
Help For The Haunted Quotes

Help For The Haunted by John Searles

Help For The Haunted Quotes
"If you believe in one, you must accept the existence of the other."
"People don’t need to know what goes on inside our house, so you and Rose shouldn’t say anything to anyone—no matter who it is."
"If there is good, there is bad. If you believe in one, you must accept the existence of the other."
"Only by entering into the most crystalline of consciousnesses and by raising our voices vociferously enough to be heard by those in power will the citizens of this great but troubled country of ours send such bigotry and phobia tumbling toward obsolescence."
"It’s not that far. Not if you take that path behind the foundation across the street."
"You girls are horrible! Horrible! You say your parents travel the country searching for demons. Well, I can save them the trip. Because they’ve got two of the most wicked little girls right here in their own home!"
"I have to soak these weary bones. This house has an awful chill to it. You’d never guess it’s May."
"Normally, after last bell, I walked against the foot traffic to the rear exit and out onto the winding path through the woods, past the distant hum of the highway and along the fence behind Watt’s Poultry Farm toward home."
"I learned to love the little things about him, because of all the big things I could not love, no one could, it would be wrong to."
"Some people would claim that’s not much of a change, since recipes are little poems in their own way. Wouldn’t you agree?"
"Despite how often I took it, the path I first followed when Dot had been locked in our parents’ bathroom should have been well tread by then. But like some fairy-tale forest, it remained forever overgrown and unwelcoming."
"I knew how it felt when people pushed on a sensitive topic, so I told him I was sorry, but I didn’t ask more."
"I left those memories of what seemed like two other girls behind and made my way across the street."
"It’s just funny that the people in the front seats agree with you," Rose said, "since the Bible is racist and they are such big believers in everything the book says."
"The ghostbusters won’t be done for a while," Howie said to both of us. "What do you say we go have some fun?"
"Well, my husband is still inside speaking. If you hurry, you can hear him."
"I’ll try," I said, unable to muster even a hint of enthusiasm in my voice.
"Afternoon news came on at last, I listened as a perky anchorwoman repeated the same information about the elderly man who had come forward in the case."
"We have Lynch’s footprints and fingerprints inside that church."
"Our father was once a dentist. Didn’t you ever talk to him about it?"
"I’m saying that maybe I was wrong. Maybe I didn’t see him."
"You never know what you’re going to get when you pull the lever."
"It’s about sensing what’s inside a person. Most people could do the same if they tried."
"Each of us is born into this life with a light inside of us."
"If you think buying a book for some crap counselor takes priority over keeping the lights and heat on, or putting food on the table."
"I’m sure it was a bunch of BS. Our uncle is a drunk and liar, just like Dad always says."
"It's my own guilt. That's the simple answer, anyway."
"It might help you see the world the way everyone else does."
"I think it's better to let the past stay where it is."
"You have a great deal of your mother in you. I can sense it."
"It's not the end of the world if you don't always know all the answers."
"What is prayer but meditation? What is a demon but a fear that lives inside us, one we cannot easily conquer on our own?"
"People misunderstood my mother and father. They took the things they did and twisted it around. All my parents wanted was to help people."
"We should be sharing this thing that you—that we are able to do. We should let others know how many people we’ve helped. It’s a hopeful message."
"You seem like a nice man. And this story sounds important to you. Uncomfortable as it makes me, I’d like to help."
"Your mother was an honest woman, but I got the feeling that was one of the rare lies she told."
"We have become: a ship taking on the dark and icy sea, about to sink."
"Well, I was just wondering when Mom is going to rise from the dead?"
"Despite his reasoning that there were only a few exposures left, I counted nine before I interrupted to ask if he could please take one of my mother and me."
"So when will Mom be better?" "Soon," my father told me. "Very soon."
"Slowly, I stood. I saw a figure step out of the car and walk in the direction of our house, carrying an object of some sort."
"First thing I pulled out was a bible, thin pages highlighted and dog-eared same as my mother’s."
"In the silence, I braced myself for the wide back door of the station wagon to swing open, for the blanket to be yanked off and for her to discover me."
"I slept more peacefully than I had in the months since that doll came to our house."
"I knew I could count on you. And now, Sylvie, I need to ask your help with something else."
"When that happened, my father used to leave the light on for me. He said it would be harder to imagine bad things happening when there was light to see by."
"I've done everything you've asked! Everything!"
"You want the truth? Okay, the fact is this: there is not a single thing wrong with me, but there is something very wrong with the two of you!"
"I see. You’re right. I don’t have to tell you the way Rose can make things happen."
"We used to keep you girls separate from our work, as much as possible. As time’s gone on, I’ve realized we failed at that."
"May I please have seconds? I don’t want to be in the way."
"Even the greatest blizzards begin with one or two seemingly innocent snowflakes drifting down from the sky."
"Do not be anxious about anything. But in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
"The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in our Lord Jesus Christ."
"The sunniest and hottest I’d experienced in my life."
"What I mean is that it starts out good—my mother is showing me the emergency exit rows—but peaceful as they begin, the dreams always turn bad."
"It’s only reasonable to expect more than that one call in all this time."
"I remember," I said, "when Rose and I were little, and it got this hot, you used to take us swimming."
"Maybe so. But I’d at least like a phone call to—"
"Most people, they are afraid to believe in ghosts. Me, I’m afraid not to believe."
"It wasn’t true," Rose said. "It wasn’t true."
"The rule that we could always tell them whatever we were thinking or feeling, and they would do their best to understand."
"Love and hate. Greed. Revenge. Pride. Those things turned Dad into his own demon."
"You know what can make a person possessed, Sylvie? It’s not Satan or Lucifer or any of that nonsense. Do you know what it is?"
"Each of us is born into this life with a light inside of us. Some, like yours, burn brighter than others."
"Famous? I remembered the way my father shimmied against that nozzle, rain sopping his hair, dripping from his lashes as he said, Well, now that you mention it, I suppose it would be nice to show them."
"Her coming was my hope each day," she said in a broken voice, " ‘her parting was my pain; the chance that did her steps delay. Was ice in every vein.’"
"What did you mean about love and hate? Were you talking about Dad?" "Yes. But I mean me and Franky too," she said. "Those things made us demons as well. First her. And then me."