
The Devil Colony Quotes

The Devil Colony by James Rollins

The Devil Colony Quotes
"I think so. According to the map, there should be a small stream at the bottom of this ravine. The cave entrance should be where the creek bends around to the north."
"The old man’s got one foot in the grave and a head full of peyote."
"My grandfather says the Great Spirit still haunts this cave. Guarding a huge treasure of our people."
"Grandfather says whoever trespasses into the Great Spirit’s cave is never allowed to leave."
"All this land, going back to 1861, was once part of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation."
"Why should we have to wait to be handed back our rights by the U.S. government?"
"Maybe they were hiding something down there, something they didn’t want anyone to know about?"
"Even now, I can sense unseen forces mobilizing into position."
"Neutrinos continually shot straight through the earth from space."
"It has to be a lab error. A glitch of some kind."
"Riku believes the neutrinos might be geoneutrinos."
"Kai understood. 'And the cold water here... it helped hide us.'"
"Painter’s fingers tightened on the phone. 'She’s back in the U.S.?'"
"Grayson! Where’s my sander? Why can’t you goddamn stay out of my stuff?"
"At last, a final light blinked off, sinking the yard into shadows."
"I’ve got the best rat catchers money can buy."
"If you’re right, maybe it was lucky—but I don’t place much faith in luck or coincidence."
"Here were the hunters who had been described by Captain Huld."
"You must see this," Tanaka said, and slapped a fistful of papers on his desk.
"The changes have been slow. It took hours to recognize what was happening."
"I believe that what we’re witnessing is an approach toward critical mass."
"Your mention of Iceland does offer some support for Matt’s theory."
"The people of the Tawtsee’untsaw Pootseev taught our people much, gathering shamans from tribes throughout the West."
"Painter prepared to argue. He wanted to leave the professor here with Kai, to keep them out of harm’s way."
"They supported her both financially and emotionally, offering a bond of family that had been sorely missing since the death of her father."
"They were called the people of the Tawtsee’untsaw Pootseev."
"The plan was to interview the guide, to see what they could learn."
"Despite the tender ministrations of my dear Ashanda."
"The moon and star had been scraped out of the rock, but the spiral was composed of thousands of pinkie-sized drill holes."
"It's the opening to a breathing cavern system. It's dependent on atmospheric pressure."
"The moon and star carved into the slab's petroglyph—are clues to that tragedy."
"The ancient artist used both techniques that they had seen demonstrated elsewhere."
"But it was not a river of water. From the crack, black mud boiled and flowed, popping and spewing a sulfurous steam."
"The ancient people, the Tawtsee’untsaw Pootseev, could possibly be descendants of a lost tribe of Israel."
"The Devil Colony, yes. The negotiations, though held in secret, were fairly well along."
"The moon-and-star symbol goes back to the ancient Moabites, who shared bloodlines with both the Israelites and the Egyptians of the time."
"Sometimes Monk wished his own mind worked that way, but maybe it was better it didn’t."
"Painter has a couple of those gold plates with him out west."
"According to Fortescue’s journal, the Indian map was hidden by Jefferson."
"You think Jefferson had Rittenhouse help him hide the map at the mint," she said. "To hide it in plain view."
"The presidential order, folded and resting on his knee, bore a wax seal, both official and archaic at the same time."
"Your men will pull back from this side of the bridge. I want the boy as a sign of your goodwill. Then I will go below and fetch the jar. After that, we will make our final trade."
"It was only the beginning. On Waldorf’s signal, four soldiers at the back of the cordon opened fire on the other mint officers."
"Your assessment sounded solid to me." Seichan ran her fingertips over the gold surface, feeling for any evidence of a faint map.
"At the present," Waldorf said, "we’re storing around a hundred and fifty million ounces of gold here."
"The sooner we get this done, the sooner you’re all out of here."
"It’s not like we have any choice," the young man reminded him.
"Gray understood the need for speed. They all did."
"Flames continued to lap around it and smoke roiled high into the night sky, like a signal flare."
"Their trail, which had grown cool, was suddenly hot again."
"It’s not a matter of if that supervolcano will erupt, it’s a matter of when."
"We have to dig up the body of Meriwether Lewis."
"That was the view that was held for the longest time."
"We’ve been collecting data going back to 1923."
"It’s a singular fact that in Yellowstone National Park, no knowledge of the country seems to have been derived from the Indians."
"Then, Monsieur Crowe, if you wish your niece to live, you’d best make this exchange as quickly as possible."
"Give me an e-mail address. I’ll send you all the relevant data."
"I doubt that such destruction will serve even your aims."
"I may have a way of neutralizing any threat he poses, but I will still be careful."
"Do I believe you, Monsieur Crowe? Could you be telling the truth?"
"But worst of all, the ash blown into the atmosphere would dim the sun and drop the earth’s temperature by twenty degrees."
"We either team up, share our knowledge, in order to stop this from happening, or it’s the end of everything."
"With such brittle bones, I’m sure that is a trait you’ve honed well."
"It would be the loudest explosion heard by mankind in over seventy thousand years."
"Painter imagined the worldwide starvation, the chaos, the death."
"First, it would be the loudest explosion heard by mankind in over seventy thousand years."
"The human species survived that eruption by the breadth of a hair."
"The eruption is inevitable, and geological evidence indicates that it will be soon."
"The volcanic winter that followed in its wake wiped out most of the human population."
"It’s happened before. Only seventy thousand years ago."
"Rest well, my friend. Your long vigil is over."