGLISHMAN!" a booming voice growled, shaking the windows in their frames.