
Fires Of Winter Quotes

Fires Of Winter by Johanna Lindsey

Fires Of Winter Quotes
"The village basked in the luxurious warmth of the midsummer sun."
"His unease gradually left him, replaced by a feeling that he was about to have some long overdue good fortune."
"His eyes traveled downward, but only for a second, so the girl would have no hint of his intentions."
"You must surely be a man from the sea, or you would know that the crops are planted in the spring and harvested in the fall, with little to do ’atween."
"This time, yea, this time she would have the marriage first and the play after."
"’Tis fortunate, I suppose, that the nag I call Willow threw me, or I would not have come in time to see justice done."
"Brenna sat in the center of her large bed polishing her sword with the care given a prized possession."
"’Tis a wonder more women do not cut their throats rather than submit to such agony every night."
"For hadn’t she wounded his brother and so caused him untold shame?"
"There was no honor in killing a woman, let alone one who was bound and helpless."
"The trail was a narrow one made by the slaves who hauled the great stones up to the site."
"Anselm had not wanted the house anyway, for its stone walls made it so cold in winter."
"He was a hunter, skilled with the arrow and spear."
"In winter, he was not opposed to sailing north through the warm coastal waters as far as the North Cape, in search of polar bears."
"This girl would be a thorn in Garrick’s side, a veritable she-devil."
"The weather was already turning cooler, a sign that the season of the midnight sun was drawing to a close."
"She is a fighter too, this one; in truth, she is trained in warfare."
"When Garrick left he took almost all of his slaves to sell, leaving me with only a few to care for this iceberg of a house."
"My task is completed. Will you return with me to the feast, mistress?"
"The great Viking longship moved up the fjord like a huge dragon with oars for wings."
"I have milk myself, mistress. ’Tis thought to be a healthful drink."
"You are sadly mistaken if you think I want to share my bed with you, but I can see no other way this night if I am to get any sleep."
"Nay, but she has no weapon now, wench. You would match your strength to mine, but you know you will fall the loser."
"I was ordered to care for you, but I would have done so anyway."
"I applaud the entertainment, Bayard, but do you think it wise to arm a slave?"
"The food you eat, the clothes you wear, they come from me!"
"I can see no other way this night if I am to get any sleep."
"I do not throw tantrums, Viking. I speak my mind."
"I suppose I can make an exception this once."
"I have decided to deal with you differently."
"Put your fears to rest. You will not perish in my bed."
"Because you have my seed and ’twill be awhile before I can give you more."
"But someone will answer dearly for what I was led to expect!"
"I have learned much this day, Viking. My thanks."
"Mayhaps even now he was scheming other ways to bring her down, but she would handle them in turn."
"She would never bend, either, and Garrick Haardrad would learn that truth in time, even if he did not accept it."
"I do not mind one man at a time, but not one after another as it is at a feast."
"I have tried not to hate you, Viking, since you were not personally to blame for my being here, but you are making it difficult!"
"There is only one way I know of that a slave can gain his freedom, and that is to help during a feud, to kill an enemy of the clan."
"I find it hard to believe that a broken heart can do so much damage."
"’Tis easy to see you have never lost your heart, Brenna, or you would know of the devils that can wreak vengeance on a grieving mind."
"She was doubly grateful now that her father had cared not a whit for custom or tradition, else she too might be like these other women, passive behind the yoke."
"Get about your work!" Anselm barked, and made his way to the house.
"I cannot bear to see you walking when ’tis unnecessary." - Brenna
"I will walk, Mistress Brenna," Coran informed her.
"I should not have come, I suppose. ’Tis too soon for you to forget what I did, or to understand why." - Anselm
"You hear my voice, but do not comprehend my words. ’Tis just as well," he sighed.
"’Tis time you learned, Coran. Now come on. I will think you do not like my company if you refuse again."
"She cannot take me home, Erin," Brenna murmured, and some of the joy left her eyes for a moment.
"Home is where the heart is, and my heart is across that black sea." - Brenna
"I will never forgive myself for this." - Garrick
"I speak only truth. There is much to me you have not yet seen."
"God's mercy! 'Twas better when you would brood and were predictable. I hate inconsistency!"
"I would know your intentions, Garrick. Will you wed me?"
"You will stay in this house, since 'tis where you prefer to be. I will find another to entertain me at the feast."
"If you touch me you will not live long to regret it!"
"Damn you, Viking! May you never find your Valhalla, but rot in hell with Loki's daughter!"
"I gave her all I had to give, but nay, 'tis not enough for her!"
"Merciful God, show me which way I should go!"
"I would sooner die than take Hugh from you. He disgusts me."
"You are a freewoman and a guest, Brenna. Taking payment from a guest is unheard of."
"I did not run away, Erin. I was taken away by two Vikings from across the fjord."
"I want you for my wife. I want to forget the past and start anew."
"I know my son has done much that I am not proud of."
"I would see Brenna free, rather than belonging to someone else."
"’Tis not a question of how many times, but whether she can survive this time."