
Going Solo Quotes

Going Solo by Zoe Sugg

Going Solo Quotes
"The moment I finish the blog post, I hand over my laptop to Elliot."
"Looks fine to me," he says after a few agonizing seconds.
"Immediately I feel a burden lift off my shoulders. It’s done now."
"I can’t believe him. Brooklyn Boy is letting us down."
"You’ve done the right thing by putting your story out there and getting people off your back."
"Everyone is preparing for life beyond sixth form."
"And don’t fret too much about Noah, promise?"
"But, honey, lots of actors suffer from it, and they keep on performing! In France it’s called avoir le trac."
"This is something I’ve been dealing with for so long now that I don’t expect an easy fix. Don’t worry, Penny, I didn’t come down here only because of that. I’m having a lot of fun."
"It’s called Girl Online. It used to be anonymous, but then when all the stuff with Noah happened it kind of gave away who I am."
"Thanks! I love it. It’s sort of like a Tardis."
"To Penny, who saw the real me. Big love, Leah."
"I genuinely don’t know," says Mum with a sigh. "I’ve known a few actresses who let stage fright ruin their careers."
"There’s no way she’d know that I’ve arranged to meet Leah already. It must be about something else."
"I think for the supermodels in the nineties it was ten thousand dollars . . ."
"But I’m sure I’ll be seeing a lot more of you soon, Penny." Jane waves at me and drives off the moment I shut the door.
"Since you told me last night you’d be going to the masquerade, I thought you’d better have a proper mask to wear."
"It’s only after everyone has sat down for the wedding breakfast that Mum and her team of helpers are allowed our first few moments of rest."
"You are Autumn Girl, I think. I shake the thought from my head. I don’t want to be Autumn Girl."
"I don’t want to be just a lyric in a song. I want to be loved for who I am, in a relationship that’s equal."
"I want to be able to make mistakes. I want to throw myself in at the deep end, without worrying about the consequences."
"I want to make a fool of myself and not be self-conscious."
"The music is quite slow, and because I don’t know how to waltz and feel awkward, we end up doing an odd sort of shuffle."
"We’re causing a scene," I say to Noah through gritted teeth.
"You don’t just get to come back here and pretend like everything is OK! You left—and only one stupid note."
"I promise to tell you all when it’s ready. It’s just an idea at the moment and I feel like if I talk about it or even think too much about it then it might fly away."
"Nothing more is going to happen to her. Losing her part in the show is bad enough."
"Leah’s not pressing charges, and she’s leaving it up to me to do what I think best."
"I can’t help the tears that well up in my eyes."
"As long as you’re with me, I’ll be up for anything."
"I wish I could bottle the moonlight and take it home with me."
"I can’t believe it’s been a year now since Noah and I first met."
"I thought maybe I could help people who were like me. People with anxiety."
"Girl Online has finally come offline—and it’s just as amazing as I could ever have hoped."